Unraveling the Coagulation Cascade: A Comprehensive Exploration of Von Willebrand Disorder - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-12-16
Unraveling the Coagulation Cascade: A Comprehensive Exploration of Von Willebrand Disorder - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Medicine Healthcare Disorder
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 405 words
4 min read

Coagulation Cascade

The coagulation cascade is the multifaceted procedure that happens in the body due to the blood vessels’ injuries. According to Lab Tests Online (2019), the process entails numerous proteins activated through distinct steps leading to the next coagulation factors’ reactions. In general, every phase generates a new protein that acts as a catalyst or an enzyme for the subsequent step. Besides, the coagulation cascade comprises three pathways; the extrinsic, common, and intrinsic. In some situations, coagulation can happen even without injury. The blood pooling from extended immobility can result in clotting aspects to activate and independently accumulate a coagulation cascade. The immune system factors such as hypersensitivity or inflammation that cause endothelial damage may lead to unnecessary embolism and thrombosis hence the massive organic failure.

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Von Willebrand Disorder

Coagulation disorders are situations that impact the clotting activities of the blood. The most common bleeding disorder is known as the Von Willebrand disease. According to the National Hemophilia Foundation. (2020), the illness is commonly genetically inherited, and clinically heterogeneous hemorrhagic condition due to dysfunction or deficiency of the protein referred to as the von Willebrand factor (vWF).

Pathophysiology and the Subsequent Results of Von Willebrand Disorder

VWF is active only in sheer stress and high blood flow (Bharati & Prashanth, 2011). Some organs, such as the uterus and skin with extensive small vessels, portray a factor’s deficiency. Inherited and Acquired VWD are the different forms of the disorder pathophysiology. The inherited conditions include types 1 to 3; however, type 2 contains 2N, 2M, 2B, and 2A (Bharati & Prashanth, 2011). Each category differs based on the form and defect intensity in vWF. The disorder’s subsequent results entail frequent, easy bruising, nose bleeding, and severe hemorrhage after and during invasive procedures such as operation or tooth extractions. Also, women may experience hemorrhaging after childbirth and heavy menstrual periods.


In conclusion, coagulation is essential in the body as it prevents excessive bleeding after a blood vessel’s injury. Von Willebrand disorder is genetically acquired and affects females and males equally. Individuals with VWD, the vWF amount in the blood is usually lower than average.


Bharati, K. P., & Prashanth, U. R. (2011). Von Willebrand disease: an overview. Indian journal of pharmaceutical sciences, 73(1), 7. doi: 10.4103/0250-474X.89751

Lab tests online. (2019, August 11). Coagulation cascade. https://labtestsonline.org/tests/coagulation-cascade

National Hemophilia Foundation. (2020). Von Willebrand disease. https://www.hemophilia.org/Bleeding-Disorders/Types-of-Bleeding-Disorders/Von-Willebrand-Disease

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