Essay Example: Was the 2003 Invasion of Iraq a Just War?

Published: 2023-03-20
Essay Example: Was the 2003 Invasion of Iraq a Just War?
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  International relations War Religion
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 695 words
6 min read

The just war theory mainly refers to a Christian philosophy that aims at reconciling issues such as the country has the responsibility to protect its people and ensure justice is upheld (Lazar, 2017). The theory also attempts to explain that taking the life of human beings is a mistake, as well as that defending innocent human life and protecting the most significant moral values often requires the capacity to employ violence and insert force. The just-a-war theory particularly explains the condition for judging the war, and the way such war should be fought (Lazar, 2017). More significantly, the main purpose of the theory is to ensure that the country acts in the right way in case of any occurrence of war. It is worth noting that just war theory only captures the state but is limited to individuals (Lazar, 2017). More imperatively, the theory does not justify the war but averts the war by demonstrating that getting into the conflict is wrong, thereby providing more opportunities for the country to solve conflict without war.

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More importantly, the jus ad Bellum refers to the law on the utilization of force during the war (Kretzmer, 2013). It plays a significant role in limiting states from resorting to the use of force in the event of any conflict. Thus, the state has to avoid the use of force and avert the use of any threat against the integrity of any territory, as well as any political independence, only except for self-protection (Kretzmer, 2013). According to the United Nations Chapter, it is impossible to determine which country violates the law. Additionally, the use of humanitarian law does not include the condemnation of the wrong parties because that would bring the hullabaloo that deters the execution of the law, and there is a possibility that every opponent may claim to be a victim of the violence.

Concerning the 2003 invasion of Iraq, the United States forces invaded Iraq in 2003 promising to completely destroy the mass destruction weapons which were employed by the country and absolutely eliminate the rule of the dictator used by Saddam Hussein (Robinson, Goddard, Parry, Murray & Taylor, 2016). The war did not uphold its public support, as the intelligence of the weapon for mass destruction demonstrated deceptiveness, as well as violent insurrection, emerged. However difficult it was, the U.S forces employed more effort and finally captured Saddam Hussein; hey hanged him and provided the opportunity to hold a peaceful and democratic election (Robinson et al., 2016). More imperatively, the just war has been demonstrated as the U.S forces eliminated the rule of a dictator and to ensure justice for the people of Iraq.

Regarding the Australis view, intelligence is about the way Americans describe the buildup of materials on Iraq from the more sophisticated system of spies (Robinson et al., 2016). More significantly, some Australians can understand why the United States' intelligence on the Iraq invasion got skewed due to political forces and wrong-case analysis, as well as the garbage grade of the intelligence that was invented by the people of Iraq who were desperately in need of U.S. intervention. Notably, it was not of any surprise when the news was heard that there was a failure by intelligence from the U.S. in the investigation of Iraq (Robinson et al., 2016). More imperatively, it is worth noting that the intelligence relationship between the United States and Australia was the major reason for the corporation and coordination between the two nations (Robinson et al., 2016). Understandably, Australia conformed to the demand of President George Bush, which in the long run has infringed the Australian forces at significant risk, as well as costing them a billion dollars while increasing threats of terrorism in Australia.


Kretzmer, D. (2013). The inherent right to self-defense and proportionality in jus ad bellum. European Journal of International Law, 24(1), 235-282.

Lazar, S. (2017). Just war theory: Revisionists versus traditionalists. Annual Review of Political Science, 20, 37-54.

Robinson, P., Goddard, P., Parry, K., Murray, C., & Taylor, P. M. (2016). Pockets of resistance: British news media, war and theory in the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

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