Free Essay Dedicated to The Luck of Roaring Camp Story

Published: 2019-09-09
Free Essay Dedicated to The Luck of Roaring Camp Story
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Literature Society
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1188 words
10 min read

In the story The Luck of Roaring Camp by Bret Harte, there are various issues that society can learn from the story and which helps in the improvement of the quality of life in modern society. There is also the importance of reading the books as it helps the society to appreciate the nature and protect others from the various challenges in the society. There is need for the society to ensure that the theme if hospitality is developed in the society and that the population gets to appreciate the lives of strangers and the impacts that they have in the society. The main argument in the story is how practicing hospitality in the society helps in attracting luck and this is evident in the way the miners were hospitable to Luck, a child that was born to Cherokee Sal and their helping the boy in the process of growing up helped them to be lucky and this is evident in the way they harvested gold from the gold mine (Harte 127).

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The topic is of great importance in the modern society assist encourages the population to ensure that they help other people who are in various kinds of difficulties and that the society practices hospitality o the strangers. The topic serves to empower the generations to ensure that they help those in need and that they engage in the improvement of the welfare of the society through collective efforts. In this manner, the story means that the neglected in the society have their importance in the society and the population needs to appreciate the benefits and preserve them in order to attract the benefits for the neglected people in the society. In order to analyze the book and the topic, this research study plans to carry out holistic analysis ion the matter by analyzing various books to get the views of different authors in the society. The ideas of different authors would help in confirming the theme of the story and help in advising the population benefits of hospitality and caring for the strangers and the neglected

Annotated Bibliography

Johnson, Susan Lee. Roaring camp: The social world of the California gold rush. WW Norton & Company, 2001.

According to Johnson and Susan, the short story by Bret Harte helps in focusing attention on the challenges that women go through and the effects of the challenges and acknowledges that there is need to focus attention on the challenges of the women and help in eliminating the challenges. In this manner, the author brings to the attention the need to help the women from their woes in order to avoid the challenges that the boy Luck faced due to the death of his mother. Much thought is then given to the effects of the challenges of the women as they are seen as the main guardians of the children and their death has several effects to the society as a whole a specifically the children in the society.

Harte, Bret, and Ed Begley. The Luck of Roaring Camp. Caedmon, 1942.In this case, the author Harte, helps in acknowledging the impacts of hospitality in the society and proves that hospitality that the miners offered to the boy Luck led to their success in the organization. In this case, the author claims that there is no reward to hospitality and this is in agreement with the benefits that they got from their activities as miners. The huge returns and the exploration activities, they believed, was from their goodness to the child. The author therefore encourages the society to maintain being hospitable to strangers and help in preserving their values in the society. The collective efforts to help the weak in the society help in the improving the welfare of the society as a whole.

Brown, Allen B. "The Christ Motif in The Luck of Roaring Camp." Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters 46 (1960): 629-33.

In this book, the author, Brown, puts great focus on the natural calamity that took place in the Roaring Camp, the gold mining settlement. Roaring Camp was on the Mokulmne River in Amador County in California and it was a home to forty-nine miners that were seeking gold at the banks of the river. He author relates the floods that took place in the year 1862 that Harte witnessed and the impacts that the floods has brought to the modern society. This is because the region where the flood took place attracts huge numbers of tourists that help in the collection revenue for the country. The author in this case advices the society to have a positive view of the challenges and seek ways in which they can create solutions to disasters that take place in the society.

Nissen, Axel. "The Feminization of Roaring Camp: Bret Harte and The American Woman's Home." Studies in Short Fiction 34.3 (1997): 379.

In this case, much focus is put on the challenges that miner go through in the process of extracting the treasure in the society and the need for the governments and authorities to examine the available solutions that can be implemented to improve the living conditions of the society. There is need for the authorities to identify the solutions that can be implemented in the process of mining and help in improving the working condition of the miners. In this case, there is need to ensure that there is the enactment of proper regulations to govern the process of mining and help in improving the living conditions of the society.

Simpson, Claude Mitchell, ed. The local colorists: American short stories, 1857-1900. Harper, 1960.The final authors that takes the evaluation of the story posits that the book focuses on the economic challenges that the society face and calls on the governments and the relevant authorities to ensure that there is proper evaluation of the fiscal policies to improve the financial conditions of the society. The challenges that the society face due to economic challenges affect standards of living and forces the society to engage in activity that are detrimental to their health and physical well-being. It is in this light that there is the need for the society to ensure need to bridge the gap between the poor as the author compares the gap between the rich and tycoon that deal in the business of the selling gold and the miners that risk their lives to mine the gold. The author, in this case, proves that the poor economic policies leads to the challenges increase in the gap between the rich and the poor member sin the society and leads to unfair division of resources in the society.

Works Cited

Brown, Allen B. "The Christ Motif in The Luck of Roaring Camp." Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters 46 (1960): 629-33.

Harte, Bret, and Ed Begley. The Luck of Roaring Camp. Caedmon, 1942.Johnson, Susan Lee. Roaring camp: The social world of the California gold rush. WW Norton & Company, 2001.

Nissen, Axel. "The Feminization of Roaring Camp: Bret Harte and The American Woman's Home." Studies in Short Fiction 34.3 (1997): 379.

Simpson, Claude Mitchell, ed. The local colorists: American short stories, 1857-1900. Harper, 1960.

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