Unlocking Efficiency: Information Systems and Quality Improvement in Organizations - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-12-20
Unlocking Efficiency: Information Systems and Quality Improvement in Organizations - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Management Business Information systems
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 509 words
5 min read

Information systems describe sets of related components involved in collecting, processing, storing, and distributing information to reinforce control, coordination, and decision-making in organizations (Laudon & Laudon, 2015). Therefore, organizations need to capitalize on high-grade systems to enhance data processing for better quality results. Also, there is a need the information systems to increase operational efficiency and reduce human errors. This paper provides a detailed discussion of how organizations can use information systems to improve quality.

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One of the major ways information systems improve quality is by enhancing data organization, especially the database. Through this, the organizational workforce gains access to all the required information and enhances the ability to solve problems and make decisions much faster, which alternatively leads to improved productivity (Laudon & Laudon, 2015). Through a better organization, the system offers users past and present information, which improves quality improvement. Also, information systems improve quality by enhancing the process of decision-making. Organizational management can use information systems to develop strategic plans and make important decisions that concern taking business steps. The systems have the capacity to evaluate information from organizational sources and develop the best solutions that match the present economy.

Information systems enhance quality through proper analysis of data, including financial transactions. Organizations employ these systems to analyze stocks, check on previous performances, and predict any forms of disasters that may appear in the future (Laudon & Laudon, 2015). As a result, organizations can focus on improving productivity, including keeping track of profits and margins for organizations and avoiding any crisis. Another way in which information systems improve quality is through the problem-solution approach. The systems play a crucial role in identifying problems, designing the appropriate solutions, evaluating the solutions, and putting them into real practice (Laudon & Laudon, 2015). As a result, organizations are able to handle any emerging problems most effectively and accurately by reducing the chances of error occurrence.

Information systems streamline and combine business processes to eradicate redundant and repetitive work in organizations, which then improves the speed, services, and quality of productivity. The systems help in the coordination of dispersed units through proper communication, which links the suppliers and customers. The systems also promote quality by streamlining products or services, reducing product development life cycle as well as enabling benchmarking. Such aspects strengthen business models applied by organizations, leading to improved performance (Laudon & Laudon, 2015). An information system, such as the performance appraisal software would be much more effective in an organization, especially in motivating employees who would be more productive and efficient. Failure to use the information systems leads to time wastage, ineffectiveness, and a lot of errors in organizational processes.


In conclusion, information systems have an outstanding role in improving quality. They replace humans in task performance, thus improving activity performance and controlling the flow of processes. Proper implementation of these systems guarantees improved performance, productivity, and organizational management. Moreover, these systems help in decision-making, which also helps in quality improvement.


Laudon, K. C., & Laudon, J. P. (2015). Essentials of management information systems. Upper Saddle River: Pearson. ISBN-10 : 013602579X

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