Times Magazine Instagram Post: Rhetorical Analysis Essay

Published: 2023-12-27
Times Magazine Instagram Post: Rhetorical Analysis Essay
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Media Social media
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 875 words
8 min read


Times Magazine made a post on their Instagram page with a picture of an African American woman with a caption of a message vouching against gun violence in Chicago, United States (Instagram). The statement talks about Tyrone, a victim of gun violence in Chicago's streets. Tyrone is a 33-year old male shot several times on the chest and succumbed to his injuries in a drive-by shooting. Tyrone's family is devastated, and worse, the detectives are making slow strides in the investigation. The situation reflects gun violence in Chicago, where on the 4th of July weekend, 87 people got shot, and 17 killed (Instagram). In the picture, the African American woman is Linda Long, Tyrone's mother, and it is an activist post.

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Visual Rhetorical Analysis

The picture's arrangement is right, as Instagram provides an excellent structure to post a picture and add a caption. Therefore, the image shows good organization, and it is easy for anyone to read and understand the message in the caption (Greenwood et al.). The caption gives a quote from the African American woman, Linda Long, in the picture, and the presentation takes a layering format. It makes it simple to access the information, which separates the image from its caption.

The picture does not contain any emphasis on the caption. Emphasis can use all caps or boldface text, but the post is direct in sentence case (Greenwood et al.). It does not use any color on the words, including shapes and lines that may be useful for additional information. Instagram makes a caption visible to users, and the user does not need to use forms of emphasis. However, stress can make the post attractive, therefore garnering more attention. The post has excellent clarity. It makes it easy for a viewer to look at the photograph and relate it to the caption's message. The post uses a simple Times New Roman post, which is official and straightforward. It is a useful aspect of design, and Instagram makes it simple for users to create clear posts (Greenwood et al.). They give the post meaning and style with good organization. It avoids frustration and confusion from the viewer, and it also requires the use of appropriate language and suitable typefaces. They make the rhetorical situation clearer to the viewer.

The post is concise because of the excellent choice of content. Times magazine uses the picture appropriately together with the caption. The message may also carry another message of racial discrimination as detectives do not bother to investigate, probably because the deceased is African American. The post does not use many design elements as direct and straightforward. The simplicity of the post contributes significantly to its rhetorical position (Greenwood et al.).

The tone of the post is excellent with its simplicity. It makes it easy for a viewer to interpret its message. The picture is clear with standard colors and dull background. It shows the emphasis on the African American woman on the post, who is a critical part of the message. The African American woman on the post puts on a stern face. It is an essential aspect of passing the picture's message as it talks about gun violence, murder, and discrimination. It sets the tone before the viewer continues to read the caption, which contains more information (Greenwood et al.). The post does not use boldface and large font, which may discourage the viewers and may seem harsh or too severe. The post's illustrations are fundamental and direct, making it friendly, casual, and essential in passing the message.

The ethos in the post is excellent. Ethos is the credibility of the post, and its design is essential for a viewer to relate to the situation. The image's persona is a frustrated person who is seeking justice and an end to gun violence in Chicago and the United States as it is causing havoc and wrecking lives.

The reader can trust the post, and ethos is vital in maintaining the brand image of Times Magazine. The use of too many graphics, for example, cartoons and effects, may make the post too casual for a viewer to consider reading the post and thinking it as a credible message (Greenwood et al.). The post does not use a logo to add credibility; however, Instagram verifies official company accounts like Times Magazine. Therefore, Instagram improves the ethos of the post with the verification sign.


The post arranges the test and image excellently, making it simple for a viewer to read and understand. There is an emphasis on the post with deep colors focusing on the African American woman on the picture and a blurry background. The post is clear with simple font and sentence case.

The caption's information is concise and is enough to pass information about gun violence, drugs, trade, and discrimination. The tone is clear with good graphics and the African American woman's facial expression on the picture. The post's simplicity and clarity boost the image's ethos even with the Times Magazine account's Instagram verification.

Works Cited

Greenwood, M., et al. "Toward a methodology for analyzing visual rhetoric in corporate reports." Organizational Research Methods, vol. 22, no. 3, 2018, pp. 798-827, doi:10.1177/1094428118765942

Instagram. "Times Magazine." Instagram, 2020, www.instagram.com/sebastianhidalgo_photo/

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Times Magazine Instagram Post: Rhetorical Analysis Essay. (2023, Dec 27). Retrieved from http://land-repo.site.supplies/essays/times-magazine-instagram-post-rhetorical-analysis-essay?pname=speedypaper.com

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