Walmart: America's Multilateral Tech Company - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-09-13
Walmart: America's Multilateral Tech Company - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Walmart
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 695 words
6 min read


Walmart is one of the American largest multilateral cooperation, with over eight thousand branches within and outside the United States. Walmart is classified both as a hard and soft technology company. The company is classified as hard technology company since it stocks and sells many technology products including but not limited to software, Estes U.S Army Patriot M-104 flying model rocket kit, various robotic models, software for computer applications (Porter & Ramirez-Vallejo, 2017). As a soft technology company, Walmart employs the use of technology in administering most of its operations. The robotic loading and offloading of goods within its stores lower the cost of services and wages by reducing the number of employees required to perform tasks. The technology used in the financial sector is more efficient and accurate with automation that makes the customers buy goods through online platforms. The use of teleconferencing promotes the global village in the business making the operations simplified and timely in all the over 8000 branches across the globe (Porter & Ramirez-Vallejo, 2017).

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Barriers to Technology in the Walmart Company

Walmart faces numerous technological obstacles in its operation in the many branches within the US and abroad. The ethical issues that govern the implementation of new technology, such as hacking into the system, resulting in significant losses, the use of autonomous systems, and the environmental effects of the technology. Even though alphabot technology has been working, the system I only effective within 8000 square kilometers limits some customers from accessing the technology (Phillips & Rozworski, 2019). The use of some technology has a great impact on the environment. For example, the manufacture of preservative release chemicals to the air results in air pollution and water pollution. The environmentalist and other health-related organizations have issued directives slowing down the implementation of specific technologies by the company; for example, World Health Organization gave a guideline relating to water pollution as a result of effluent from the company.

Mitigations to Technology Barriers

The company has walked a great mile in overcoming the obstacles on technology that affect its output in terms of publicity and profit margin realization. McMillion, the CEO of Walmart, has majored in the employment of majorly the teenagers who are ambitious and motivated to help the company achieve its technological goals within the shortest time possible. The company focuses on training over 500, 000 associates on the new technologies in the market at highly reduced cost and develops a monitoring tool for the same as explaining during the annual summit (Reich & Bearman, 2018). In addition to this, the company has a well-structured strategic plan on how to compete fairly with big companies like Amazon. Walmart focuses on modernizing their services to automated delivery systems to cut on time and delivery costs.

How Walmart Should Protect its Technology

Walmart is building trust in its customers through enhanced online participation and service delivery. Bench-making with stable companies like the Amazon on the implementation and incorporation of technology in the production process has been the principal objective of the CEO, which has made the company stay on course since 2016? The company developed an AR scanner, a system that makes it easy to identify the products and match them with their respective prices (Ellickson, 2016). The combination of this system is enhanced through cloud storage and protected from hackers with customer-privacy taken into consideration.


Ellickson, P. B. (2016). The evolution of the supermarket industry: from A & P to Walmart. In Handbook on the Economics of Retailing and Distribution. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Phillips, L., & Rozworski, M. (2019). The People's Republic of Wal-Mart: How the World's Biggest Corporations Are Laying the Foundation for Socialism. Verso.

Porter, M. E., & Ramirez-Vallejo, J. (2017). Walmart: Navigating a Changing Retail Landscape.

Reich, A., & Bearman, P. (2018). Working for respect: Community and conflict at Walmart. Columbia University Press.

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