Unveiling Healthcare's Evolution: From Gender Roles to Sociopolitical Challenges

Published: 2023-12-25
Unveiling Healthcare's Evolution: From Gender Roles to Sociopolitical Challenges
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Gender Society Healthcare
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 599 words
5 min read

Tradition masculinity and femininity is a concept in the article health scout revealing the nursing profession's evolution. Jobs were gender-based, and the nursing profession was designated to women. On the other hand, physicians were men. Financially, women received less pay than their male colleagues, yet they were overworked on a full-time basis. Besides their minimal wages, they were understaffed and seldom got promotions. Nurses were taught to disregard all they had learned from their previous works and shift to how they were taught to act, dress, and present themselves towards patients.

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Bureaucracy, discrimination, and the human race's racialized character are the critical concepts examined in bio-history and bio-politics article. Racism is downplayed instead of its numerous complexities being addressed, the political arena opts at diluting it with scientific terminologies, thus rendering it dispensable.

Social order is a concept throughout the article of the politics of health in the eighteenth century. The government uses its power to maintain control of its population by adopting law enforcement methods to push their agendas. Also, doctors are used by the government to provide advice in the art of overserving, correcting, and improving the social body.

Throughout the article, the central theme is the birth of healthcare; however, besides the primary theme, the article health scout for the state major on the evolution of the nursing industry. The theme of diversity in racism is also identified in the bio-history and bio-politics article. In contrast, the article on health politics in the eighteenth century talks about the impact of politics in the health sector.

All the authors in the articles have similar theoretical perspectives since they all fall under criticism toward society. In the health scout for the state article, the author criticizes the traditional masculinity and femininity by speaking out for the oppressed. The article bio-history and bio-politics also exposes criticism. The author critics the act associated with bureaucracy, discrimination, and the racialized character of the human race. In the article politics of health in the eighteenth century, the author criticizes the government's inadequate response to hazardous situations in the healthcare system.

Traditional masculinity and femininity will implicate the healthcare system by denying qualified healthcare personnel due to their gender. Bureaucracy, discrimination, and the human race's racialized character may result in loss disconnection between the healthcare personnel and the patients due to stigmatization. Complimentary social order is an aspect that can be used to fulfill cohesion between the government, healthcare personnel, and citizens.

From the readings, gender bias and racism are concepts that did not start yesterday. Even though we have come a long, it would be propaganda to ascertain that they are finished. Therefore, it is evident that they cannot be quickly addressed despite various viewpoints on the issue. However, daily commitment and dedication to addressing the problems will be a step in the right direction. Civil education should be implemented not only to enhance awareness but also to curb ignorance. Therefore, the further reach will assist in eliminating negative thoughts towards gender bias and racism.

The readings can be linked to contemporary emerging issues with the healthcare system. Poor management on social order has led to expensive healthcare services, burdening the middle-class population, leading to increased poverty levels. Due to politics in the healthcare system, nations such as the United States has failed to provide standard care to its venerable citizens.


Dehli, K. (1990). " Health Scouts" for the State? School and Public Health Nurses in Early Twentieth-Century Toronto. Historical Studies in Education/Revue d'histoire de l'éducation, 247-264.

Foucault, M. (2014). The politics of health in the eighteenth century. Foucault Studies, 113-127.

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