Unraveling Racial Horrors: Analyzing Stressors and Trauma in 'Get Out' - Essay Sample

Published: 2024-01-15
Unraveling Racial Horrors: Analyzing Stressors and Trauma in 'Get Out' - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Race Entertainment Movie
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 982 words
9 min read
Identify as many potential stressors and traumatic elements you can for your choice.

Stressors in the films include various events that involve missing persons who are seemingly possessed by some member of the Armitage family, attacks by the possessed members, violent scenes of killing at the end of the movie, and the auctioning of Chris.

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Identify and discuss manifestations of stress, trauma, coping, resilience, posttraumatic growth. Justify your choices.

Some of the stressors are the plan to sell Chris’s body, change his brain are great affect the main character (Sobande, 2019). Anxiety heightens due to the hypnosis which greatly unsettles Chris the main character due to the sunken feeling and recollection of past events. Other stressors are the scenes that show Chris being blocked after discovering that Rose had other boyfriends, which she denied in the past, and all of who were black coupled by the strange reactions of the black people at the Armitage house. There is a threatening condition regarding his escape, which is blocked. Chris finds himself strapped at the basement, which shows imminent danger. Chris's killings and the struggles to get out of the house, which ends in fire gutting the room Hudson is in, are other are other stressors that leave him unsettled. There are many killings by Chris, together with those by Walter. The killings depict gruesome scenes together with the life-threatening situations and even the car crash that kills Georgina an African American. The possessions are stressors and even cause some of the characters to develop great fear, particularly in discovering missing person who are now supposedly different people. A stressor in the movie is thus Chris’s memory of thinking he caused his mother’s death (Peele et al., 2017). Leaving rose bleeding on the scene is another traumatic event. Another quite traumatic event is the auctioning that takes place using Chris's picture.

Identify and discuss institutions, structures, and processes that cause, contribute, and maintain the identified potential and/or manifested stressors, trauma, coping, and growth.

The authorities, particularly the police, have particular leanings and are institutions that propagate various behaviors since they do not believe Rod's narrative regarding Logan. Traumatic elements such as operating on blacks to deal with whites' weakness further make individual cope with certain behaviors. Together with liberalism, system racism is at play even though it acts as a benevolent racist towards Chris. The discrimination leads to blacks' treatment as slaves whose parts can be taken include the transfer of brains at the behest of white people. The pictures of past boyfriends of rose and the basement show the grim events perpetrated by Rose's family (Laine, 2019). Slavery is evident by the past of the Rose family in luring black people to accomplish their ends. Marginalization is clearly shown in the movie through the sunken place, which is evident when Chris is hypnotized. There is subtle racism even propagated by the Armitage family, and even in society, it is referring to blacks in a subtle manner that is racist.

As you watch or listen (depending on your choice), what makes you uncomfortable about the stories? Apply the Use of Self in your reflection, mainly as applied to the ideas of Robin DiAngelo (White Fragility) and Kendi (How to be Antiracist).

What makes me uncomfortable with the scenes in the movie is the treatment of whites by blacks, and even as evidenced by a police officer who stops rose and asked for the driving license of Chris, who was not driving and continues to ask for his ID. In the movie, individuals do not know they are harming others by propagating certain prejudices and even bias. The unconsciousness of discrimination plays about among the police officers and even on rose, who is part of her family’s racist tendencies towards black individuals (Patton, 2019). Kendi considers being antiracists as a solution for racism and even while watching the movie. Another uncomfortable scene is that of the various possessions of black people. It is quite awkward to see the issue of slavery play out in the film. Black people are taken, and other people possess their bodies.

Identify the manifested strengths of main characters of either the podcast or the movie.

Chris is adventurous in that he does not fear getting into a relationship with rose, which is of a different race. He is candid even as shown by him visiting her parents. He is artistic and brave even though, at first, he is quite gullible about the intentions of the Armitage family. Through all the horrors, many things add up, and he can escape from the Armitage house. He is respectively to the Armitage family even though they are subtly racist.

Rose, on the other hand, is persuasive and passionate about the cult in her family of luring black people and using them to their ends. She innocently believes in the values Rose was raised regarding blacks being used by whites for their ends, particularly that of her family. At first, Rose is supportive and affectionate towards Chris, but she reveals her true self in the future. She comes out intelligent and loyal to both her family and to Chris in their relationship. She tells the darker side of racism and prejudice against African Americans, even treating them as vessels instead of equals.


Jarvis, M. (2018). Anger translator: Jordan Peele's Get Out. Science Fiction Film and Television, 11(1), 97-109.

Laine, T. (2019). Traumatic Horror Beyond the Edge: It Follows and Get Out. Film-Philosophy, 23(3), 282-302.

Patton, E. A. (2019). Get Out and the legacy of sundown suburbs in post-racial America. New Review of Film and Television Studies, 17(3), 349-363.

Peele, J., Kaluuya, D., Williams, A., Blumhouse Productions,, QC Entertainment (Firm),, Monkeypaw Productions,, & Universal Pictures (Firm),. (2017). Get out.

Sobande, F. (2019). Dissecting Depictions of Black Masculinity in Get Out'. Gender and Contemporary Horror in Film (Emerald Studies in Popular Culture and Gender). Emerald Publishing Limited, 237-250.

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