Understanding and Addressing Depression in Women: Barriers, Interventions, and Nursing Impact - Paper Sample

Published: 2023-12-31
Understanding and Addressing Depression in Women: Barriers, Interventions, and Nursing Impact - Paper Sample
Essay type:  Proposal essays
Categories:  Women Nursing Depression
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 904 words
8 min read


The rate of depression in women is relatively high compared to that in men. According to Smithson and Pignone (2017), screening for depression is imperative for effective treatment and management. The project aims to identify the perceived barriers to women’s care in need of depression treatment and management. The study also addresses the impact of screening and education programs on patients’ coping with depression over three months.

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Background and Significance

The treatment and management of depression have improved over the years with the application of evidence-based practices in the treatment of mental disorders. Despite the improved management approaches, a high number of patients with depression are undiagnosed. The prevalence of depression in women is attributed to the lack of help-seeking behavior reported among women with depression (Augsberger et al., 2016). The management approaches to depression can be designed based on the depressive signs reported. According to Fonseca et al. (2015), women experience heightened and severe symptoms compared to men. On the same account, Smithson and Pignone (2017) stated that women are twice as susceptible to depression development. The majority of people affected by depression are women. According to Augsberger et al. (2016), two-thirds of women are yet to get substantial help coping with the condition. Augsberger et al. (2016) stated that in every four women, at least one of them had experienced significant depression at a particular time in their lives. According to Smithson and Pignone (2017), depression is characterized by severe and pervasive mood disorders. The rate of depression is higher in women than in men due to various reasons. Smithson and Pignone (2017) highlighted that the risk of depression doubles in women at the onset of puberty, which aligns depression with the change in the body’s hormonal composition. The changes in hormones are evident in women, especially during the transition to puberty, pregnancy, and menopause. Similarly, Fonseca et al. (2015) stated that premenstrual syndrome is marked by severe depression, predisposing women to higher risks. However, despite women's susceptibility to depression, little efforts are aligned to mitigating the risk factors and preventing mental health challenges.

The impact of women in society is vital and requires a stable and sound mind. However, the challenge of depression among women and the unreported symptoms derails the efforts to meet quality and timely treatment and effective management. The approaches in boosting the resilience in coping in women with depression. Although depression might seem overwhelming, it can be effectively managed through pharmacological and non-pharmacological approaches. Therefore, effective screening tools are recommended to aid nurses in identifying depression in the population. According to Smithson and Pignone (2017), knowledge of a diverse population's cultural significance improves the interaction between nurses and patients. Therefore, the relevant information related to sadness, lack of interest, fatigue, and social support systems. Education programs for both patients and nurses can improve awareness, identification, and depression treatment in women. This indicates the significance of preventing causative factors rather than managing elevated symptoms.

Perinatal depression may affect the mother and the child’s health (Fonseca et al., 2015). Therefore, early detection and treatment can boost the mother’s coping capabilities and improve life quality. The challenges posed by depression among women are detrimental to their health and social activities such as parenting. Poor health and mental status may affect parenting and also result in dangerous behavior such as self-harming symptoms. Therefore, medical primary care professionals are tasked with identifying the signs and symptoms of depression and the appropriate intervention strategies. Effective management of depression improves the quality of life and reduces the severity of symptoms.

Most depression cases are undiagnosed, which is detrimental to the physical and mental status of the patients. The intervention process is affected by specific barriers that hamper women from sharing their experiences and seeking help. Fonseca et al. (2015) identified the perception of primary care professionals' competence and openness and the trust between the patient and primary care professional. In this light, understanding the barriers to women seeking help and highlighting their preferred approach is vital in treating and improving coping skills favorable in improving health status, and behavioral, and cognitive efficiency.

PICO(T) Formatted Question

The study will entail productive women with depression as the target population. The intervention approaches will include screening and education programs to identify, treat, and manage depression. The women outside the screening and education programs will provide a comparison framework for the study. The role of nurses is significant in screening and identification of the barriers in women seeking help. The expected outcome will be improved nurse efficiency in managing depression among their clients. The patients are expected to show significant improvement in coping with depression through nursing treatment and management. The observation on the effectiveness of evidence-based practice in managing depression will be established after three months, limiting the study period to three months.


Augsberger, A., Yeung, A., Dougher, M., & Hahm, H. C. (2015). Factors influencing the underutilization of mental health services among Asian American women with a history of depression and suicide. BMC Health Services Research, 15(1), 1-11. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-015-1191-7

Fonseca, A., Gorayeb, R., & Canavarro, M. C. (2015). Women's help-seeking behaviors for depressive symptoms during the perinatal period: Socio-demographic and clinical correlates and perceived barriers to seeking professional help. Midwifery, 31(12), 1177-1185. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.midw.2015.09.002

Smithson, S., & Pignone, M. P. (2017). Screening adults for depression in primary care. Medical Clinics, 101(4), 807-821. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mcna.2017.03.010

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Understanding and Addressing Depression in Women: Barriers, Interventions, and Nursing Impact - Paper Sample. (2023, Dec 31). Retrieved from http://land-repo.site.supplies/essays/understanding-and-addressing-depression-in-women-barriers-interventions-and-nursing-impact-paper-sample?pname=speedypaper.com

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