Paper Example: What Enhances Learning

Published: 2023-04-04
Paper Example: What Enhances Learning
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Learning School Parenting Child development
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1191 words
10 min read

The acquisition of knowledge starts from a young age, and it is during these early stages that a learner develops different skills which will influence the way they learn in school and their general functioning in life. Many factors facilitate student learning while enhancing the acquisition of knowledge. The setting and the surrounding environment of a student is responsible for their personality and learning behavior. Parents provide the resources necessary for their children to afford an education. The society exposes different knowledge elements of life, therefore, enhancing the learning. Other factors such as technology, home life, ethnicity, race, parenting style, and socio-economic status of the learner's family have a significant impact on a learner's experience. They facilitate the cognitive, academic, mental growth, and intellectual development of students. The paper examines how factors such as the parenting style, home life, society, technology, race, ethnicity, and socio-economic factors enhance and influence the learning of students.

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The first factor that influences learning in students is the parenting style. Parenting methods and tactics used in a home setting influence tremendously the way kids learn and acquire knowledge, their personalities, and the way they relate with their surroundings. Parents and guardians of learners should eliminate harmful elements that may hinder personal growth and learning outcomes of their children. The family background of a student has a significant impact on their education and the way they learn. It influences their perceptions, the way they reason, and how they experience school. The parenting styles and habits that the children learn massively impacts on their capacity to acquire knowledge. Most guardians try to give their children the best education they can afford. Caring parents can make sacrifices, teach their kids self-discipline, and motivate them to achieve anything in life, especially education achievements. The involvement of parents in their children's life can help them to prosper in life. When they actively get involved with their children's education, they create a conducive environment both at home and at school to enhance learning. Active parents also take their children to good schools and monitor their improvement. For instance, in the audiovisual, "An education inequality," parents who send their kids to private schools have an active involvement in their welfare (Brewster & Stephenson, 2013). Studies show that private institutions are innovative and student-centered (Harris, 2011). Parental involvement can create a conducive learning environment for the children, while parental absence can result in abandonment issues and drop in the learning capacity of a student. Parents are also responsible for shaping and molding their children's behavior and habits. They can teach them good habits and self-motivating patterns, which can contribute immensely to their learning capacity in life.

The second factor that influences student learning is the society in which the learners live. The social surrounding can significantly impact students and how they learn in different ways. The community teaches customs, social values, ethics, and good morals that meaningfully shape how kids are brought up, thus developing their personalities, perceptions, and capacity to learn. Society shapes the language and culture of the student's community. The surrounding environment of a learner, if utilized positively, can assist students by exposing them to education structures, facilities, and amenities that can enhance their overall learning capacity. For example, when learners interact, be it in public libraries or the field, they can learn different behavior patterns and sharpen their life skills and capacity to learn and grow. The society that a student exists in may offer opportunities and platforms that can enhance their learning and development. An example is when three US children move to Russia and have a hard time trying to fit into the education system because of the different social settings and language barriers (Harris & Dressner, 2011). A familiar society that learners fit into creates a conducive learning environment.

Another factor that has an impact on learning is racial and ethnic diversity. Race and ethnicity give learners opportunities to study different cultures while sharpening their social skills and helping them to understand and appreciate diversity. Racial and ethnic diversity in education enhances learning by challenging ethnic and racial stereotypes (Harris, 2011). When minorities learn in an environment that does not alienate them, they are more likely to perform better. Such a situation is conducive for learning, especially for those who are learning foreign languages (Harris, 2011). Racial diversity and ethnicity expose learners to multiculturalism, assisting them to appreciate our differences and become rational thinkers.

Socio-economic status is another factor that enhances learning by determining the type of school students will attend and the overall quality of education they will acquire. The socio-economic status of a learner's family directly affects the extent and level to which they can learn and gain knowledge. Socio-economic status determines the parents' ability to afford the level of education available for their children. Learners who are lucky enough to come from families with higher socio-economic status can attend the best high-ranking schools that provide extracurricular activities or private tutors for their children, thus enhancing their capacity to acquire knowledge and skills. The socio-economic status of a family and home life can determine the social skills of a learner. Wealthy families tend to afford the most excellent education, while students from a poor socio-economic background get fewer opportunities.

Technology is another vital factor that affects the learning process because it influences students' access to a variety of learning materials. Technology makes it easier to access learning materials, accessing information, and various programs used for learning. In the current education systems, learners have access to useful technology gadgets such as smartphones, portable computers, and tablets, which can act as a source of educational materials, tutorials, and assistive programs that enhance learning. An excellent example of the impact of technology in improving learning is the Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC) on learning (Harris, 2011). The "Military education" audiovisual details show how e-learning can enhance the acquisition of knowledge and skills. Technology can help in shaping and nurturing students to take leadership roles while equipping them with a suitable level of confidence and capacity to learn.

In conclusion, the factors that enhance student learning can result in positive impacts on students. Factors like race, technology, ethnicity, socio-economic factors, and student behavior play a crucial role in student learning by sharing their experiences and increasing their capacity to learn. Racial diversity and ethnicity, society, parenting styles, socio-economic status, as well as home life, greatly influence the quality of education and student success. These factors influence students' experiences and behaviors, and their progress in learning is shaped by these aspects, which contribute to how they perceive and interpret individual spheres of life.


Brewster, J., & Stephenson, M. (2013, September 23). An education in equality. The New York Times. Retrieved February 11, 2020, from

Harris, R. (2011, June 19). A military education. The New York Times. Retrieved February 11, 2020, from

Harris, R. (2011, September 2). Learning begins at home. The New York Times. Retrieved February 11, 2020, from

Harris, S., & Dressner, J. (2011, September 15). An education. The New York Times. Retrieved February 11, 2020, from

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