Upholding Academic Integrity: Values, Rules, and Personal Commitment - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-12-25
Upholding Academic Integrity: Values, Rules, and Personal Commitment - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Education
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 634 words
6 min read

Integrity is defined as being honest and having moral principles that guide one how to do activities in the right way. The moral principles include ethical behavior and soundness of moral character. Academic integrity makes one be committed to having a moral behavior in all activities that one engages in the academic setting (Sotiriadou et al., 2019). There are rules and regulations that guide academic settings, and they are meant to ensure people engage in lawful activities. All stakeholders in academics must have the integrity that is required for one to be allowed to proceed with their studies or the work that they do.

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To achieve academic integrity, understanding the rules and regulations related to academics is key. The rules provide the guidelines for the things that one can engage things that are prohibited. Academic integrity involves following the set guidelines by doing the right thing at the right time. Integrity is achieved by how people do their things (Robinson & Glanzer, 2017). For example, there are guidelines that guide students in their examinations to ensure there is fairness. Knowing the guidelines will help one maintain his or her integrity because the person will know the dos and don'ts that might make the person integrity destroyed. The person must be willing to maintain the standards and guidelines set.

Other activities to do to achieve academic integrity include embracing the values that ensure I have the peace of mind to pursue my academic goal. The values include respect, trust, and courage. The values will guide me on the activities that I will engage in and ensure I remain focused on the goal (Bretag, 2018). The values help in developing academic integrity by ensuring one does not engage in activities that are against academic integrity. The values make the person have a habit of engaging in activities that are right. The values ensure one does not engage in dishonest behaviors where one engages in activities that are against the rules deliberately. Academic integrity is a culture that one develops by doing the right things.

Maintaining academic integrity while pursuing the goal entail remaining focused on the goal and doing things in the right manner. Academic goals, such as completing studies, is a journey that involves many activities; therefore, maintaining the values will help. At the graduate level, students are required to be independent in carrying out research and involving teachers for guidance. Graduates are also required to perfect skills they will use to do the actual work in line with the courses they pursue. At the graduate level, academic integrity is key because it enables the person to have values and integrity that are required in the work environment. The values should be embraced at will because one knows their importance.

To adhere to standards of integrity in my management vocation, I will set objectives that I want to achieve and develop strategies that I will use in achieving the objectives. Having a clear plan will help in ensuring that I am not distracted by new activities and events that come up (Robinson & Glanzer, 2017). I will follow my plan and standards as required by the vocation. Following all the guidelines will ensure that standards of integrity are maintained. The culture of integrity that I have developed over the years will help reduce conflicts and challenges that emerge when academic integrity values are broken.


Bretag, T. (2018). Academic integrity. In Oxford Research on Business and Management. https://oxfordre.com/business/view/10.1093/acrefore/9780190224851.001.0001/acrefore-9780190224851-e-147

Robinson, J. A., & Glanzer, P. L. (2017). Building a culture of academic integrity: What students perceive and need. College Student Journal, 51(2), 209-221.

Sotiriadou, P., Logan, D., Daly, A., & Guest, R. (2019). The role of authentic assessment to preserve academic integrity and promote skill development and employability. Studies in Higher Education, 1-17.

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