Essay Sample on Types of Questions Asked

Published: 2023-08-15
Essay Sample on Types of Questions Asked
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Gender Knowledge Family Child development
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 582 words
5 min read

Chelsea age 11 wanted to ask about penis but before she could ask the question, she first asks whether she could mention the word and whether it was appropriate for her to mention it. The parents involve the questions in order to help their children learn good values and identify appropriate words and those that are not depending on their age. Chelsea was also brave enough to contribute to a topic about the man that wanted to become a woman and students in her class were not free to talk about it. Olivia expressed her fear on seeing her uncle acting like Aunt Barbra but later she became courageous and got used to her “aunt.”

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Gender and Family Dynamics

The approach of the family to engagement with their children is consistent since they introduce an issue, sometimes by asking questions, and then allow their children to focus on the subject, to connect and to answer questions from one another. The parents then answer questions from their children and encourage more debate. Every sister has very different reactions and ways of handling, reflecting and processing information, so each of her sisters learns to use the values which her parents promote on their own. The admirable approach of this family to process difficult family news would make it easier to consider any difficult family issue. We see parents leading and empowering their children to think with complex thoughts and questions in a very direct light on a controversial subject.

Age and Development on the Impact of the questions asked

The family context reveals that the phrase “traditional family values” can be used as an empty rhetorical instrument which fails precisely to fulfill its alleged goal of preserving tradition. The preference not to focus resources on hunting down potentially immoral people, but rather to spend time educating their children to think and take decisions on the way they should lead a life of love. The family is not obsessed with how to defend their innocent children. The context of the family reveals that the phrase “traditional family values” can be used as an empty rhetorical tool which does not achieve exactly its presumed aim of conserving tradition. The preference is not to concentrate resources on chasing possibly immoral people but to spend time educating your children to think and decide how they should live a life of love. The family is not concerned about how their innocent children should protect themselves, but on their view about various events that are currently exiting in the society.

Handling the situation as the parents to the three girls

As a parent to the three girls, I would adopt a similar approach to that which the parents were using to help the children learn good values no matter how different a situation may seem. I think that it is good for the children to be taught about the diverse practices in the society and how to live with such situations. This would enable them to be calm and even be more versatile like Chelsea who was brave enough to discuss various issues even in class at the age of 11 which is a positive step for a child. It is all about the values that we teach children that help them to cope with situations that they are faced with in life. Teaching them from a very young age is important and also impacts their behavior and as they grow and how they will behave when they become adults.

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Essay Sample on Types of Questions Asked. (2023, Aug 15). Retrieved from

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