Why I Want To Be a Nurse - Admission Essay Example

Published: 2022-05-30
Why I Want To Be a Nurse - Admission Essay Example
Type of paper:  Admission essay
Categories:  Nursing Application letter
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 558 words
5 min read

My motivation for becoming a nurse is based on my passion for helping the sick and offering my expertise in the nursing field. So far I have volunteered for about four and a half years in Palomar Hospital, and I feel that this gave me more knowledge concerning the need to interact with patients and provide them with the nursing care they require. The positive reception I had from the hospital motivated me further to become an actual nurse because I discovered that I had passion in helping the sick especially with their personal needs as well as providing hope that they would gain recovery quickly and be well.

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Another reason to become a nurse is that when I was volunteering at the Palomar hospital, many patients liked my care and they always wished that I would still be there for them. This motivated me as I realised that I am a unique person who is well equipped with all the nursing skills and delivers them perfectly. Throughout my experience as a volunteer, I learned that there is a great demand for nurses around many hospitals and therefore it would be my pleasure to become a nurse and be of help to many patients.

Also, I like the fact that a nurse is more capable of working in various institutions such as prisons, schools, government agencies, home care facilities as well as hospitals. This motivates me to become a nurse because my services would be of great help to many people across all platforms. Also, a nurse is capable of working in different shifts, and this means that I will have extra free time in which I can either use to volunteer in other hospitals or expand my educational knowledge on nursing skills and knowledge.

I would also like to become a nurse because it will provide me with the chance to create a positive difference in many patients' lives. This is because as a nurse I am willing to be the guardian angel for many patients and take them through their recovery stages through offering the best of services I got as well as being compassionate and caring to them. This is an opportunity I have been looking for, and hence I believe that becoming a nurse is the best career to exercise my capabilities and create that significant difference amongst patients' lives. It will also enable me to gain more interpersonal skills as I interact with patients of different kinds.

In conclusion, I am more motivated to become a nurse because I believe it is the perfect chance to have the potential of dealing with real-life challenges correctly. This is because every day of a nurse is always different as they face various events which could either be exciting or challenging. Every nurse meets different kinds of situations within their patients, and therefore this offers them an opportunity to learn more about how to solve or deal with certain conditions. Eventually, as a nurse, I will have the advantage of learning more life skills to help me solve my problems in several ways which I will have learned from the different interactions with patients and their situations. Hence I am more passionate about becoming a nurse because above all it will provide a platform through which I can exercise my skills and knowledge to help patients.

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