Why the Community is Important - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-12-15
Why the Community is Important - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Community
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 815 words
7 min read


The thing about the Southern Louisiana community that is very important to me is that it has been my home where I have grown up and attended school. It has been the environment that I have gotten used to and adapted over the years as it has shown me its friendly nature.

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Community Assessment

The location of southern Louisiana is that it is south of the United States and is between Texas and Mississippi. There is a distinct multicultural population within Louisiana that is influenced by people of different origins such as French, Spanish, and African as these were involved during the colonization and enslavement. The geographic region in Southern Louisiana is the West Gulf Coastal Plain that starts all the way from Arkansas to the Southern parts of the state. Towards the Southern areas, the land tends to slope down to become prairie, then a region of Marshland, and finally, there are sandy islands bordering the coastline.

The history of southern Louisiana is that the land was inhabited by Native American tribes that included Atakapa, Choctaw, and Chitimcha, among others. The land was initially claimed by Spain before France took possession of it. Eventually, it was bought by the United States, but the native tribes still remained in the state up to today. Louisiana is also known for many of its traditions that include festivals such as New Orleans, Jazz and Heritage, Mardi Gras, and Voodoo Experience. The distinctive foods are jambalaya and gumbo, the music is Cajun, the languages are mixed, and the material culture includes shotgun houses.

The economic structure of Southern Louisiana is that its economy is mainly based on agriculture, where the primary crop is sugarcane. The good thing about Louisiana is its strategic location, which makes it a prime environment for natural resource production. Other industries include oil, natural gas, fishing, and chemicals. ‘

The political structures are such that Louisiana has a divided government that has no political party holding a state. The elections include a primary election and a general election in districts, even though it is not a proper primary election as all candidates appear on the same ballot paper. It is surprising that Louisiana has had a lot of constitutions compared to any other state in the country. The governor is elected to a term of four years, and he is permitted to serve not more than two consecutive terms.

The social structures include the fact that a large number of people identify themselves as Christians, and there are other small groups of Jewish, Muslim, and Eastern religions. The role of education in Louisiana is to impart knowledge to the students. The social relationships consist of upholding honesty and integrity, and the social norms include basic moral values that control the behavior of individuals.

Influence of the Community Characteristics

The community characteristics have influenced my view of the world by envisioning on places that I would like to live and bring up children. The peaceful neighborhood of Louisiana is the exact place that would be of much growth to an individual because it has opportunities that one can use to develop themselves. I now see the world as a great place to stay, and I am motivated to keep studying to be the best I can for the people that look up to me to be their role model.

The community characteristics have also shaped my values and identity, such that I know the ones I am supposed to follow so that I can maintain my relationships with people and those I should put aside. I am proud to identify myself with the community and the fact that I belong somewhere I have made friends. The characteristics have also shaped my view of what I believe about people and cultures that are different from my culture in terms of respecting their beliefs. I have learnt the need to integrate the culture of others by valuing them as equals and not looking down on them.

Interventions for Change

The changes that might be identified by the community as being desirable to pursue include those about education by advancing the schools and making their environment better for students. Developing public education is necessary for the community to find a comprehensive learning system that seeks to be of help to the learners. The resources available to the community for these changes include plenty of lands to build schools and support from the government.

Funds that are allocated to the state for development should all be used for the development of education and social organization for a better place. The evidence supporting the strategies proposed for change include the references from the internet that suggest how Louisiana has lagged behind in such developments and the need to be leading both locally and nationally. It is essential that Louisiana achieves a higher level of stability through the economic structures.

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