Topic: Stereotypes: Gender and Sexuality in Sex and the City

Published: 2022-08-26
Topic: Stereotypes: Gender and Sexuality in Sex and the City
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Gender Movie Stereotypes Human sexuality
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 433 words
4 min read

Research Question: What are the Factors that hinder women from exercising their sexuality freedom fully?

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-Glass ceiling effect in women

-Origin of feminist movement

I. Statement problem

Sex and city have empowered women to share their friendship and experiences on sexuality in public to embrace ideas of feminists such as augmented liberalism, more acceptances from more individuals to permit space for individuals to do what they want such as breastfeeding or lesbian relationships. The impact of the influences is also felt in 21 century, where women are freer than in the past to be unapologetic about their sexuality. Media has been in the frontline to change perspectives of people concerning women and their sexuality. From a shallow view can claim that ultimately, women have managed to escape the stereotypes and judgment that have been kept them from feeling free to pursue their sexualities as full men, though women may have more freedom that is sexual, they do not own their sexuality to the notch, which men do. Therefore, this study sought to explore the aspects that make women not to enjoy sexuality freedom fully as men

2. Research questions

I. Is the language of sexual liberty reasonable?

II. What is the meaning of sex?

III. Why do most individuals have some moral limitations regarding sexuality?

3. Related work

I. The concept of human right - it shows that human right is a universal declaration right for all people despite the gender hence, it providing ground for the need for equality of the matter of sexual freedom

II. Formulation of sexual rights- it is a concept that legalizes and illustrate the origin of movement such as gay, lesbians, and, feminist.

III. Theories of sexuality

4. Discussion of factors that hinder women from exercising sexuality freedom fully

Cultural barriers

Leadership has been dominated by men

Lack of education

5. Policies -Health Policy

6. The implication of the study

1. Education for women empowerment

Works cited

Akass, Kim and Janet McCabe. Reading Sex and the City. New York: St. Martin's Press, 2004.

Castaneda, Donna and Alyson Burns-Glover. "Gender, Sexuality and Intimate Relationships." Praegar Guide to the Psychology of Gender. Westport, CT: Praegar Publishers, 2004.

Laumann, E., Gagnon, J.H., Michael, R.T., and Michaels, S. The Social Organization of Sexuality: Sexual Practices in the United States. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1994

"The Fuck Buddy" Sex and the City. HBO. September 5 1999.

Storey, John, ed. Cultural theory and popular culture: A reader. University of Georgia Press, 2006.

Mosher WD, Chandra A, Jones J. "Sexual behavior and selected health measures: Men and women 15-44 years of age, United States, 2002." Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics. 2005

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Topic: Stereotypes: Gender and Sexuality in Sex and the City. (2022, Aug 26). Retrieved from

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