Transgender: Should Be Allowed to Use Bathrooms of Their Gender Identity. Essay Sample

Published: 2022-04-11
Transgender: Should Be Allowed to Use Bathrooms of Their Gender Identity. Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Gender
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1043 words
9 min read

Mode: Persuasive

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YOUR Question from the given List: Should transgender be allowed to use the bathrooms according to their gender identity?

Topic: Transgender, toilets

Your Controversy Position: Transgender people should be allowed to use bathrooms according to their gender identity.

Your Plan of Development: Your 3 reasons (because factor-in order of importance)

Reason 1: phrase only: it makes them feel safe.

Reason 2: phrase only: it shows that the society has accepted them as who they really are.

Reason 3: phrase only: it prevents harmful side effects from not going to the toilet.

Topic words- yellow highlight

Controversy position- blue highlight

Transitions: green highlight

Thesis: Transgender should be allowed to use bathrooms according to their gender identity because it makes them feel safe, it shows that society has accepted them as whom they are, and it prevents harmful side effects from not going to the toilet.

II. TS1 For starters, transgender should be allowed to use bathrooms according to their gender identity because it makes them feel safe.

III. TS2 Additionally, when transgender are allowed to use bathrooms according to their gender, it shows that the society has accepted them as who they are without judgment.

IV. TS3 Lastly, by allowing transgender to use toilets according to their gender they will be able to prevent themselves from having side effects from not going to the toilet.

Transgender: Should be allowed to Use Bathrooms of their Gender Identity

For the past several years, the world has changed their beliefs and social norms and accepted new ones that have been discovered. The transgender idea was not around in the olden days, but ever since more people have embraced their real identities, the society has been forced to adopt and provide laws to protect these individuals. There have been issues that came up such as the transgender using bathrooms according to their gender, but laws have been passed that support this idea. The transgender should be allowed to use toilets according to their gender because it will make them feel safe, it will show that the society has accepted as whom they are, and it will prevent them from having side effects from not visiting the toilet.

For starters, transgender should be allowed to use bathrooms according to their gender identity because it makes them feel safe. When these individuals are allowed to use the bathrooms according to their gender identities, they will feel much safer and without fear. Going to the bathroom that is according to your gender identity is much more comfortable because you are not afraid of being seen as the odd one out and the center of attention. Many issues may arise if an individual who identifies with another gender goes to the bathroom of the other gender because for starters, their dressing will attract unwanted attention and some people may take the advantage and abuse them either verbally or sexually. Many cases have been taken to court where a transgender has been psychologically and emotionally abused about their identities which has made them feel physically unsafe and insecure. If it happens in the bathroom, the transgender will feel insecure about himself or herself and will want to hide from others because of this. If these individuals enter the bathrooms of the genders they identify with without being singled out and verbally abused, they will feel safe not only in the bathroom outside as well. When they see that others are treating them well, they will be more confident and courageous.

Additionally, when transgender are allowed to use bathrooms according to their gender, it shows that the society has accepted them as who they are without judgment. The society has evolved, and people are more open to new things such as the idea of gays, lesbians, and the transgender. Some societies are still not accepting these new sexual identities, but others have received them and embraced them as one family. For those societies that have accepted these individuals have set up laws to protect them from discrimination and other factors that may harm them. By allowing the transgender to use the bathroom according to their gender identity, will mean that they have fully accepted their gender roles, and do not have issues with sharing amenities. If they feel that they are accepted by the society, they will have a sense of belonging and feel accepted and they will appreciate themselves. The society can show this by changing the signs on the toilets or to have unisex toilets that will be easier to use by the transgender. Communities can make laws that defend these individuals, but if they are not ready to share with them the most basic amenities such as toilets, then the transgender will feel isolated.

Lastly, by allowing transgender to use toilets according to their gender, they will be able to prevent themselves from having side effects from not going to the bathroom. In settings such as school or the workplace, transgender will feel insecure about themselves and what other people would think if they see them using the bathrooms of the other gender. Since some of these people have experienced discrimination and abuse from using the bathrooms, they prefer to hold it until they get back home. There are side effects that can arise from not going to the toilet such as having a loose bladder where it will be hard to hold in urine. Waste is meant to go out of the body. Keeping it in longer than is needed could result in the release of toxins that can be harmful to one's health. If they do not visit the toilet, they will be uncomfortable and they will not concentrate on their duties such as studying and working on the tasks given by their superiors. If the transgender are allowed to use bathrooms of their gender identity, they will be able to go without fear and not harm themselves by keeping it all in.

In conclusion, allowing the transgender to use toilets of their gender identity, they will feel safe in that they will not be subjected to discrimination and possible abuse. This will show that the society has accepted them for whom they are without judgment, and also prevent them from having harmful side effects from not going to the toilet.

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Transgender: Should Be Allowed to Use Bathrooms of Their Gender Identity. Essay Sample. (2022, Apr 11). Retrieved from

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