Essay Sample on Why Healthcare Should be a Human Right

Published: 2023-04-20
Essay Sample on Why Healthcare Should be a Human Right
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  United States Healthcare policy Human rights Social issue
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 561 words
5 min read


Taylor Whitney's article in Washington Post, "Should health care be treated as a human right?" offers a proposal as to why healthcare should be the right of every citizen in the United States (U.S.). She starts by acknowledging that the U.S.A. does not agree as to whether healthcare should be a commodity, a privilege, or a right. This scenario is opposed to the situation in many nations where healthcare is regarded as a constitutional right. She gives an example of Columbia, where the right to healthcare is constitutionalized.

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The information on whether healthcare is a human right is readily accessible on the Washington Post, which is among the country's renowned newspapers. Moreover, it is clear because it is arranged in a logical manner and thus fit for all groups of people, experts and non-experts. For the author to collect this information, she interviewed 90 government officials, laws, judges, and 93 ordinary citizens. Also, she interviewed 310 Columbians filling tutelage. Interviews ensure that the investigator gets first-hand data which increases the level of reliability and credibility.


The article could be a useful source in my research since it directly answers the question of why the USA should constitutionalize healthcare. The article holds that healthcare is crucial for the survival of each citizen in the country, rich or poor. Therefore, it contains information that is relevant to the audience because it contains what affects them in their daily lives. One would be curious to know more about healthcare human rights. The source of this information can be included in the resource list as it is detailed on the importance of healthcare to the well-being of the people, and it directly addresses the research problem at hand.


From the story of Columbia, healthcare should be recognized by all nations as a human right. But it should be accompanied by institutional changes and political goodwill. Being knowledgeable about human healthcare rights enables citizens to claim their healthcare rights. Good healthcare policy should be people-centered, effective, equitable, safe, and timely. From Taylor Whitney's article on Washington Post, I find it particularly interesting because of the use of tutelas as a means where Columbians can file their complaints in relation to healthcare. Moreover, I have found it changes my mind because initially, I never thought that healthcare was one of the human rights and that the government is supposed to ensure its success. What surprises me most is the story about the woman who was sick, and when she filed tutela, the judge ruling required that she should be given subsidized insurance covering diapers instead of a caregiver to monitor how she is progressing. Though the woman's issue was addressed, the ruling did not help her because there is no relationship between diapers and breathing problem. Finally, when it comes to healthcare, the government has to work with human rights organizations to make sure it is implemented to safeguard the health of the people. Finally, when it comes to healthcare, the government has to work with human rights organizations to make sure it is implemented to safeguard the health of the people.


Taylor, W.K. (2018, December 13). Should health care be treated as a human right? Should Health Care Be Treated as a Human Right?
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