Free Essay on Value Systems in Public Health Leadership

Published: 2019-09-26
Free Essay on Value Systems in Public Health Leadership
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Leadership analysis Management Public health
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 636 words
6 min read

The main role of leaders is to inspire and motivate other members of the team to achieve the set goals and objectives. This applies to all levels or disciplines, a factor that should be critical in assessing public health leadership. The level of competition and models that are increasingly being used are changing the leadership models to meet the set standards. Leaders are therefore developing self-serving and ruthless behaviors to be competitive and gain the highest position within the organization through achieving targets. However, value systems approach to leadership assesses the different values and processes that are implemented by leaders to ensure that they create a good working environment for all within the organization. In public health, leaders are poised to face massive challenges and the value systems approach is the only method that can work within such an environment where there are massive challenges born. This paper assesses the different aspects of value systems leadership approach and its application within the public health sector.

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One of the insights that can be derived from the value systems is increased enthusiasm and dedication to the tasks that are allocated. Leaders need to inspire and motivate all members of their teams to ensure that they are driven and dedicated to their roles since most of these roles are challenging. Public health is one of the areas where leaders as well as the workers may be exposed to different problems. Therefore, dedication and service is important. Transparency, honesty and fairness are also values that need to be embedded within the leadership models developed (Leischow and Millstein, 2006). If a leader is to create a dedicated group there needs to be transparency and fairness in all aspects of service between the members. Each team member needs to feel that they belong and own the team through identify fair models and structures that are critical in ensuring team bonding. Respect between all the members of the workgroup is also essential for a leader. Leaders are meant to ensure connectivity and motivate the workers. This is only achievable if a leader is respectful and cautious in their approaches and models used in treating the workers. Leaders need to have integrity and patient as most of the public health roles and duties may take a lot of time (Vroom and Jago, 2007). Leaders need to be examples and inspire the workers through the dedication and values that they possess. This means that there is a need to have integrity, commitment and patience since most of the roles that are needed in the field may take long.

The insights developed above mainly highlight the value system leadership approach as a model that is aimed at controlling models that meet the demands of the working group. The insights are important in understanding leadership is an active role that ensures all members are directed and committed to the course (Leischow and Millstein, 2006). Depending on the public health duty that has been given it is important to ensure that leaders are the driving force of the group and look to ensure that each member is particularly reinforced (Vroom and Jago, 2007). Leadership differs from management since one is tasked with the role of creating a workable environment and atmosphere that should be emulated by others in the team.

In conclusion, the value systems in leadership are imperative in developing workers who are driven and committed to the roles identified. Public health is a sensitive profession therefore, it requires dedicated leaders and people who are committed and driven in the society.


Leischow, S. J., & Milstein, B. (2006). Systems thinking and modeling for public health practice.American Journal of Public Health, 96(3), 403405.Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

Vroom, V. H., & Jago, A.G. (2007). The role of the situation in leadership. American Psychologist, 62(1), 1724. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

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