What Is Katz's Main Argument Regarding Porn and What It Does? Free Essay

Published: 2023-08-30
What Is Katz's Main Argument Regarding Porn and What It Does? Free Essay
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Violence Movie Human sexuality Social issue
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 677 words
6 min read

According to Katz, pornography is perceived by the society to be significantly associated with women. The reality is that it is men who have taken to task to engage in mass production and consumption of the pornography content, especially heterosexual men and boys who form the most significant market. However, it is still the same men that are statistically underrepresented when it comes to reflection and discussion of the functions of pornography in society. Pornography shapes attitudes by increasing cruelty among men and is used by the same men to increase their dominance over women and control them.

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According to Katz, why has the conversation on pornography and stripping mainly focused on women (as a women’s issue) rather than the men consuming and producing it?

Conversation on pornography and stripping is much focused on women instead of men that intensively produce and consume it because women testify publicly that they have survived the negative side, unlike men. It implies that women are the victims of men in the pornography industry. It is women that experience sexual violence and other forms of sexual exploitation in the industry. To men, it's not an issue because they use it for their benefits while subjecting women to violence and exploitation (Katz, 2006). Generally, men use it to masturbate and shape their view of women and girls besides enhancing their manhood and sexuality perception.

What does Katz say about sexualizing violence in porn? What does this tell us?

Sexualizing violence in porn is attributed to male dominance and the control they have over women. Katz claims that pornography reveals how men are the product of their environment. Thus, the sexual violence they perpetuate in the pornography industry is related to the adverse environment that boys and men socialize, which leads to them establishing violent behaviors as their norms in the male culture. The perpetuation of the above tells us that sexual freedom of women has been curtailed as they continue to be victimized by men since the majority of them continue to come out as sexual abuse survivors. Some of them were even coaxed when they were still young by older men according to their testimonies.

How is sexual violence normalized in our society?

Sexual violence is normalized in our society in the sense that men and boys, who are the highest producers and consumers of porn content, some of which exhibits violence, have failed to discuss the same and the welfare of women. The majority of men have unconscious feelings of guilt about how they perceive women as objects. Some of them even oppress women through mistreatments like purchased commodities (Katz, 2006). Normal boys are socialized to be sexually dominant, and normal girls are socialized to be sexually subordinate. Women, on the other hand, have kept quiet because of the guilt and the shame that is attached to their public confessions concerning sexual violence. People are open to discussing the influence of pornography on the male culture but cannot speak about sexual violence in the society. Media also deliberately sexualizes young girls and boys, which increases the chances of sexual abuse.

What are some of the consequences of the consumption of porn on relationships?

As pornography continues to be silently embraced in society by both genders in different age brackets, it is accompanied by some consequences of its consumption, particularly on relationships. For couples, intensive use of pornographic materials might make them feel less satisfied with their conjugal relations by their partners hence they become emotionally detached due to being upset by the difference (Campbell & Kohut, 2017). According to many cultures, pornography viewing as tantamount to infidelity. Therefore, it triggers a loss of interest in right family or friend relationships.


Campbell, L., & Kohut, T. (2017). The use and effects of pornography in romantic relationships. Current Opinion in Psychology, 13, 6-10. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352250X16300185?casa_token=VcCKTQsZab4AAAAA:1xvNZVfMoGDchR9BlCduCmJnPxXQ0SqOKsUD7kfn8_vKbtlwa-JrYJb8HwI5RS4PJOvlUQSmHQ

Katz, J. (2006). Macho Paradox: Why some men hurt women and and how all men can help. Sourcebooks, Inc..

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