Visiting Paris Essay Example

Published: 2020-04-28
Visiting Paris Essay Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Tourism Personal experience
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 589 words
5 min read

Paris is a city known under many names: the city of lights, the city of love and so much more. The city is not without its wonders and is one to be marveled about by everyone who visits it. The city is quite magical when visiting it, having a rich history since it was founded in 3rd Century BC with centers such as the University of Paris that was the first of its kind in Europe. It is now an important part of commerce, tourism, education, trade, the sciences and arts in the bigger European scene. But one may wonder, what makes Paris the it city to take a vacation in. this is a paper that looks at some of the best things about the city and why its my dream city.

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My love of art drives Paris to be my beloved destination. Having a rich history of French art which culminated in the revolution, France hosts the majority of all of the major art and Paris is the center of this art galleries, with museums such as the Louvre and the Museum of Modern Art. These two attractions are the biggest in the world in their class of art displays with works from various renowned artists such as Picasso and Matisse. Furthermore, foreign artists made this place their home because of their acceptance of the arts world and their openness of mind. The Mona Lisa finds its home in Paris. One of the most controversial and interesting paintings of all time is found in the walls of the Louvre. With much history and speculation concerning the intentions of the genius painter Leonardo da Vinci, this could be one of the major sights that I could get to see on my visit there.

On another scale, the architecture of the city is also a work of art on its own. Paris is one of the cities that has endured for the longest time without destruction from the time of its inception. If one should consider the landmarks of the city which include the cliche Eiffel Tower, the ancient Church of Saint-Germaine, the Basilica of Saint-Denis, the fantastic Palais Garnier Opera House and the Louvre Pyramids. Paris also has a history as the city where the equator first passed before it was moved to the city of Greenwich in Europe. It is also notable that there are contemporary architecture artworks such as the Louis Vuitton Foundation Museum which still inspire the world.

With all to see, we cannot forget one thing that is truly important giving our taste buds the holiday. Paris is the home of French cuisine where there are so many legendary chefs without number. There are many eating spots including formal eateries as well as more traditional and causal eating joints. Bistros of many kinds are available, as well as walk-in wine restaurants. One can also choose to have the legendary ice cream from Glacier Berthilion when they are out and about strolling the streets of Paris. There are so many types of food to go including French sandwiches which are served on different types of home-made European bread, or chezaline which is made of horse-meat all there to suit your taste buds, and all at world-renowned restaurants.

The city is also blessed with one of the best accommodation services in the world with exotic views of the Seine River in hotels such as the Latin Quarter or Montmartre. All in all, the city is just one place Id love to go for a holiday to.

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