What Might Somebody Else Say to Show Your Proposed Solution Is Wrong? - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-12-13
What Might Somebody Else Say to Show Your Proposed Solution Is Wrong? - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Marketing
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1315 words
11 min read


Several questions may develop that have the ability to challenge the feasibility of your proposal in the period of presentation. Therefore, it is essential to contemplate the truth that the members of the board have already performed a study concerning the matter. Some of the challenges that may arise as a result, include the members of the board disputing the bazaar research and, therefore, the proposed target bazaar (Brunschwig & Finocchiaro, 2017). They may also occur in other marketing as well as the promotional approaches that the customers feel would be appropriate to them as compared to the ones recommended by the company management.

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However, in essence, this will challenge the whole marketing mix, which includes product, place, price, as well as promotion. If the organization or a company implements the 4ps, then then they are most likely to generate more sales. The product must be made unique for it to thrive in the market. Although it may be easy to understand the 4Ps, it is hard to produce the price the suits the customers and the company (McCormick, 2020). As a result, the price that the management set on the product must be considered so that it will not be high to the customers and too low to the company since the aim of generating the work is to make profits.

What Could You Say to Show S/He Is Wrong?

In making the customer comprehend that they are not right, it is essential to contemplate that their interrogations are valid apprehensions, and they only after understanding the situation better. As such, it is essential to offer instances’ evidence where the anticipated solution has functioned by citing examples. It would also aid in providing the research of the market from credible sources. Another strategy would be acting as a proficient in the field as well as explaining to the customer the general ideologies that have steered your reasoning towards developing the solution. For example, in promotional as well as marketing issues, one could explain the 4P’s concept in marketing.

Nevertheless, in the issues of promotion, one could explain the sequence of AIDA to the customers. In case all these do not work, then the last option is telling the individual who posed the question that he is wrong upfront. Sometimes, the best action course is letting the client realize their mistakes on their own. If the customer tends to commit himself to the inaccurate information or belief, then they can be asked to prove their belief to either prove them wrong or right.

What Alternative Solution Might Someone Else Recommend?

Some may suggest that rather than targeting the youth along with the middle-income employees, the company should target all people along with all income brackets instead. Also, in promotion, a person may recommend the use of grid marketing rather than advertising as well as other means of conventional. As far as estimation is concerned, one may provide an alternative solution for setting higher prices on the product as well as providing other non-price inducements for boosting the sales. Non-price incentives comprise after-sale services like delivery among several other business policies and gift coupons.

Alternatively, some people may recommend the management to focus on customers that are existing rather than looking for new customers. In case the company is after improving sales. It is essential to shift the focus from fascinating new clients to enable the ones who have tried the product or service for the first time a chance to purchase it another time as well as learning ways of maintaining all the buyers. In measuring the outcome, another individual may encourage basing the sales on profitability along with the cash flows dumping all other measures like market shares. Lastly, there is another group of people who may think that the distribution ought to be subcontracted to other companies, plus those businesses ought to be made authorized merchants in the product of the company.

What Reasons Might Someone Provide to Support Their Solution?

Targeting all income brackets as well as the age groups is essential since it creates a vast large bazaar base and, therefore, large sales volumes. It could be accomplished by the new product differentiation. Furthermore, network marketing minimizes the intermediaries’ number between the person or company manufacturing the product along with the final consumer. Therefore, adopting it enables the company to compete with the rest of the businesses plus may also allow them to be converted as price leaders since they can provide relatively lower prices compared to their competitors.

Non-price enticements provided along comparatively higher prices have many benefits that they deliberate on the business. On the one hand, they reduce the probability of the war due to costs with other companies in the bazaar as well as encourage non-price competition with less damaging consequences. On the other hand, the profit margin is protected as it maximizes the gap between production costs as well as distribution plus the selling price. The profitability, along with cash flow measures, is direct to the commerce as the company requires them to succeed (Viñarás, 2020). For example, the firm would endure well-making profits along with enjoying confident cash flows even per the substandard market share. Finally, outsourcing the functions of non-core like distribution empowers the business to focus on core functions like production.

How Would You Respond to Their Reasons?

In response to the above reasons, I would advise the business to stick better to the earlier groups that were targeted, and these include the youth along with the middle-income earners. The reason behind this is that the two groups present a large probable market and, therefore, the firm will have an opportunity of earning high profits. In marketing as well as distribution, online marketing, and social media marketing also provide the company with the same benefits as network marketing though at a subordinate cost (Hudson, 2014). Therefore, it is a preferable marketing strategy. Measuring performance concerning cash flow and profitability ignores the opposition that is not wise in the setup of any business. Lastly, outsourcing is a worthwhile alternative to dealing with distribution in-house. Thus, it will be reasonable to integrate it into the strategy of distribution.

Is There A Compromise or Creative Solution?

Yes, a compromise is there. Since the concluding objective of the performance is to provide the firm with the best strategy for the launching of the product, it is essential to have several ideas and think about the future (Aikin, 2018). Therefore, the plan should be flexible as well as easily implemented to changes. Such a plan allows one to incorporate superior schemes that they may meet during the presentation. Thus, it is safe to make it clear that compromise has a suitable place in every plan.


Different people have different ideas in the sales of any product. As a result, the management should agree on the concept to consider, which will enable them to make sales as well as earn profit in the market. It is also essential to target all groups in the market since, in every age group, there are potential people despite the ability of different people, targeting youths, and the people who are employed work better because they have a significant number of people who are likely to purchase the product.


Aikin, J. (2018, December 13). 8 Sales Strategy Examples Every Business should be using in 2019. Canopy studio. https://www.webcanopystudio.com/blog/3-examples-of-marketing-strategies-to-improve-sales-and-increase-conversion

Brunschwig, J., & Finocchiaro, M. A. (1970, January 1). The Ways of Criticism. Argumentation. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10503-011-9209-8

Hudson, C. (2014, November 23). Dealing with criticism: 5 effective solutions. Thought Brick. https://thoughtbrick.com/lifestyle/dealing-criticism-5-effective-solutions/

McCormick, K. (2020, July 29). 12 Ways to Effectively Promote a New Product or Service. WordStream. https://www.wordstream.com/blog/ws/2020/07/29/how-to-promote-a-product

Viñarás, E. (2020, July 13). 10 Marketing Strategies for your Product Launch. Cyberclick. https://www.cyberclick.net/numericalblogen/10-marketing-strategies-for-your-product-launch

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