Unveiling Translation Challenges: Navigating Academic Essays with Insight and Proficiency - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-12-28
Unveiling Translation Challenges: Navigating Academic Essays with Insight and Proficiency - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Education Students
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 562 words
5 min read

The Problem of the Study

The initial impression in this study established that many students in a translation class make the mistake of translating a whole text without getting a glimpse of what the text is all about, understanding the text's content and context. They are hence having to deal with all kinds of problems associated with translating. Without that inward reflective enthusiasm of first acknowledging a text, translation problems will always be inevitable, therefore making the whole process mechanical. The translated text would lack the alluring sense hence rendering it immaterial.

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This research aim is tailored to probe the translation difficulties of learner’s educational work.


The translation is a very crucial discipline being very much useful in the communication of meaning. In language learning, translation is taught as a skill that students must capture pertinent to a study field. Not necessarily a student becomes a professional translator, but translation is very useful in various human activities domains in exchange of information and ideas. Translation has become a courier of knowledge. Not necessary that a translated piece resembles the original piece, but of much importance is for the translated work to retain the original meaning of a text. The meaning of the text should not deviate even with a margin from the purpose it was intended to serve. Otherwise, the whole information in a translated text would be rendered obsolete. It is simply communicating the same information as written in the source text without changing the source text (Napu, 2019). This research will be fruitful for students, teachers, researchers, and anybody quenching their curiosity thirst.

Accordingly, the students must have prior knowledge of information intended to be translated. This denotes that the students should read the original text beforehand. It is advantageous to the students since it provides them with insight into the challenges of translation that will be illuminated in the findings and their constitutes. Researchers can benefit from this research by getting additional knowledge about translation problems. This research has investigated and sampled some of the translation problems likely to challenge the students in translating academic essays. They range from grammatical problems and lexical-semantic problems, including form and meaning, syntactical problems, and pragmatic problems. Thus, Teachers can use this research to help students discover translation techniques that can be employed to counter difficulties encountered in translating academic work. Students are frequently dealing with academic essays nearly in all their courses. Therefore, on the report of the several tendencies that students do in the translation class, this research intended to review more about students' potential in translating academic essays and examine the prominent problems in students' academic essay translation.

Research Questions

This research targeted the students' ability to translate academic essays and explore students' academic essay translation's main problems. Therefore, the study formulated the following questions regarding understanding translation problems.

  • What is the importance of reading a text before translating it to a student?
  • What impacts does translate a text without first studying have on students?
  • How does the qualitative method of data collection ascertain the students' difficulties in the translation process?
  • What is the significance of research data on translation problems to a teacher?


Napu, N. (2019). Translation problems analysis of students’ academic essay. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation, 2(5), 01-11. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/336133235_Translation_Problems_Analysis_of_Students'_Academic_Essay

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Unveiling Translation Challenges: Navigating Academic Essays with Insight and Proficiency - Essay Sample. (2023, Dec 28). Retrieved from http://land-repo.site.supplies/essays/unveiling-translation-challenges-navigating-academic-essays-with-insight-and-proficiency?pname=speedypaper.com

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