Uncovering the Impact of Dual Diagnosis: DDCMHT Index Study Results

Published: 2022-12-28
Uncovering the Impact of Dual Diagnosis: DDCMHT Index Study Results
Type of paper:  Literature review
Categories:  Health and Social Care Psychology Disorder
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1530 words
13 min read

Gotham, H. J., Brown, J. L., Comaty, J. E., McGovern, M. P., & Claus, R. E. (2009, October). The dual diagnosis capability in mental health treatment (DDCMHT) index. In Addiction Health Services Research Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.The urge to establish the effect of duel diagnosis which often leads to the co-occurrence of disorder pushed the study (Gotham, Brown, Comaty, McGovern, & Claus 2009). The research was carried out at DDCHMT which offered the best environment for the analysis. In conducting the deal diagnosis study, a total of two hundred and fifty-six different programs were analyzed throughout the United States of America. A large number of the study sample was to ensure the accuracy of the study. A variety of research designs were applied for this double diagnosis study. Among the techniques applied include observation and sampling of the collected data. Other secondary sources of information such as available journals were also used. In the evaluation of the collected data, univariate analysis to find out the program features, data categorical, and double diagnosis category by level (Gotham et al., 2009). Under observation, a total number of five hundred and twenty-seven specimens were used for the study. Upon completion of the research study, it was clear that excess imbibition and abuse of substance was the primary factor that led to the signs and symptoms of duel diagnosis. Apart from the misuse of a substance, the dual diagnosis was also credited to natural elements such as exposure to certain chemicals and environments to which an individual finds difficult to acclimatize. In concluding their research, the team also identified various techniques which if adopted in treatment and management of mental health would be of significant value to the patients. The methods identified also had an impact on the brain of the individuals experimented.

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Johnson, J. (2000). Cost-effectiveness of mental health services for persons with a dual diagnosis A literature review and the CCMHCP. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 18(2), 119-127.

The research was focused on examining the effectiveness in terms of cost for the services given to mental health patients. In the study, it is evident that the dually diagnosed patients (those with addiction to substance abuse and mental health challenges constituted the most significant number of outpatients treated at public health centers across the country. The study reveals that some medical staff was not interested in thoroughly treating the patients with mental disorder completely. The doctors directed nurses to provide patient filling forms which were focused on keeping the patient tied to the hospital service (Johnson, 2000). The maintenance of the patients meant that for every checkup he had to spend some money which made his service costs rise. A sum of five hundred and forty-eight patients across different hospitals had their medical service records analyzed. It was established that the medics favored different groups of people based on sex, age, and other external elements in offering therapy services.

Schoenthaler, S. J., Blum, K., Fried, L., Oscar-Berman, M., Giordano, J., Modestino, E. J., & Badgaiyan, R. (2017). The effects of residential dual diagnosis treatment on alcohol abuse. Journal of systems and integrative neuroscience, 3(4).The article asserts the consequences of an evidentiary duel diagnosis of individuals addicted to the abuse of alcohol. The study managed to establish a multi-centered research study that affects individuals. A record number of eight hundred and four patients who were found out to be having disorders of the mental health and the effects were sampled for the study analysis (Schoenthaler, Blum, Fried, Oscar-Berman, Giordano, Modestino, & Badgaiyan, 2017). The research design of this study was elaborated using the eight hundred and four individuals applied for the study were given periodical severity addiction index that was administered during the first, the sixth, and the last administration has done at the twelfth month upon discharge of the patients from the hospital. Recurrent measures among the patients and keenly evaluated the changes which were being exhibited by different patients he had used for the research study. The analyses of the findings revealed that the rate of intoxication for every month always balanced in the middle of six to twelve months upon administration (Schoenthaler et al., 2017). A keen comparison of those patients who had weekly lapses and those without gave a satisfactory contrast after the hospitalization process of the patients. There was an estimated eighty-eight percentage of baseline reduction of the effects of duel diagnosis in alcoholic patients. The ANCOVA used for. This research study indicated that the monthly intoxication days after discharge of a patient drastically varied depending on the response of the patient. With the high number of recoveries, the final findings of the study revealed that the installation and integration of the dual diagnosis plan for the two disorders; mood co-occurrence disorder which involved anxiety and depression of an individual and the drug abuse (mainly opioids).

