What is it to be Human - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-12-26
What is it to be Human - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Philosophy Society Human
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 650 words
6 min read

To be human is defined as to wander and explore the intellectual possibilities of life. The intellectual capacity of humans makes them unique from the rest of the creatures that live on health. The intellectual capacity is the ability of humans to think and act differently from the rest of the creatures on health (Iglesias). The intellectual possibilities of life include being able to come up with innovations and create things that other creatures are not able to innovate and create. Humans are able to be organized and do their things in an organized and procedural manner to be able to achieve the desired goals.

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To be human imply that humans are able to think of the future and begin planning on how they will handle the challenges and opportunities that one is likely to face in the future. The planning is meant to make human beings live a comfortable life by ensuring the needs of human beings are fixed (Livingstone Smith). Humans fear the future; hence they plan for the future based on what they want to achieve in the future. Humans have goals that they want to achieve, and they put measures and take action to ensure that the goals are achieved.

The human revolution has led to traits that make humans distinct from other creatures (Bidshahri). One of the qualities that make human beings distinct is the ability to think about the principles, ideas, and objects that are not present physically or tangible. Human beings are also unique in that they possess the ability to symbolic communication. No other being has the ability for complex language, which is facilitated by a lowered larynx, which leads to the production of various sounds. Symbols have improved people's living by providing them with new approaches to coping with unpredictable.

The second trait that makes human beings distinct from other beings is the ability to change the World (Bidshahri). Humans have to find food through hunting, gathering, and farming, and with time their role in changing the World has transitioned from finding means of survival to innovations that make life better. Human beings have made contributions in different sectors, and through the innovations, the World has become a better place. By, for example, innovating vaccines, there has been improved human health and reduced mortality rates. Human beings are also unique from other beings in that they have a high level of consciousness. Human beings are unique as they possess reading and writing abilities.

Buddha and Aristotle agree that being human is to live a life of moderation by avoiding the extremes that might make life chaotic as humans try to balance the wants and needs required to make life sustainable. Aristotle argued that humans embrace generic sense by trying to balance good and evil by embracing virtues that do not embrace the principle of moderation (Iglesias). Among the measures that humans have embraced the principle of moderation by using religious doctrine that advocates and embraces the virtues of being human. The religious doctrines advocate for the values that limit the actions of the people.

The qualities that distinguish us as human beings is how we handle issues that concern human beings. Human beings distinguish themselves by doing their things in an organized manner where compared to other creatures that live on earth (Livingstone Smith). Other qualities include being concerned about other human beings by doing activities that support all human beings. Human beings are able to identify the cause of problems that they face and come up with solutions.

Works Cited

Bidshahri, Raya. "What Is It That Makes Humans Unique?” Singularity Hub, 2017, https://singularityhub.com/2017/12/28/what-is-it-that-makes-humans-unique/.

Iglesias, D.Phil Teresa. "What Does It Mean To Be Human?". Protection Of Conscience Project, 2018, https://www.consciencelaws.org/ethics/ethics046.aspx.

Livingstone Smith, David. "What Does It Mean To Be Human?". Psychology Today, 2020, https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/philosophy-dispatches/201205/what-does-it-mean-be-human.

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