United Nations - Free Paper Example

Published: 2023-11-06
United Nations - Free Paper Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Security World Human rights
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1165 words
10 min read


The United Nations is an intergovernmental organization that maintains international security and peace and facilitate international cooperation to eliminate challenges affecting the world. The United Nations is led by independent organs that perform their duties independently in serving the mandate of the organization. The organization has an organizational structure that guides the employees and how instructions and commands follow to ensure the organization achieves its mandate.

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The Secretariat

The secretariat carries the overall administrative work of the United Nations administratively and ensuring all the bodies perform their mandate. The secretariat also solves all conflicts that might hinder the organs from performing their functions (Fassbender, 2009). The secretariat is led by the secretary-general who acts as the chief administrative officer in running the United Nations. The United Nations is governed by the general assembly that consists of all representatives from the member states. The general assembly reviews recommendations from other organs of the United Nations and makes all decisions that concern the organization. The general assembly is led by a president who is elected by the representatives on a yearly basis. All the organs of the United Nations are managed by the general assembly through the leadership of the president.

The General Assembly helps the United Nations achieve its objectives through its subsidiary organs such as the Disarmament Commission, International Law Commission, Human rights Council and Joint Inspection Unit (Peterson, 2006). The function of the Disarmament Committee is to prepare proposals for the regulation, limit, and reduction of the armaments and forces. It is responsible for the annihilation of all the weapons of mass destruction. On the other hand, the Human rights Council has the role of globally promoting and protecting human rights. The organ addresses all issues regarding the violation of human rights and makes recommendations to help solve the problem.

The other organ of the United Nations is the international criminal court that is tasked with the responsibility of solving disputes among member states and also offers legal opinions to other organs. International Court of Justice is led by the president elected by the members (Fassbender, 2009). The other organ of the United Nations is the Security Council that is responsible for maintaining international peace and security. The Security Council consists of five permanent members and ten elected leaders. The Council makes decisions by voting for the decision that needs to be made.

International Peace and Security

The United Security Council helps in maintaining international peace and security and works with other organs in the organizational structure to achieve this vital objective Fassbender, 2009). The Council works with subsidiary organs such as counter-terrorism committee, military staff committee, international residue mechanism for criminal tribunals, sanctions committees, peacekeeping operations, and political missions and standing committees and ad hoc bodies. The counter-terrorism committee is guided by the council resolutions to help the member nations prevent terrorist acts within the border and the regions. Military staff committee is another subsidiary organ of the Security Council, which helps the United Nations achieve its objective of promoting international peace and security advising and assisting the Security Council on the military requirements. The committee helps in the employment of the forces as well as the regulation of armaments and disarmament. The committee works closely with the disarmament committee to control the use of weapons of mass destruction.

The other organ of the United Nations is the economic and social Council that is responsible for coordinating social and economic factors of the organization. The Council also advises member states on the best economic strategies they need to embrace for their economic and social prosperity (Moore Jr & Pubantz, 2017). The Council also advises the United Nations organization on the economic matters and strategies that the organization engages support member states. The Council plays a significant role in fostering international development.

The Council accomplishes its responsibility by working with regional commissions that helps address economic and social problems. The commissions address the issues in different geographical areas of the globe. The regional commissions represent Asia and the Pacific, Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean, Western Asia, and Europe (Rosenthal, 2005). The United Nations budget caters to the expenditure of all the commissions. The United Nations Economic Commission, for example, represents the European region and promotes integration and cooperation of the member states to achieve the economic objective.

The Economic Social Council

The Economic Social Council teams up with specialized agencies such as ICAO, FAO, ILF, IMF, UNESCO, and WHO (Rosenthal, 2005). FAO is an agency whose function is to alleviate hunger by promoting food security and improving nutrition. The agency also helps the United Nations achieve its objectives by promoting rural development of the rural areas, which are the backbone of agricultural activities.

ICAO is the other special agency of the Economic Social Council, whose responsibility is to regulate the aviation industry's safety, security, and efficiency (ICAO, 2010). The agency also promotes environmental protection in aviation WHO helps with the global promotion of the health and the wellbeing of the people. On the other hand, UNESCO helps in promoting access to education and the promotion of cultural acceptance among member nations. IMF promotes the stability of the monetary stability by monitoring the economies of the member countries.

The organization structure of the United Nations helps in ensuring that it meets its goal of maintaining international peace and unity. The structure ensures that all organs perform their responsibilities effectively without conflicts between the organs and the responsibilities play different roles in maintaining peace and order (Gareis, 2012). The organizational structure ensures that all the organs work together and eliminates conflicts by performing unique functions that are different from each other. The structure also helps in identifying the factors that are a threat to international people and offers the best expert solution to the challenge.


The organizational structure also helps the United Nations in deciding how matters need to be handled by those who depend on the issue and the solution that needs to be provided. The employees are able to know their roles, and also it makes it easier to govern the organization towards achieving its mandate (Gareis, 2012). The leaders of different councils are also able to know the right person to consult based on the problem; different councils have different functions that handle matters that threaten international peace and order. The structure also ensures there is a good flow of communication, and the message is addressed to the right person.


AVSEICAO, A. (2010). To the Convention on International Civil Aviation. Montreal, Canada, 1. https://www.icao.int/publications/Documents/7300_9ed.pdf

Fassbender, B. (2009). The United Nations Charter as the constitution of the international community (Vol. 51). Brill.

Gareis, S. B. (2012). The United Nations. Macmillan International Higher Education. https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=-NwcBQAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PP1&dq=united+nations+organizational+structure&ots=YPtKNnEWAC&sig=qqZNIjLs9W4KCvaar5bWt5v

Moore, Jr, J. A., & Pubantz, J. (2017). The new United Nations: International organization in the twenty-first century. Taylor & Francis.

Peterson, M. J. (2006). The UN General Assembly. Routledge.

Rosenthal, G. (2005). The Economic and Social Council of the United Nations. An Issues Paper. New York: Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation (Occasional Paper No. 15).

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