Why Do Good? Paper Example

Published: 2023-11-24
Why Do Good? Paper Example
Essay type:  Reflective essays
Categories:  Ethical dilemma Nursing care Social issue
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 614 words
6 min read

Global issues are problems that have been a thorn to the universal community for a long time. They not only affect the community itself but the environment and other essential factors such as political, economic, environmental, and social factors. These issues have proven from time to time to be fatal in cases where they are experienced (Lucas, 2016). As people are aware of these global issues, an ethical question of why do good? Is always posed. This paper seeks to address that ethical question in a real-world scenario concerning a global issue.

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The case study that will be used will be on human trafficking. It involves a young girl who was kidnapped, trafficked and later sold into prostitution. The young girl met an older man and started being friends. Her close friends warned her about having an older man hanging around the teenagers, but she was adamant. She decided to ignore her friends, and seemingly they left her one after the other. She felt like a grown-up while with the older man because they would eat out together and drink alcohol. One day she was drugged and kidnapped by her alleged friend.

When she came to, there were bruise marks all over her body, and she was bound to a chair in a dark motel room. She could not believe it; they had moved around 300 kilometers into an unknown location. The guy usually arranged for her to have sex with about four men each day, and he would pocket the money. Luckily for her, the area authorities had been notified by a concerned citizen who happened to see the girl’s bruises. She was rescued and her abductor was jailed.

This case study presented its relevant ethical considerations. Ethical norms such as voluntary participation in this research study, confidentiality, and anonymity were also observed (Greco, 2019). Ethical reasoning involves thinking of other people’s needs and wants before your own by making ethical decisions in your choices. The question of “why do good?” provides a moral self-reflection in anybody who is asked about this statement. Personally, the question raises an in-depth investigation into my character, morals, and ethics as a human being.

Doing good deeds involves making decisions that will not harm others (Winch, 2020). Doing good comes with a sense of pride, and self-worth, it proves to be a difference-maker and ultimately improves society. In the case study discussed above, I would claim the well-wishers and neighbors. Doing good is characterized by the actions of the neighbors who alerted the authorities. Through their actions and ethical response, they saved the girl and demonstrated why we should do good deeds. An ethical theory that I would apply would be relativism. This would be due to the following reasons;

It focuses on one’s moral obligations

It governs ethics in the society under observation

Relativism ethical theory has many advantages in establishing how moral conduct in a society should be like, but it also has its disadvantages. These disadvantages include; it could provide hindrance in moral ethics and progression. This is because it does not include other people’s culture. Secondly, this theory does not promote diversity. It only promotes individual cultural norms, ethical upbringing and reasoning


Greco, S. (2019). Ethical reasoning debriefing in disaster simulations. Journal of Professional Nursing, 35(2), 124-132. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S8755722318301431

Lucas, K. (2016). A method to evaluate equitable accessibility: combining ethical theories and accessibility-based approaches. Transportation, 43(3), 473-490. https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/s11116-015-9585-2.pdf

Winch, P. (2020). Ethics and action. Routledge. https://scholar.google.co.uk/scholar?cluster=10338609542552272581&hl=en&as_sdt=0,5&as_ylo=2016

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Why Do Good? Paper Example. (2023, Nov 24). Retrieved from http://land-repo.site.supplies/essays/why-do-good?pname=speedypaper.com

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