Ways in which Teachers can Embrace diversity in the United States - Paper Example

Published: 2023-12-16
Ways in which Teachers can Embrace diversity in the United States - Paper Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Education Culture Pedagogy Society Diversity
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 872 words
8 min read

Diversity refers to all factors that form the difference in people and make them distinct from others. These factors include gender, race, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, physical abilities, age, religion, ethnicity, and political affiliations. As the United States of America continues to be more diverse, the country has a chance to understand their differences and be more respectful. As such, the classroom is a better place to teach and nurture diversity in the younger population. Consequently, teachers can create a future nation of individuals that embrace diversity.

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Teachers should show interest in the students despite their race. Racial difference is one of the significant diversity issues affecting the US today. Schools that have been predominantly white in the past continue to see a remarkable increase in admissions of kids from other races. Some teachers in such schools do not embrace this idea as they claim that the other kids do not cooperate reasonably with rules. However, such attitudes make these kids feel unwelcome in schools. Therefore, teachers and educators must approach the matter of racial diversity differently. One way to do this is by the educator getting to know their students. The teacher can make time to interact with individual scholars and seek to understand them (Bean, 2016). Such concern can allow the kids to form a bond of trust with the teacher, consequently influencing them to be comfortable in class and school.

Additionally, when a teacher understands each student regardless of race, the scholar will feel valued and seek to respect their classmates. Notably, once the teacher gets to know each student, they can determine how unique and gifted they are. Hence, the teacher can help the students fulfill their destiny and dreams.

Educators should treat each child with equality. Another form of Diversity in the US is socio-economic status. School districts mean that some schools will have more affluent kids, while some will have more kids from low-income homes. This is because of the neighborhoods found in the specific school districts. Also, financial capacity ranges from family to family (Eggen & Kauchak, 2017). Therefore, schools will have students from unequal socio-economic backgrounds. It is the educators' responsibility to ensure that all kids feel comfortable in school and class despite their household's income level (Messiou et al., 2016). The teachers should not treat other kids with favoritism due to the parents' wealth. For instance, the teacher should not embarrass a child just because they receive sponsorship for meals or tuition. The teacher should also ensure a culture of equality and mutual respect among kids, no matter their socio-economic background. This way, no child will derail in class for feeling out of place.

Tutors should be sensitive to different cultures. Cultural difference is also a significant factor in diversity. Notably, the US is one of the most culturally diverse nations. For a long time, this is because the country has opened its borders for people worldwide. Therefore, schools reflect this cultural diversity. Lack of acceptance for other cultures can make the students feel unwanted and less comfortable in school.

Consequently, this will negatively impact the overall performance of these kids. Eggen & Kauchak (2017) assert that teachers play a significant role in creating a classroom and school environment that appreciates different cultures. The educators can achieve this by fostering sensitivity towards everyone's culture and cultural beliefs. A teacher can create a teaching plan that encompasses each student's needs. For instance, if a kid is learning the English language, the tutor can develop a plan to help the former have a better grasp.

Further, the teacher can help each student feel comfortable to learn and grow by encouraging them to learn and understand the various cultures. Importantly, this will create a safe space for the kids despite their cultural diversity. Therefore, the tutor will nurture a community of individuals that can respect cultural diversity even outside of the classroom.

Teachers should foster freedom of individuality and expression. Sexual orientation has increasingly gained acceptance in the US. In recent decades, the issue of sexual orientation has become an essential conversation across various platforms. Schools are not exempted. In the past, the freedom to live one's true authentic self was not typical. And as the country continues to embrace this, so do schools. This has seen more kids coming out. However, this acceptance is not as much as it should be. This allows teachers to do more on the issue. The matter of sexual orientation is conflicting enough for the students, and the tutor should not make it any worse (Aguirre et al., 2020). As such, the tutor can guide the students to be open-minded and not have limited perspectives. This way, the students can have honest conversations and better understand such matters as sexual orientation. As a result, educators will help scholars go through personal development and acquire a new way of looking at the world.

In conclusion, diversity continues to grow in the US. Various issues make up diversity, including race, socio-economic class, sexual orientation, religion, and culture. Teachers must seek to understand individual students and to foster the same understanding in them. Teachers can also be sensitive to the experiences of these kids. Finally, the tutors can develop a curriculum that includes every student and their differences.

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Ways in which Teachers can Embrace diversity in the United States - Paper Example. (2023, Dec 16). Retrieved from http://land-repo.site.supplies/essays/ways-in-which-teachers-can-embrace-diversity-in-the-united-states?pname=speedypaper.com

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