Understanding Dysfunctional Relationships, Financial Stress, and Chronic Illness - Free Essay

Published: 2023-12-06
Understanding Dysfunctional Relationships, Financial Stress, and Chronic Illness - Free Essay
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Health and Social Care Finance Relationship
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 666 words
6 min read

Dysfunctional relationship

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Dysfunctional relationships can lead to an exact negative effect on health and high-level stress. A dysfunctional relationship is one that has conflicts and self-destructive outcomes such as inadequacy or inability to take care of self. It can be between two romantic partners or family members fostering emotional instability.

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Meaning Examples

A meaningful example of stress between heterosexual partners is when one party suddenly becomes irritable and unreasonable to the extent of starting violence (Copper and Quick, 2017). However, the best approach that precedes such a situation is to allow the stressed partner to control how they feel and emphasize them.

Thoughtful Analysis and Summary

The common signs and symptoms of stress in a relationship include exhaustion, sleeplessness, and lashing out on each other. The participants become emotionally unavailable and fail to tune with each other or become dissatisfied. Often, the partners keep how they feel to themselves, exaggerating the already complicated situation. A therapist can examine a patient's physical or psychological health during assessment or through communication by placing the patient in a place of need (Kaushik, 2018). For example, he/she can ask whether distress is developed outside family or marriage to rule out relationship stressors or continue from their point of view.

Financial Obligation

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Financial stress can lead to poor physical health and untreated medical conditions such as anxiety and depression. The results of having too much debt, medical or any loan debt, bills, and educational payments can weigh on an individual, leading to continuous anxiety and depression. According to (Kaushik 2018), there is an alternating link between financial problems and mental health conditions. When individual mental health is severely affected, it can lead to substance abuse or addiction as a coping mechanism.

Meaningful Example

If the mental issue is left untreated, it can lead to acute illnesses such as diabetes or heart problems that are life-threatening and can plunge a patient into further debt.

Thoughtful Analysis and Summary

A patient's signs and symptoms under financial stressors include a worrying face due to the fear of spending money or ignoring debt collectors' interactions. Repeatedly, your bills fail to be paid on time, or they live from hand to mouth. Sometimes people overspend as a false sense of financial security to soothe the discomfort that results from not having enough money (Cooper & Quick, 2017). During therapy, non-judgmental assessment ways include asking for a patient's source of income or financial responsibilities. A therapist can also ask for compulsive spending and the existence of high-level debts, which are troubling financial stress.

Chronic illness or injury

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Chronic diseases include diabetes, cancer, arthritis, heart failure, liver or kidney dysfunction, or organ failure. The link between chronic disease and stress is apparent in an individual's mental state, ranging from exhaustion, guilt, sadness, and frustrations, coupled with resentment. A disability that prevents one from socializing or performing daily tasks such as work, exerting, or eating is also chronic.

Meaningful Example

Diagnosis for a chronic illness or injuries with physical limitations leads to financial problems and dependency (Cooper & Quick, 2017). The patient's family ends up negatively affected by challenges such as conflicts, role strain, and communication trouble leading to dissatisfaction.

Thoughtful Analysis and Summary

A patient experiencing chronic illness or injury exhibits physical pains as a discomfort in the body. Stressors include a wave of emotions ranging from fear and worry to sadness and shock (Kaushik, 2018). A patient gets so overwhelmed that they might not be able to cope or survive medication. As a result, they become depressed and suicidal, sometimes anxious about the outcomes. A certified therapist assessment includes evaluating a patient's medical history. Therapy includes offering ways to cope with the illness and advising family members on the same.


Cooper, C., & Quick, J. C. (2017). The Handbook of Stress and Health: A Guide to Research and Practice. John Wiley & Sons.

Kaushik, A. (2018). Quick Review Series for B.Sc. Nursing: 1st year - E-book. Elsevier India.

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