Essay Sample on Why Companies Conduct Cybersecurity Risk Assessment

Published: 2023-10-30
Essay Sample on Why Companies Conduct Cybersecurity Risk Assessment
Essay type:  Problem solution essays
Categories:  Risk Software Cyber security
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 589 words
5 min read

Cybersecurity risk assessments are a vital part of business data security since the increasing number of security breaches prompts the need for regular protection protocols. Therefore the prioritization and evolution from security to cybersecurity are crucial. Security controls are often initiated as reactive measures to a security incident. The primary motive for conducting a cybersecurity risk assessment is to maintain and monitor adequate regard to cybersecurity information and threats (UpGuard, 2019). These risk assessments are elemental in determining gaps in a business's critical risk areas and the provision of means to close the gaps. The ever-evolving technology presents malicious parties with new tools for conducting cyberattacks, and a regular assessment schedule keeps systems up to date in a manner to ensures the company's assets remain secure. Through cybersecurity risk assessments, organizations develop and maintain robust security postures that aid in risk assessment to determine whether they can be mitigated or controlled.

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What Cybersecurity Risk Assessments Find

Cybersecurity risk assessments provide information about the company's operation such that the prioritization of data is possible. Companies identify the most valuable data through the documentation of assessment results. Vulnerabilities from the assessment reports confirm whether an attack has occurred and the identity of the attack. The company's data security can be compromised, and the nature of data loss or threat is determined by cybersecurity risk assessment. It is common for data leaks to surface as the core means of data compromise in companies' databases and Cybersecurity risk assessments generate this information. The assessment reports also reveal that vulnerabilities have not occurred and that the security of the company's assets is sound. Malicious software is among the common attack methods that the cybersecurity assessment identifies and helps remediate.

Why Companies should Increase Cybersecurity Awareness among their Employees

Employees are commonly associated with data breaches in companies, although it is sometimes unknowingly. Employees can inadvertently compromise data through deletion. It shows that accidental data compromise can be as devastating as malicious breaches (OTWAdmin, 2018). Therefore, accidental negligence in which employees fail to identify a data compromise or conduct it unknowingly is why companies emphasize cybersecurity awareness. Other employees have malicious intentions and abscond with valuable information for sale. Others with active system credentials could intentionally prompt data breaches and harmful attacks on the company's data assets. Therefore, employees need to be wary of both accidental and malicious data compromisers as either means results in harm to the company's data security.

How they Increase Awareness

As a cybersecurity awareness move, creating an email address for employees to query the IT specialists on issues relating to cybersecurity is a beneficial primary initiative. Through this, an assessment of the vulnerabilities and data security levels is realized. The amount and type of training required is determined through an analysis of cybersecurity awareness issues facing employees. Companies could set an early warning system where proactive procedures alert the employees of a circulating malicious entity. Organizing talks and training programs with experts help the employees acquire necessary information regarding cybersecurity issues. A good practice guide proved important as employees can learn to implement simple but effective practices on a routine like configuring devices, setting up two-factor verification, and encrypting data (Rosenblatt, 2015).


Rosenblatt, S. (2015, June 15). Two-factor authentication: What you need to know (FAQ). CNET; CNET.

Admin. (2018, June 11). Basic Cybersecurity Tips for the Workplace. OXEN Technology.

UpGuard. (2019, August 7). How to Perform an IT Cyber Security Risk Assessment: Step-by-Step Guide. Upguard.Com; UpGuard.‌‌

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Essay Sample on Why Companies Conduct Cybersecurity Risk Assessment. (2023, Oct 30). Retrieved from

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