Why Can Meditation Help Arlene's Insomnia? Essay Example

Published: 2023-08-29
Why Can Meditation Help Arlene's Insomnia? Essay Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Problem solving Mental health Disorder
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1182 words
10 min read

Arlene’s condition has been accelerated by a series of events that make her condition more recurring and severe. On the prompt, it is evident that she has experienced a series of days without enough sleep due to the excessive use of caffeine drinks and coffee to help her cope with her routine work. While the use of coffee has been substituted as one of the essential and critical concepts to help her meet the extreme lack of sleep, the side effects are more devastating. Secondly, the stress in the workplace has been another concept that has increased the lack of sleep and increased stress dreams. She is continuously trapped in limbo as she tries to rethink her life. Lastly, the increased levels of stress have been ushered by the increased pace at work. The newly launched software has turned to be more of a nightmare than of help to her. She is continuously lagging, despite the efforts to try and push fort to keep up with the work pace. Thus, this has increased the workload on her side, a concept that has also increased the levels of stress on her life. Meditation has been one of the powerful tools in therapy that helps release the subject from the chains of stress. Therefore, adopting this concept not only helps improve the subject’s condition but also guide them through a restorative session. While meditation remains to be a powerful tool, there are several conditions, which insulates the prevalence and effectiveness of meditation to the subject. Therefore, this essay seeks to assess the power of meditation in therapy, and the reasons why Arlen’s insomnia condition may not be overcome using meditation.

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Overactive and stress can quickly get in the way of getting enough quality sleep. Therefore, meditation can be used as an effective tool to help calm down the stress, which helps usher in quality sleep. Mediation has been diversely used as an effective tool that may not only help in responding to this situation but also playing an active role in providing an effective therapeutic response to the clients. However, while meditation plays the role of calming the mental stress, over activeness in the brain counter reacts with the calmness in mind, therefore, disrupting the state of calmness. Arlen is currently suffering from stress, which has profoundly disrupted her sleeping pattern. Therefore, her situation could be solved using the concept of meditation, which helps the brain to calm down and later give the subject a conducive environment to sleep. However, while the focus on mediation is geared towards resolving this situation, the use of caffeine and coffee further complicates the concept of using meditation as the ultimate therapy.

The use of coffee and caffeine drinks to help Arlen overcome the challenges of her current situation has made it cumbersome for the application of meditation as a therapeutic concept to help her fight against mental stress. The essence of mediation helps to evoke the body’s relaxation response. However, her tiresome day does not fully get addressed due to the use of caffeine products, which reduces the possibility of getting enough rest. Therefore, she has been subjected to shorter sleeping and prolonged awake time, since the concentration of caffeine in her bloodstream, which activates her brain is still higher.

Case: Two

“John Buckingham, the New Guy on the Job,”

The Social Influence in Play

Social influence transforms the behavior of an individual to help meet the demands of others in the group. The essence of social influence results in stress, and a series of events that forces the individual to undergo before they entirely get accepted in society. Therefore, the victims have to endure and undergo this procedure as a way of cleansing before they entirely get accepted in the group. John transfer to the new working place, perhaps took him by surprise, especially considering the new dressing culture he found at his new job. To his situation seemed to be too odd and unprofessional due to the freedom of dress code in the organization. However, John found himself between a hard place and a rock as he tried to adjust to the new dress code of wearing jeans, and western shirts, with cowboy boots that marked the clumsy dress code.

There are several social influences at play that have affected the entire situation in John’s concept. One of the common concepts that John has been forced to undergo was the conformity process, where one is forced to follow what others are doing. John’s outfit perhaps remained to be one of the challenges and a temporary barrier between him and his new peers. Therefore, to ensure that he thoroughly blends with his friends, John was forced to sacrifice his traditional dress code to adopt the new concept of dressing. More so, John's situation and interaction were faced with a series of challenges, as some of the employees had to “warm-up” before talking to him. Therefore, this depicted a negative image of socialization.

John took a brisk step in understanding the concept of social cognition and how it affects socialization, especially in an organization environment, where a new inmate wants to familiarize himself with the current situation. Social cognition calls for a rapid and precise understanding of others. John’s first impression on the dress code in the new organization was deemed as unprofessional. However, for him to thoroughly blend in with the rest of his peers, he was forced to adopt the new dressing code, as part of social cognition. While the social pressure persisted to ensure that John makes new friends, and he does not entirely seem like the odd one out, the concept of compliance as a social influence comes into play.

According to Feldman, (2013), compliance is a social influence that shows the concept of submitting to direct social pressure. Thus, the concept forces a subject buckle to the new demands of the social group. John’s dressing code is one of the professional dress codes accepted in many western organizations to help depict a positive image to the clients. However, lack of profession may be one of the concepts that may affect business performance. Therefore, most businesses are forced to adopt this concept to ensure that employees send a positive organizational image. Thus, the use of adopting a new dress code model is depicted as a way of the business culture, where all employees are expected to address. In this case, John is forced to comply to ensure not only because of the business culture but to ensure that he thoroughly blends in with the rest of the employees in the organization.

In the bottom line, John has been forced to undergo a set of attitude and social cognition changes in the new organization. Both the two sides have forced him to adopt and make new friends, right away from the second day of employment, due to the reactions made by the peers in the organization.


Feldman, R. (2013). Psychology and your life. McGraw-Hill.

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