What is More Important: Our Privacy or National Security? - Paper Example

Published: 2023-12-15
What is More Important: Our Privacy or National Security? - Paper Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Law Security National security
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 616 words
6 min read

The distinction between the importance of Privacy and National security is rift apart as well as quite relatable. Privacy is defined as the ability to access the internet without being monitored by the authority or getting public attention. It is the right of personal Privacy regarding sharing personal information through the internet as a result of using any web. Our National security is the government's ability to protect its citizen from threats, either internally or externally (Tolliver & Staff, 2019). Privacy leads to National security; individuals gain access to security information and share details with the world; therefore, there is a need for the government to track our Privacy and ensure that what is being shared does not pose a threat to the Nation.

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The internet is a global network connecting people worldwide to satisfy various personal purposes such as business and socializing. It contains a lot of information that is easily accessible on various websites. Today's technology world is quite advanced; thus, people need to set limitations and protect themselves against gratuitous parties. Privacy is essential because it gives individual rights to control how they want to interact with the world (Ivana, 2016). However, in pursuing profit, cybercriminals are likely to collect personal data from people and sell it to consumers who might use this information for a terrorist purpose that may result in personal and national security threats. Both our Privacy and national security are essential, and we need to safeguard both.

National security is the most important because it protects many people compared to our Privacy that requires individuals to keep their personal information private. Our national security and defense forces are the vital priority in ensuring the safety of the citizens. The government has set data rules that monitor our Privacy on the net to ensure there is no risk of terrorist events. Government and enterprises tracking personal data show that Privacy is limited; this shows that details are being shared, and platforms are created where crooks get personal information and start calling an individual to scam them. Companies also use these details to contact people ask them for money. There is a need to improve our National security due to invasion by government and business enterprises who monitors data privacy (Tolliver & Staff, 2019).

The government's most vital work is to provide security and ensure its citizens' overall wellbeing is taken care of. It provides safety for its citizens by having safety law and order, which safeguards residents from each other and against foreign enemies. For instance, the American governments have shown an obligation to improving cybersecurity through data protection day, which creates awareness on our Privacy. The American citizens and businesses have been advised to improve and learn skills needed to handle security information and secure data from internal and external terrorizations (Hill, 2017).

The government comes up with detailed plans and strategies to ensure security policies are apparent and liable. Techniques such as training, monitoring, risk analysis, and simulation are geared towards ensuring citizens' safety. It trains armed forces to provide security at the borders on land, water, and air. The authorities must put security measures at the entry points and watch lists to minimize threats. Therefore, national security is the most important because it prevents terrorist activities that, if not controlled, causes many deaths in a country and significant loss in terms of valuable resources (Tolliver & Staff, 2019).


Hill, M. (2017, January 27). Netizens Urged to Get Secure Ahead of Data Protection Day. Infosecurity. https://www.infosecirity-magazine.com/news/get-secure-data-protection-day/

Ivana. (2016, June 27). Why internet privacy is so important. Secure Swiss Data. https://secureswissdata.com/why-privacy-is-important/

Tolliver, M., & Staff, C. (2019, February 18). Our Privacy vs. national security. The western courier. http://www.westerncourier.com

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