Free Essay: Why Drugs Shouldn't Be Legal

Published: 2022-10-28
Free Essay: Why Drugs Shouldn't Be Legal
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Drug abuse
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 689 words
6 min read

The debate on whether to legalize or not legalize drugs is one of the most controversial discussions. Although some supporters for drugs argue that drugs legalization will reduce the crime of drug abuse, the adverse effects resulting from the use of drugs like cocaine, heroin, as well as marijuana are more detrimental to the economy, society, and health. In spite of the efforts established by the government to control drugs, the effect of drug abuse has remained one of the significant challenges facing America. Therefore, I choose to support individuals opposing drugs legalization. The discussion in this paper is not supporting the idea of drugs legalization using evidence of the adverse effects that drug abuse causes in the society, economy, and health.

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One of the reasons why there should be no legalization of drugs is the adverse effects of drugs on people's health. Substance and drug abuse cause various illnesses depending on the type of drug and the level or duration of use. Drug abuse associated diseased have increased by approximately 25% in the USA (Linklater, 2018). Critical health conditions like heart attack occur because of Cocaine intake. Health problems that affect sensitive body organs like the liver and the kidney arise mostly because of drugs use. For example, the use of alcohol affects the liver because of the development of liver cirrhosis while the smoking of Marijuana increases the chance of lung cancer development (Kevin, 2018). Therefore, for a healthy nation, drugs should not be legal.

The other reason why there should be no legalization of drugs is that of its harmful effects in the society. The immediate effects of drug abuse occur at the society's level leads to disoriented social interactions (Linklater, 2018). The drug use increased the occurrence of social crimes or misbehaviors like sexual assault, child abuse, and divorce. For example, drug abuser becomes careless members of the society with deteriorated morals to engage in crimes like sexual assault. The use of family resources in the purchase of drugs leads to poverty and can cause divorce when one of the partners cannot take responsibility as a wife or husband because of addiction to illicit drugs (Kevin, 2018). As a result, a productive society requires the decision of not legalizing drugs.

Apart from the need for not legalizing drugs because of its harm to the health and the society, also, drugs should not be legal because of their detrimental effect on the economy. The negative impact from drug abuse occurs at both the individual and national level (Jeffrey, 2018). At the individual level, a drug addict not only uses resources on drugs but also becomes ineffective to contribute to the economic growth of the family. Approximately, 65% of drug addicts are not economically drugs productive, a situation that makes them become a burden to the family members (Kevin, 2018). At the national level, on the other hand, the government has a burden of addressing health and crime issues associated with drug abuse. In the USA, approximately $ 200.0 billion are used by the government in handling health and criminal problems linked to drug abuse (Linklater, 2018). Consequently, an economically stable nation requires the abolishment of drugs.

Conclusively, following the discussion above, I am opposing drugs legalization because of the detrimental effects of drugs on health, society, and economy. One of the reasons why there should be no legalization of drugs is the negative effects of drugs on people's health. The other reason why there should be no legalization of drugs is that of its harmful effects in the society. Apart from the need for not legalizing drugs because of its harm to the health and the community, also, drugs should not be legal because of its detrimental effect on the economy. The legalization of drugs will negatively affect health, society, as well as the economy; therefore, drugs should not be legal.


Jeffrey, M. (2018). Why all drugs should be legal. (Yes, even heroin.). Retrieved from

Kevin A. Sabet, S. (2018). Opinion: Legalized pot would mean more addiction - CNN. Retrieved from

Linklater, A. (2018). Why we shouldn't legalize drugs. Retrieved from

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