Free Essay Example - Urban Environmental Management

Published: 2023-07-30
Free Essay Example - Urban Environmental Management
Essay type:  Problem solution essays
Categories:  Management Ecology Water Pollution
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1860 words
16 min read

Recycling firms around the world play a critical role in helping to manage the number of waste products in the world. Many benefits are realized from the recycling of waste that includes less disposal to landfills meaning that there is less harm to the environment. Additionally, the process of recycling saves energy considering that the production of some of the products like aluminum relies on less energy in comparison to making them straight from raw materials. The small-scale- recycling firms in Bangladesh offer positive externalities, considering that there are a significant number of entities that benefit from the recycling process. They create employment, lowers production cost, and helps to lower infectious diseases. However, there is a great need to ensure that the recycling firms are protected and motivated in various ways that may include lowering the amount of tax they are paying to the government, offering them subsidies on the resources they need to undertake their activities, and providing them with land for construction of their recycling plants. In Bangladesh, the management of water is an issue that requires a lot of resources to undertake, and the ones available are not adequate to handle the issue.

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One of the ways that small-scale firms around the world are motivated to keep working on water management includes lowering the amount of tax that they are supposed to pay to the government. When this happens, the amount of disposable income in a company is increased, and this leads to a firm having more income for investment and expansion. Therefore, small businesses manage to expand their operations and cover a wide area and raise their efficiency levels. They are provided with an opportunity to employ highly qualified staff members since they can pay their wages. When the tax amounts are reduced, the funds are released to the economy by raising the employees' incomes, meaning that the public tends to have a high level of funds that they can use to develop their lives.

Tax is one of the components that makes it difficult for businesses to run their affairs, considering that it involves a portion of the income being surrendered to the authorities. When the tax rates are lowered, it means that the business will not be compelled to work under pressure or even try to cut on the recycling costs to meet their tax obligation. The company will invest in quality tools and ensure that they are following all the legislation measures set by the government to meet its goals. Therefore, their operations will be of great benefit to society at large, for they will manage to eliminate the water from the environment. Based on the article Economic and Financial Considerations in Urban Environmental Management, the provision of grants to companies that are following the anti-pollution measures is an excellent way of making sure that organizations follow all programs instituted by a government (Amin, 2005). According to the author, these recycling entities can be offered soft loans that they can use to meet their various obligations. Waste management authorities should put a lot of emphasis on the need for entities to follow anti-pollution measures, for this will guarantee a safe environment.

The firms can get awards that may be in the form of financial tokens for the great work that they are doing in society. These rewards will keep them motivated even to work more and offer quality services to the public. The other entities that will not be rewarded will work on improving their activities to make sure that they are included in the next rewarding period. The rewards will provide an opportunity for small-scale recycling firms in Bangladesh and the world at large to start competing on raising the quality of their services. The financial compensations given will go to a great extent in offering the businesses a chance to raise the salaries of their workers who are the main stakeholders that are involved in undertaking the various recycling activities.

It is critical to note that when firms are given grants, these compensations trickle down to the employees who in turn, raise their output. In Bangladesh, it is critical to note that one of the factors that are leading to the inability to manage waste disposal is the lack of motivation on the part of workers. According to Waste management projects gone to waste, the laws on waste management call for bodies assigned the responsibility of collecting waste to ensure that they are venturing to every home. They are needed to collect waste from slums, hotels, restaurants, and offices, and there is a need to ensure that there is scientific management of biodegradable waste. Based on the details highlighted in this article, the employees are not doing their jobs right with the Dhaka residents claiming that the authorities assigned the responsibilities of managing waste are not doing their jobs in the right way (Mahmud, 2018). The management system is made worse by the fact that even the residents are not following the rules set by the authorities, and this means that they are contributing to the pollution of the environment that they are supposed to be conserving. They are dumping waste on the roads. The installation of waste bins in the city was a program that failed to yield the required outcome, considering that the citizens were not aware of their existence or they did not see the need to use. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that the bodies that are given the responsibility to recycle waste are provided with something that can keep them motivated, for these are the goals that will help to raise their operational level. They will be willing to keep on notifying the public on the benefits of managing waste disposal and become keen on their responsibilities.