McGovern, M. P., Lambert-Harris, C., Gotham, H. J., Claus, R. E., & Xie, H. (2014). Dual diagnosis capability in mental health and addiction treatment services: an assessment of programs across multiple state systems. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 41(2), 205-214.

The major objective of the study was to find out the installation and application of factors which are connected to the addiction of people and related mental health therapy programs (McGovern, Lambert-Harris, Gotham, Claus, & Xie, 2014). The examination of the research aimed at recuperating the delivery of services to individuals who had a problem of co-occurring use of hard substances and the disorders connected to psychiatric. In conducting the study, two primary goals which he wanted to establish; to show all the factors that are connected to a successful plan change, and to discover if the practical elements always varied depending on the plan being rolled out (McGovern et al., 2014). The research study was conducted across a vast number of states in the country. A total sum of eighty-six study programs was used to research the diagnosis. The research involved a baseline assessment followed by an eighteen-month follow-up program on the persons applied for the study. During the follow-up programs, the heads were enquired to establish the possible factors which could have facilitated the witnessed outcomes on the patients. At the winding up of the study, numerous findings we're tabled: both the mental health and addiction programs considerably bettered the dual diagnosis capability among the patients (McGovern et al., 2014). The practical applications which were found to be of value to the improvement of health conditions of the patients with the researched disorders were incorporated into the operation of the hospital through numerous customized programs depending in the patients' condition.

Watkins, K. E., Hunter, S. B., Burnam, M. A., Pincus, H. A., & Nicholson, G. (2005). Review of treatment recommendations for persons with a co-occurring affective or anxiety and substance use disorder. Psychiatric Services, 56(8), 913-926.

The research study focused on the analysis and revelation of the possible guideline towards the best possible care for people ailing from the syndromes, anxiety, and depression. In their research, they employed two fundamental research techniques; PsycINFO and MEDLINE. The two approaches at computer bases searches which support English literature. The methods were employed from the year 1990 to 2002 (Watkins, Hunter, Burnam, Pincus, & Nicholson, 2005). The findings of the study indicated that there had been a tremendous transformation in the approaches being used to treat patients who have co-occurring disorders, drug abuse, and anxiety disorder. It is clear that the provided recommendation during the period of study, there are some special occasions where the treatment varies as the case of pharmacotherapy. Some experts have conflicted whether the use of psychotropic should be recommended at early stages or whether the doctors have to wait and evaluate the chances of abstinence in patients (Watkins et al., 2005). The research concludes that there is a need to always consider priorities depending on the situation of the patient and the disorders suffered.


Gotham, H. J., Brown, J. L., Comaty, J. E., McGovern, M. P., & Claus, R. E. (2009, October). The dual diagnosis capability in mental health treatment (DDCMHT) index. In Addiction Health Services Research Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA. Retrieved from


Johnson, J. (2000). Cost-effectiveness of mental health services for persons with a dual diagnosis A literature review and the CCMHCP. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 18(2), 119-127. Retrieved from https://www.journalofsubstanceabusetreatment.com/article/S0740-5472(99)00014-8/abstract

McGovern, M. P., Lambert-Harris, C., Gotham, H. J., Claus, R. E., & Xie, H. (2014). Dual diagnosis capability in mental health and addiction treatment services: an assessment of programs across multiple state systems. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 41(2), 205-214. Retrieved from


Schoenthaler, S. J., Blum, K., Fried, L., Oscar-Berman, M., Giordano, J., Modestino, E. J., & Badgaiyan, R. (2017). The effects of residential dual diagnosis treatment on alcohol abuse. Journal of systems and integrative neuroscience, 3(4). Retrieved from


Watkins, K. E., Hunter, S. B., Burnam, M. A., Pincus, H. A., & Nicholson, G. (2005). Review of treatment recommendations for persons with a co-occurring affective or anxiety and substance use disorder. Psychiatric Services, 56(8), 913-926. Retrieved from


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