Essay Sample on Virtual Lab Experiment

Published: 2023-11-19
Essay Sample on Virtual Lab Experiment
Essay type:  Quantitative research papers
Categories:  Data analysis Research Statistics
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1314 words
11 min read

Experimental research is paramount in testing the hypothesis of the existing situation. Statistical testing with encompassing hypothesis testing is helpful for critical analytical decisions with the help of experimental data collected on record. Hypothesis ascertaining is the underlying assumption that is made from the population of parameters. In the experiment, it is advantageous to have a control experiment and the sample for the analysis itself for comparison to deduce a conclusion.

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Hypothesis Testing

Testing of Hypothesis is a statistical method used in making decisions statistically for experimental collection of data. The necessary testing of the hypothesis is an underlying assumption that is made considering the parameter population. The following are some of the types of hypothesis in existence; null hypothesis, it is a statistical hypothesis consideration that assumes that observation is due to the factor of chances. An alternative hypothesis is the contradict of the null hypothesis. Alternative shows observation is the result of the real effect.

Furthermore, the hypothesis needs some level of significance that is referred to as the degree of acceptance or rejection of null hypothesis. 100% accuracy is ambiguous, and hence 5% significance level is usual (Ghergulescu et al., 2018). Nonetheless, in hypothesis testing, when the significance value of the test is higher than the significance of the predetermined level, then we accept the null hypothesis. However, if the significance value is lower or less than the predetermined value, then we should reject the null hypothesis.


Chocolate contains the 33% fats and 47% sugars in the chocolate packs in comparison with the caffeine in coffee beverages. The sample of the regular standard size of the dark bar of a chocolate bar. The caffeine in the coffee portion of 8 oz regular cup of brew coffee (Abhishek et al., 2018). The content of the chocolate in the consideration ingredients is the cocoa solids, milk, sugar, and cocoa butter. Besides, they may contain flavorings such as emulsifiers and vanilla.

Furthermore, the coffee contains caffeine in the content of 8-oz, at a typical coffee cup is 95 mg. The single espresso and the drink espresso-based is containing the 63 mg, the decaf coffee containing about 3 mg of caffeine on the average (Stauffer et al., 2018). Nonetheless, caffeine is also found in dark chocolate bars but a varying percentage, unlike in usual coffee drink.

The challenge is getting the caffeine content in the coffee and the dark chocolate bars. The content of determination needs the gradual experimental procedure to give a clear elaborative analysis of the experiment provide the variables of the content to get a clear decision baseline. The analytic chemistry that scrutinizes statistical the content of caffeine in chocolate and coffee is clear on the data record (Susilawati et al., 2018). The soluble solutions mix with a solvent that is used to excrete the substance from the coffee 8 oz cup and the content of the chocolate bar.

The reagents content and equipment necessary for the experiment need to have a procedural step-by-step stage of determination of the content of caffeine in coffee and chocolate bars. The ceramic mortar and pestle are to crash and make the chocolate soluble in the solvent added to it. The blender is used to make the mixing of the content in the chocolate. The fridge is used to condense liquid to solids substance. The burets for measuring mass need to be elaborated in milligram. The volumetric flask use on holding the liquid content and filter. The Hamilton syringes are used to ensure that the microliter syringes on the siphoning of liquid only and in the chromatography performance. And they were hence getting the hypothetical test for the solution of caffeine content in chocolate and coffee.

Experimental Design

In the experiment, the gradual steps to determine the caffeine content in a coffee cup of 8 oz. being the liquid form to extract caffeine in it is a procedural step despite the variables in the preparation of coffee in the content of roasts, beans on serving. It measures the amount of pulp with the solution to wet coffee pulp. Weigh in the scale of milligrams. It converts the pulp into dry measurements. It is done by subtracting the amount of solution added (Susilawati et al., 2018). It is calculated by calculating how much coffee initially was put in the coffee maker, then deduct the amount of coffee produced. The ph scale needs to be 7.4, However small the weight is, it will affect the final pulp weight. Measure out the equivalent amount of water and the weight of the scale, being sure to subtract the weight of the container from the last measurement. Subtracting the weight of the water and the weight of the pulp. Multiply the dry measurement of the amount of caffeine in that type of coffee in it. The made instant coffee with 2 grams of bare instant, for example, multiply into 3,142 and divide by 100 from the last milligram.

Regular-Sized Dark Chocolate Bar

the dark chocolate bar has some caffeine portion in it. To determine the content of caffeine in the coffee. The chocolate needs to be crushed in the ceramic mortar and pestle. The liquid dissolves the chocolate content except for caffeine needs. The volumetric flask of measurement and filtering of the solution. The residue of the solution needs to be weighted to give the measurements.


The measurement of the content in every step is essential to know the weight recording. In chocolate, the crushing in the ceramic mortar and pestle and making it soluble by stirring in the solvent in burets. Then after that, make the filtering and move the residue to the freezer to solidify and measure the weight.

In the coffee content, the necessary solvent of methanol is added to it and then stirred to mix in a buret, then release out the heavy content to the conical flask and measure the weight. The masses need to be measured in electronic analytical balance in milligrams (Susilawati et al., 2018). The adjustable micropipette for the disposable matching tips. After freezing the content, measure the weight.


In detail, coffee contains a lot of caffeine in one serving. The dark chocolate does not have much caffeine than milk chocolate. The caffeine in coffee like eight ounces of generic brewed coffee contains 95 milligrams of caffeine. 6- ounce cup of good coffee has between 200- 300 milligrams of stimulant. That is quite a lot of buzz packed into a small volume.


In the experiment and hypothesis testing in comparison to caffeine in chocolate and coffee is clear from the statistical data and result from observation of the investigation. The result from the experiment shows that coffee has more caffeine and, in consideration, slightly higher than caffeine in chocolate. The graphs show the precise comparison of caffeine content in chocolate and coffee. It is advised that caffeine-content food needs to be eradicated in society since it affects human health. Caffeine is a stimulant, and a drug of its on mainly in beverages need to be hedger to save health consideration.


Abhishek, M., Aswin, P., Akhil, N. C., Souban, A., Muhammedali, S. K., & Vial, A. (2018). Virtual lab using Markerless augmented reality. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment, and Learning for Engineering (TALE).

Ghergulescu, I., Lynch, T., Bratu, M., Moldovan, A., Muntean, C. H., & Muntean, G. (2018). Stem education with atomic structure virtual lab for learners with special education needs. EDULEARN18 Proceedings.

Stauffer, S., Gardner, A., Ungu, D. A., López-Córdoba, A., & Heim, M. (2018). Lab safety. Labster Virtual Lab Experiments: Basic Biology, 1-10.

Susilawati, E., Atmawarni, .., & Andriany, L. (2018). Formative evaluation for the development of blended learning models. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research.

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