What Cleaning Product Kills Bacteria in Locker Room Faster? Essay Sample

Published: 2021-01-25
What Cleaning Product Kills Bacteria in Locker Room Faster? Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Health and Social Care
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1394 words
12 min read

What cleaning product kills bacteria in the locker room faster?

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Around the world, many of the life-threatening cases reported and un-reported emerge from deadly diseases, infections and viruses. All of these spread and affect individuals only because they are left unchecked. It is apparent that we should embrace the basic methods of proliferating or preventing bacterial infections and transfer of disease such as washing of ones hands. One of the questions that would be addressed here is if there is an effective, fast and portable mode of getting rid of harmful disease-causing micro-organisms in surfaces and air (The Doctors Book of Home Remedies, 2009).

The strategies of eradicating the spread of pathogens and other micro-organisms would go a long way to save a large population from suffering. The hindrances that come with the fear of the spread of virus or harmful bacteria through air and surfaces are prevalent in our environment, in a case such as locker room. Disinfectants are always entrusted with the role of freeing surfaces from the effect of breeding pathogens (The Doctors Book of Home Remedies, 2009). On the other hand, such disinfectants are proved to only kill 40-70% of the most dangerous contaminants. Good examples of such hindrances include quarantines that are established in institutions of learning and airport that bar passengers from travelling. It is now inevitable for scientific development of disinfectants that can kill bacteria faster in locker rooms (The Doctors Book of Home Remedies, 2009). We then set up on the SteriMist as a disinfectant to solve the need for reduction or eradication of the rate of transfer of bacteria through different medium.

Purpose of experiment:

The experiment seeks to establish a better way of ensuring that SteraMist foggers operation is safe. The efficiency of the room or asset to be treated is also evaluated in this context.

Materials and methods:

SteraMist fogger solution.

BIT (Biological Immunization Technology) Plasma solution

Growth Media that is (Raven labs and TSB (Trypicase Soy Broth) with BCP)

Biological indicators including the rodac plates


In this test, we first sketched the room on an FPS taking into account the dimensions of the room. From the completion of the procedure, we then set into the mode of scrubbing dirt from the respective areas in the room (The Doctors Book of Home Remedies, 2009). Isolation of the room prepares for taking of samples, and in this case we only collected two samples. The amount of bacterial load from two different patient rooms became assumed to amount to average amount of bacterial load sampled. After the sampling, scrubbing is the next step that follows it (The Doctors Book of Home Remedies, 2009). The performance of scrubbing was actualized through placing of carbon filters over the HVAC ventilations. The HVAC could be shut down by placing a scrubbing device inside the dimensioned room using the prescribed fogger. With the two sample biological loads collected, an efficacy test could then be performed on the locations to know the type of biological indicator and subsequently noted down (The Doctors Book of Home Remedies, 2009).

We cleaned the samples first and then sampled them again this time treating them with the SteraMist. We then exposed the samples to temperatures of 22-24 degrees Celsius for bacterial activity.

The last part of our experiment became the calculation of fogging run time that helped to determine the level of decontamination or sanitization that is desired.

The first involved:

Calculation of the volume of the room. Through the equation, V= length x width x height

Secondly the 6 log reduction achievable on surfaces was set at 0.5 mm/ft3. It recommends that solution of fogging increased can increase the efficacys yields.

Lastly we then calculated the concentration of solution using the equation: Volume (v) in ft3 x concentration of the applied dose. (C) in ml/ft3= amount of solution required for sanitization of a surface to kill bacteria.

Results and discussion:

Pre clean Post clean Post SteraMist Plate control Geobacillus as the control

Room 1: sink 20 10 0 There was No growth

Toilet 20 10 0 No growth

Bed 30 5 0 There was growth

For sample 1 there was growth before the incubation phase. Its location at the sink was a coupon showing that the growth was effected through the Rodac plate showing some microbial life already.

For sample two, the sample placed under the bed showed no growth with the addition of aerosol to it. The aerosol could not support life and therefore no growth became evident. The hydrogen peroxide that could be responsible for oxidation in BIT was at its lowest concentration (The Doctors Book of Home Remedies, 2009). Sample three proved that when Steamiest is used it effectively reduces the bacterial burden that found it way in the patients rooms. The bacteria that occurred on the various surfaces showed variation due to the pre-clean count and the post clean count on the CFU. The post SteraMist CFU count shows minimal effect on the total CFU that found itself on the hard surfaces such as the sink. From the counts, we generally assert that 6 log can therefore kill vegetative bacteria cells and spores.


The system makes uses of a new technology from TOMI solution directly gotten from the Environment. The technology uses (BIT) Binary Ionization Technology and is highly applicable in most healthcare centers where it effectively kills harmful pathogens as a disinfectant. The process applies atmospheric plasma that is cold to activate low concentrated hydrogen peroxide that is mixed in solution to create ROS that is Reactive Oxygen Species (Zero-Infection-Rate, 2009).

It destroys contaminates through oxidation of unsaturated amino acids and fatty acids it then leads disruption of the cellular makeup of the the pathogens. The dysfunction assures complete inactivity of the disease-causing micro-organism, from spreading through air and surfaces. Through the biological decontamination of these surfaces, there are no fumes or even noxious by products that can pollute the immediate environment. All these are necessitated by the broad spectrum that SteraMist has.


Steramist produces a reactive oxygen species got from activation of low level of solution of hydrogen peroxide. It instantly creates an (AIHP) that is the Activated Ionized Hydrogen Peroxide. It releases a misty-like substance leaving no residue. The only byproducts that it produces are oxygen and water. The Ceramist comes with much ease in use as it highly portable, and can be easily stored and it is ideal in deployment that is required fast. (Zero-Infection-Rate, 2009)

It is proved to disinfect surfaces two to three times faster than other products of similar use. Experts also allege that it is able to simultaneously disinfect multiple surfaces. It is capable of effecting the change in approximately seventy five minutes, which is dependable on the configuration and size of the room. In contrast to Activated Hydrogen Peroxide that effects the change at two to three hours. Another disinfectant is vaporized hydrogen peroxide that effects the same at six hours.

Where it is used:

Steramist is highly used in hospitals as a disinfectant. The main reason stands at reducing the number of hospital acquired infections (HAIs) are a global concern it therefore offers a stable way of dealing with the pathogens that spread fast in open air and surfaces. (http://www.tomiesinc.com/intl/products/steramist/,2015)

Its applicability is not only limited to hospitals but also to any space that would require the need for disinfection as it basically acts fast, and is highly effective as a solution. The motor and computer sectors can find it applicable in n dealing with the problem of dust that tend to accumulate around the facilities surfaces. . (Zero-Infection-Rate_2009).The applicability of the disinfectant comes in line with our hypothesis that indeed most of the reigning diseases and conditions can be avoided with well cleaned surfaces and air around us. In the case of locker rooms where bacteria coming from sweat, other sources of dirt are dominant. To secure and raise a healthy environment, proper consideration ought to be made to constantly disinfect our rooms and environs of bacteria. It is possible through safe practice of surface and room cleaning using the right disinfectants such as SteraMist with proven ability to disinfect surfaces properly.

Works Cited

The Doctors Book of Home Remedies: Quick Fixes, Clever Techniques, and Uncommon Cures to Get You Feeling Better Fast. New York: Rodale Press, 2009. Print.


(The Doctors Book of Home Remedies: 2009). Print.

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