Paper Example. Utilizing Your Academic Voice in Discussions

Published: 2023-08-06
Paper Example. Utilizing Your Academic Voice in Discussions
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Learning Students Communication skills
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 503 words
5 min read

Relate At Least Three Strategies for Utilizing Your Academic Voice in Discussions and/or Assignments

The three strategies that I will make use of in my academic voice in discussions or assignments include:

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The first strategy involves observing the use of declarative sentences by avoiding the use of words like I at the beginning of the sentence; my sentences will also be precise and clear.

The second strategy is to refrain from using casual language, such as can't instead of cannot. As such, the language I will use in academic writing will be formal but not fancy. For instance, when writing a letter, I will often try to imagine that I am writing to the school's director rather than a friend. Nonetheless, when writing a paper, I will use the concepts applied by a writer in writing a journal or a textbook.

The third strategy entails developing an authoritative register; this immensely dictates how I talk to people in various environments. For instance, when talking to a friend, I will be free to use terms like hey bro. However, when at work, I will use proper language to address my colleagues, such as Yes, Mister Phillip.

What Can You Do Right Now To Help You Avoid Accidental Plagiarism?

Right now, to make sure that I avoid unintentional plagiarism, I will consider doing the following. First, I will ensure that I do proper in-text citations of any phrases or sentences that are borrowed from other sources like academic journals. Also, I will ensure that I do not directly copy and paste words and phrases from other academic sources and use them as mine. Nonetheless, when using other peoples' work as references, I will ensure that I correctly list the sources on a page at the end of my work.

How Ethical Writing Skills Will Be Relevant To Your Own Educational and Career Journey

Ethical writing skills are critical to both my educational and carrier journey since, through ethical writing skills, I will be able to distinguish between formal and informal writing. As a student, ethical writing skills are important, especially when writing examinations and official letters to teachers and senior management of the school. Nonetheless, during my future career, ethical writing skills will significantly help me avoid unnecessary troubles with my colleagues by properly acknowledging their work when I use them as references.

Implications of Being Accused of Plagiarism Even If Accidental

Plagiarism, whether accidental or not, can lead to a student not getting any grade or even being expelled from school since it is viewed as cheating. Plagiarism results when an individual uses another person’s work but fails to acknowledge the author hence making the work appear as his or her original work. However, there are different software available for students to use in checking for plagiarism in their work, such as Turnitin. Hence, a student should often use the school resources in the writing center to check for the authenticity of their work.


The Writing Centre (Links to an external site). (

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Paper Example. Utilizing Your Academic Voice in Discussions. (2023, Aug 06). Retrieved from

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