Vocal Hygiene - Paper Example

Published: 2023-08-23
Vocal Hygiene - Paper Example
Essay type:  Process essays
Categories:  Anatomy Healthcare Lifespan development
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 616 words
6 min read

Over the years, vocal hygiene has been applied to preserve a person's voice to resonate even beyond the 70s. By having a good voice, a person enjoys a healthy life, and speech therapy that could allow them to rehabilitate damaged voices. The voice is a vital tool throughout human life and sound. The voice seems to appear through different interconnected links and disguises. Historically, an experienced voice auditory is showcased via various movements, which can be seen based on the voice figure (Khidr 35). In terms of sounds and presence, voice plays a vital role in terms of voice manipulations and techniques with properties of spatial aspects and time. Because voice plays a crucial role in human life, vocal hygiene is essential for voice management.

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In most instances, extended voice technique proves to rely on pure voice management, and also rely on specific timbral approach. The method applied can affect how people perceive and hear vocal sounds with particular spaces (Olszewski et al., 34). In essence, an extended vocal approach is somehow real experiences that are perfect and beautiful in itself. The extended vocal method lengthens the limitation of what many people would perceive as a standard singing technique by combining the sounds that a human can produce.

A study was conducted where vocal behavior of classical music singers and Flamengo singers were compared to create a differential profile of vocal behaviors and habit in flamenco music. From their findings, it was realized that Flamengo singers are more exposed to different vocal risk factors that make them vulnerable to muscle stiffness, phono-trauma, mucosa dehydration, and vocal fatigue as compared to classical singers

There are several ways in which a good voice can be achieved. One of the best ways is to improve liquids consumption by at least taking eight glasses of water. In this context, a person is encouraged to chew gum to lubricate a dry throat (Olszewski et al., 34). The other requirement is to avoid alcohol, which causes and dehydrates larynx to release mucous, which thickens and needs to be cleared. In essence, a person is expected to increase throat-clearing awareness. Habitual throat clearing can lead to fluid accumulation in vocal fold tissue, which makes the vocal folds vulnerable to irritation, and bruising, and affect the voice. Every morning a person is encouraged to gargle tepid water, to reduce the accumulation of mucous in the throat. There is a need to use a moderate and conversation loudness level when talking to a person at a distance. Also, smoking is not needed as it may be led to vocal cords cancer. Individuals are encouraged to avoid an irritating environment that has strong smells, auto exhaust, and tobacco smoke that are sensitive and allergic, which affects speaking and breathing mechanisms (Khidr 36). The other strategies entail the maintenance of breathing, limiting the amount of talking, evaluating singing, and knowing the impact of exercise and posture.

In conclusion, an extended vocal approach is somehow a real experience that is perfect and beautiful in itself. The extended vocal method lengthens the limitation of what many people would perceive as a standard singing technique by combining the sounds that a human can produce. There is a need to use a moderate and conversation loudness level when talking to a person at a distance. A person is encouraged to chew gum to lubricate a dry throat. Habitual throat clearing can lead to fluid accumulation in vocal fold tissue, which makes the vocal folds vulnerable to irritation, and bruising, and affects the voice.

Works Cited

Khidr, A. Voice training programs for professional speakers: Global outcomes. Plural Publishing, 2017.Olszewski, A., et al. Here's how to teach voice and communication skills to transgender women. Plural Publishing, 2018.

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Vocal Hygiene - Paper Example. (2023, Aug 23). Retrieved from http://land-repo.site.supplies/essays/vocal-hygiene?pname=speedypaper.com

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