Essay Sample: Theoretical Perspective and the Intervention Phase

Published: 2023-04-04
Essay Sample: Theoretical Perspective and the Intervention Phase
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Social work Ethical dilemma Human services
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1003 words
9 min read

The National Association of Social Workers Code of Ethics provides a set of principles that govern the practice and professional conduct of social workers. According to the NAWS Code of ethics, the social worker's primary role is to address social problems and help those in need. They also pursue social change and challenge social injustices (NASW, n.d.). Social workers are also required to respect and uphold inherent dignity and individuals' worth. Although not directly connected, empowerment is just one of the many ways social workers perform all the above (NASW, n.d.).

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I would start by appreciating her success in getting the patient to open up. Issues of anxiety and loneliness, especially for a single mother is not only dangerous to oneself but also people around Kylie. Thus, using a Coping-Skill training, to help her adapt through the change would be a significant way for the social worker to uphold her duty of pursuing a social change (Cummins & Sevel, 2011). Then advise her to be open-minded on treatments she has decided to use and not to be afraid to mix or use multiple therapies such as the exposure therapy with yoga to help the patient to manage her anxiety. Also, to be careful not to allow her emotions to get in the way of her treatment or interfere with her decisions.

I find exposure therapy very useful and especially in the treatment of anxiety-related cases such as Kylies. Exposure therapy applies cognitive-behavioral techniques to help the patient open up and have the courage to face the traumatic events or new changes (Wheeler, 2014). It is also a very effective technique of helping the patient accept that the incident took place (Grant, Dawson, Stinson, Chou, & Dufour, 2004).

Based on what you have read in course content (Chapter 3: "Individual Engagement"), what would you have done differently to establish rapport? What would you do the same?

Establishing a rapport with the client is always that first success in any interventions or session. Erin displays fear, and this, therefore, calls for the immediate establishment of a trusting relationship. To attain this, I would have engaged Erin from the moments she walks in, explains to her my purpose in the interaction, and make it all about her by asking her personal preferences and interests. Exploring her perspective of the problem, and maintaining positive regard, unconditionally would also help foster trust within the interaction.

Erin is beginning to exhibit resistance before she knows what the process of change will be. Identify how narrative intervention techniques could be used by Kylie to: Validate Erin's experiences, Help form a connection in the perception of Erin's life story and obstacles Empower Erin to see her strengths, and move forward in the change process.

Erin displays some form of resistance even before she gets to know what the process of change would be. To tackle this, the use of narrative intervention techniques will be valuable as this would tell Erin of her situations, experiences, and feelings in a way that will validate them, as well as drain the problems from her, thus highlighting them in a different light. Erin will be empowered by this, knowing that she can treat her problems as separate entities from her.

Erin has mentioned the support of her pastor and his wife have provided, her connection with her mother, and her hopes about re-connecting with friends. Explain how and why Kylie might use cognitive-behavioral intervention techniques to help Erin challenge her thoughts and feelings about being alone and uncared for? Enter your response in the text box.

The cognitive-behavioral intervention will be useful in handling the behavioral as well as mental issues that she is encountering. CBT has the potential of changing one's attitudes, perspectives, and thoughts towards themselves as well as the environment around them, and this will thus help shift her mindset from a pessimistic to an optimist worldview. CBT will help her change her routines and patterns and from healthy relationships with her environment.

Erin has mentioned the support of her pastor and his wife have provided, her connection with her mother, and her hopes about re-connecting with friends. Explain how and why Kylie might use cognitive-behavioral intervention techniques to help Erin challenge her thoughts and feelings about being alone and uncared for? Enter your response in the text box

From the narrations by Erin, it is clear that these are her thoughts and how she perceives herself. Kyle could, in this case, employ CBT to help Erin change her attitude and self-perception, and thus help her feel less disrupted by what she feels other people think of her. Kylie could also incorporate strength-based interventions to help validate Erin's situation, and thereby empower her to move things towards a positive direction.

Kylie continues to use strengths-based approaches to validate Erin's story while empowering her to see things differently and move forward in the change process. How could the information that Erin has shared be used to create goals that would empower change? Enter three goals that would be strengths-based and appropriate in the text box.

Erin states that she feels her life is out of control. To address this, Kyle could establish three goals, and these would be to create manageable tasks for her to remind her that she in control. Kylie could also incorporate role-playing to make Erin view her life from another person's perspective and realize that she is not badly off. Lastly, Kylie could give Erin tools like catchphrases and ask her to repeat them when she feels inadequate.


Cummins, L. K., & Sevel, J. A. (2011). Social Work Skills for Beginning Direct Practice: Text, Workbook, and Interactive Multimedia Case Studies (4th ed.)

Grant, B. F., Dawson, D. A., Stinson, F., Chou, S. P., & Dufour, M. C. (2004).

NASW. (n.d.). Code of Ethics. Retrieved from National Association of Social Workers:

Wheeler, K. (2014). Psychotherapy for the advanced practice psychiatric nurse: A how-to guide for evidence-based practice (2nd ed.). New York: Springer Publishing Company.

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