Essay Sample on Troubled Banking Organization Loses Market Share Despite Worldwide Presence

Published: 2023-09-12
Essay Sample on Troubled Banking Organization Loses Market Share Despite Worldwide Presence
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Banking
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 482 words
5 min read


It’s an alternative banking organization with branches worldwide. It boasts of over 15000 locations, and customers conduct business either through agents or online. They use database management system tools like LINUX, along with an operating system from Microsoft. (Smucker, 2018). Most of its locations have encountered with bandwidth issues and problems with staffing in their IT departments. Continued lack of enterprise Management and data structure has cost them a 7% drop in market share within three years.

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Value and Need for Enterprise Data Management

A strategic approach of adoption of an EDMS helps minimize the challenges, allows for more steady operation, management and reporting procedures by introducing the need for analysis, governance, architects and data owners who require the improvement of a structured and educated IT department and a Data Operations department (Curry, 2019).

Goals and Expectations Summary

The project aims at getting back on track the Third Star Financial with their employment needs and customer service by introducing the necessary tools for proper and secure data collection to meet the needs of their customers (Denning, 2019). The project also aims at having a reliable system capable of eliminating bandwidth issues and inconsistent reporting. The project expects to resolve all problems and introduce cloud computing to assist in data management, collection, and consistency (d'Udekem, 2020).

Report’s Purpose

The purpose of the report is to integrate and regulate the systems to enable them to add more data intake by communicating with one another (Williams, 2017). It has been reported that their systems and customer’s data quality are wanting. There’s also a need to make decisions based on thorough data analysis.


The project expects to introduce a CDM that identifies sophisticated system entities and business, outline their relations and the problems scope that must be addressed (Lyons, 2020).


Culpepper, J. S., Diaz, F., & Smucker, M. D. (2018). Research frontiers in information retrieval: Report from the third strategic workshop on information retrieval in Lorne (swirl 2018). In ACM SIGIR Forum (Vol. 52, No. 1, pp. 34-90).

Curry, C. (2019). Unfinished Earthworks and Their Institutional Ecologies: A Status Report on Roden Crater, City, and Star Axis.

Denning, J. T. (2019). Born under a lucky star financial aid, college completion, labor supply, and credit constraints. Journal of Human Resources, 54(3), 760-784.'

Udekem, B. (2020, May 19). Do Star Analysts Shine in Opaque Industries? Evidence from European Banking. Evidence from European Banking.

Jain, N., Kit, D., Mahajan, P., Yalagandula, P., Dahlin, M., & Zhang, Y. (2017, September 1). STAR: Self-Tuning Aggregation for Scalable Monitoringˆ—.

Mikelyte, R., & Milne, A. (2018). Carers FIRST: Impact on Carers Star Report.

Lyons, W. S. (2020). The Relationship between Third Grade TNReady ELA Scores and STAR Reading Scores of Students Participating in a Small Group Differentiated Reading Program (Doctoral dissertation).

Williams, J. C. (2017). Three Questions on R-star. FRBSF Economic Letter, 5, 1-5.

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Essay Sample on Troubled Banking Organization Loses Market Share Despite Worldwide Presence. (2023, Sep 12). Retrieved from

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