Resume Truth Decisions - Career Essay Sample

Published: 2022-02-21
Resume Truth Decisions - Career Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Term paper
Categories:  Resume Ethics
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 734 words
7 min read

Resume truth decision should be considered using consequentialism theory. This suggests how the consequences affect oneself, a given group (Egoism) or all parties involved ("Ethics", 2012). The first person affected by resume truth decision is you. The information given in a resume will affect you based on the responsibilities you will be given. The employers and the company will also be affected; for instance, training inexperienced people.

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What are five distinct ways you may choose to misrepresent yourself on your resume?

One should consider the egoism principle. The effect of the resume to himself/herself and a given group of people ("Ethics," 2012). Misinterpretation in a resume can be as a result of giving;

False qualification

Misrepresenting the years of experience

Exaggerating his/her earned titles

Inflating the job title

Exaggerating his/her experience

What's the difference between legal and ethical approaches to the question about padding the resume?

Ethical approaches are based on the human perception of right and wrong of a resume while legal approach majors on the written law on the information to be included in a resume.

Why might an egoist lie on the resume, and why not?

Egoist views the effect on a person and a given group. An Egoist may lie to promote himself and give himself a high possibility, but on the other hand, he may not lie due to the effect the lie may cause the given group of people.

Question 2

Ethically, is there a difference between a worker sitting at her desk during office hours and working on her Facebook page and one who's trolling Monster, looking to find a new job somewhere else? If not, why not? If so, what's the difference?

Ethically, employees are expected to perform their duties as assigned. Ethically, the worker is considered uncommitted while the person looking for a job is working hard in order to secure a job. The two people are different; one is committed to finding a job while the other is not committed to his work.


Question 3

If you were starting a small business, would you prefer that your partner is a utilitarian, an altruist, or an egoist? Why?

In a small business setting, I would consider having an egoist for a business partner. This is because an egoist would consider the consequences of his actions to himself/herself as well as the needs of the group of people around him. This means he would have a high chance of making the right decision. A utilitarian, on the other hand, would be ready to make a decision that will affect the business negatively though the results would be positive ("Ethics," 2012). I would not take a utilitarian because he might lead to an unavoidable circumstance in the future. I would not consider also taking an altruist for a partner in the small business. An altruist would only consider his needs no matter who is affected, which would impact the business negatively.

Question 4

Your mother is ill with diabetes, and you can't afford her medicine. In the pharmacy one day, you notice the previous customer forgot that same prescription on the counter when she left. Why might the premise that the ends justify the means lead you to steal the pills?

In the approach of an altruist, I would consider myself before others. I would use the selfish nature and take the pill to my ill mother. This would be great considering that the customer might afford the prescription that he left. In another perception, the instinct of saving my mother would be higher than the ethical expectations; hence, I would eventually end up taking the prescription for my mother.

In the approach of a utilitarian, I would choose to take the pills and sacrifice the customer for my mother. This means I would guarantee the well-being of my mother, who is very valuable in my life over a careless customer.

Why might the premise that the means justify the ends lead you to return the pills?

By taking into account the Kantian approach, I should respect others and never use them for my gains. By taking the pills, I would have gone against ethical expectation. In addition, I would have no idea of the capability of the customer; hence returning the pills would be the right thing to do.


"Ethics"(2012). Retrieved June 12, 2019, from

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