Based on the details given in this article, some of the measures that are causing an ineffective waste recycling process include the inability to build other transfer stations, considering that the Rajuk plan is faulty. The World Bank has funded some of the projects in Bangladesh on waste management, but they have failed to take shape due to inadequate space, while some of the influential people occupy grabbed land. Therefore, this is an indication that things would be different if the teams running the recycling process had adequate land for their activities.

When companies are provided with subsidies, they are presented with a chance to purchase the recycling equipment at a subsidized fee. The operational costs for these entities will be reduced, and they will be compelled to offer quality services to the public due to the reduced cost of operations directed to them by the government. Bangladesh is a developing country, and there is a need for the authorities to support the various business running in the country to avoid their collapse. Therefore, when they are offered subsidies, they are presented with a significant opportunity of ensuring their future survival.

In this country, the economy is not strong, and some of the investors may be willing to join the recycling industry to ensure that they are playing a part in environmental conservation. However, they may fail to have adequate funds to purchase some of the requirements, such as land. Therefore, the Bangladesh government and the authorities in other parts of the world may play their part in helping these entrepreneurs to have an easy time running their recycling plants. They may offer them land for free to ensure that they are saving on some of the original costs of operations. According to Waste management projects gone to Waste, the waste management systems in Dhaka have not experienced any form of improvement in the recent past despite the responsible entities taking initiatives to improve the system.

There have been plans to ensure that the city becomes a clean, mart, and digital metropolis, but the initiatives taken have not yielded the desired results. Landfills are one of the programs that have been utilized to manage waste disposal, but the utilization of modern method of water management are estimated to turn the city into a conducive environment for human survival. Therefore, it is clear that despite the many measures that the responsible authorities are taking to manage waste, the recycling firms are still experiencing difficulties, and this is why the government should take measures to motivate them. The move will ensure that they continue to undertake the desired programs to win the battle on waste management.

Positive Externalities

The small-scale recycling firms in Bangladesh help to build positive externalities in various ways. There are less landfills meaning that the level of pollution that emanates from these areas is lowered. In the developing world, such as Bangladesh, the water management programs that they utilized are not well developed, and this leads to waste getting disposed of in the wrong way. The benefits are wide that are realized from an effective waste management system. According to Economic and Financial Considerations in Urban Environmental Management, the significant adverse effects that result from the inability to recycle waste include pollution, free-riding of the available environmental resources, and natural resource destruction. Therefore, it is clear that when the right measures are undertaken, these issues will be rectified and managed in the right way.

When deforestation is managed, it means that cases of flooding, persistent droughts, and hunger will be controlled, and the general public will manage to lead a conducive life. Every human being desire to live in a conducive environment with clean air and water, but this cannot be realized if the right measures for handling waste are not followed. Therefore, these benefits are realized when the small-scale recycling firms in Bangladesh and other parts of the world are engaging in environmental conservation measures, and they are following the right programs. People desire to have a green space for free, but in most cases, they do not want to pay for the cost that is incurred from enjoying these benefits.

Diseases emanating from inappropriate waste disposal are a common occurrence in many parts of the world, especially in developing countries like Bangladesh. Some of the ailments that result from lack of following hygienic measures include parasitic, lung, and skin infections that can place a lot of pressure on the health department in a country. A lot of funds that would rather have been used in handling other development activities can be directed towards the management of these diseases. Therefore, it is clear that the benefits that people stand to gain from the small-scale recycling firms doing their jobs in the right way are many. These positive externalities will involve societies managing to live a healthy life and getting to utilize their income for their economic growth rather than to settle hospital bills. The creation of employment ensures that the public is employed and has a way of raising an income that they use to meet their daily needs and expenses. An economy cannot grow when a significant portion of its population is unemployed, for this will mean that the rate of consumption will exceed the production. With the establishment of recycling entities, it means that cases of crimes and dependency rates will decline.

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