Who I Am, Essay Example for Everyone

Published: 2020-04-27
Who I Am, Essay Example for Everyone
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Students Personality
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 907 words
8 min read

My name is John Bradley and I am from Louisiana Street, Houston. I am 22 years old, a young and aspiring person with a bright future. I was born in Minnesota but raised in Texas from my childhood, where my parents had relocated to. I am the second born in a family of three and the only boy child in my family. I am the son to a very successful Engineer, Jackson Bradley, and Nurse Gloria Bradley, who are my parents.

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I undertook my kindergarten and primary education at The Village Primary and Elementary School, Texas; where I was a top student in the school at the primary level. Apart from being an academic giant in the school, I was equally successful in extracurricular activities where I took part in a number of Sports like football, basketball, 100m race and sometimes rugby. My peak performance enabled me to secure a scholarship from a program called Top Achievers that was run by a renown scholar called Levy Leakey. Levy really admired great performers since he always fancied academic success.

I was enrolled at Cedar Hill Collegiate High Scholl for my high school education. My focus and inspiration for success were my driving force. I extended my excellent performance in not only academics but also in the extracurricular. I was the schools captain of Football and Basketball and I was an active participant in other sports like the 100m race. I also graduated with magnificent results and was among the best students not only in the school but the region at large. I was also the chairperson of the students councilors committee, a program that was run by the institution to empower students in the institution. This series of good performances gave me a chance to enroll at the University of Houston-Downtown, a public University with an excellent track record in producing high-level graduates who are competent in their fields of specialization. At the University, I am taking Bachelors of Business Administration course that I really like.

Over the years, I learnt to build my character and skills and this made me have excellent skills in team building, problem-solving, planning and priority setting and a drive for continuous results. These skills are what define me.

My Major and Why

Currently am taking a Bachelors course in Business Management (BBM) and I am planning to major in Accounting. I decided to take the course in BBM after a careful comparison and analysis of the various courses available at the University and my passion that ended up defining my career. From my Primary education, I have always been good at mathematics and arithmetic, and this made me want to take a course that will give me an opportunity to further this skill. My major in accounting will be an excellent platform where I can fully utilize this skill.

Apart from my passion for dealing with numbers, I have a mammoth of a dream to venture in a career that mostly entails dealing with numbers; and that career is Accounting. One of the benefits of this career is the diverse opportunities that come with it. After all, no graduate will want to tarmac for long without getting a job.

Another conspicuous advantage of this course is that it crosscuts all fields of companies and institutions. For instance, a qualified accountant can comfortably work in any company, so long as money is involved. Be it an educational institution, a healthcare institution, a government office, or even ones business venture.

In a nutshell, my choice to major in accounting has enormous advantages as discussed above, and that is why am passionate about venturing towards this direction. Also, University of Houston-Downtown has an excellent track record in nurturing graduates to be successful professionals in the field of Business Management like Accounting.

Plans after Graduating

After graduating from the University of Houston-Downtown, my immediate plan is to look for internship opportunities in various companies. I plan to build a vast of experience so as to increase my competence level as an Accountant. One thing I have learnt over the years is a degree without experience is not enough qualification; and most companies ask for some time of experience before they recruit. I even plan to willingly take unpaid jobs so as to add years of experience and to build on my CV and career.

In addition, I also plan to take support courses for accounting like the Certified Public Accountants (CPA) course. My short-term plan is to look for internship and employment. However, my long-term plan is to work in a multinational organization at a senior level. This is however not enough for me since I also have plans for advancing my education and be a Professor so as to share my knowledge with students and other people. My ultimate long-term goal is to start and run my own company. I have a passion to help others and I believe having a company will be a way of achieving this through creation of employment opportunities for the people.

To conclude, qualification in accounting comes with numerous opportunities that can be tapped and exploited. As a result of these foreseen benefits, I chose to divulge in that career field. In my opinion, being employed is a good option but creating employment is my ultimate definition of success.


Hounsell, D. (1987). Essay writing and the quality of feedback. Student learning: Research in education and cognitive psychology, 109-119.

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