Why Travelling is good for the Mind

Published: 2022-12-06
Why Travelling is good for the Mind
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Management United States Medicine Technology
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 954 words
8 min read

For decades, scientific research and evidence-based studies have proved that traveling has been associated with the well-being of the mind/brain at each age because disrupts daily routines, resets livelihood buttons, and promotes new encounters with different people and objects (Scuderi). A good example is that while the young and the timid age get excited about family vacations and summer camps, youths engage in international traveling; for example, international study programs (Scuderi). Next, the elderly travel to relax, ease stress and have fun. Moreover, since lifestyle enrichment enhances brain resilience maintenance as people age, high levels of traveling while growing up since they promote healthy mindsets (Larkin). Additionally, how one leaves on a daily has great impacts in helping healthy brains/minds; thus, a mechanism of preventing dementia and Alzheimer illnesses (Scuderi). In simple, terms the paper analyzes the reasons as to why traveling is essential towards the healthy growth, maintenance, and well-being of the brain.

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As indicated in the first paragraph, traveling is essential all age sets and age groups, since it exposes these individuals to various environmental setups, which in return strengthen their antibodies and boosts the immune system (Larkin). Since the brain is part of the human body, it benefits inherently towards a robust immune system. Next, since the immune system assists in maintaining brain health, traveling improves it since new environmental setups expose people to meeting new people, adapting to different new situations, and becoming more cultural and globally aware (Scuderi). Moreover, such experiences are highly-recommended since new experiences enhance behavior flexibility; thus, a model of keeping the mind sharp and stimulated (Nazish). Additionally, scientific discoveries established that traveling is a significant boost for creativity; therefore, the essential sense of more in-depth understanding of cultural awareness as well as individual growth and development. Moreover, psychological research on the human brain/mind established that students who study abroad and travel a lot are open-minded and emotionally stable (Nazish).

An intellectual composition is another reason as to why traveling is of great importance to the mind (Talan 20). First, when traveling domestically or internationally, the mind opens to new concepts and experiences that can establish newly established creativity. Moreover, visiting places with different norms that one is used to enhances the need to explore new ideas in life and learn about various historical, social, economic, environmental, and political structures; thus, improving the scope of one's intellectual knowledge (Talan 22). Moreover, mental stimulation is a concept driven by understanding various geographical and historical concepts (Nazish). For example, when hiking crews get lost, their intellectual stimulation is enhanced by understanding their location by using their maps, using their direction compass, studying the geographical and scape and other essential properties of the area that can assist them to locate their way back to civilization. It is due to such stimulated intelligence that travelers are regarded as great thinkers since they deduce solutions from the little resources at their exposure. Back to back, by solving the problems, people often feel impressed by their actions; therefore, a simple way of reinventing self-confidence on their abilities. Also, it creates opportunities for travelers to use the same experience in handling and providing solutions to daily issues at work, home, or the community.

Ideally, discussions have been held on identifying the relation among traveling, the well-being of the brain and spiritual enhancement (Nazish). Next, most researchers, such as Kurtus Ron, in his article Interrelationship of the body, mind, and spirit which illustrated that mind and the spirit are linked by the actions people do result from their thoughts. In other words, human activity is as a result of both spiritual and mind influence; therefore, humans find it difficult to connect to their spiritual-self due to their routine obligations, such as full-time work and attending classes among others (Larkin). In this sense, traveling offers them the opportunity to embrace their spiritual dimension by identifying the real purpose in life; thus, a broad recognition and appreciation of life as well as nature. To some of these opportunities offers meditative time, a state that provides the mind rest, peace, and serenity (Scuderi). Nonetheless, meditation helps in healing the soul as well as the mind from emotional and mental harm; hence, it promotes the element of forgiveness if one was wronged and establishes a new beginning without thoughts of the past but a bright future (Larkin).

To conclude, traveling is of great importance towards the well-being of the mind since it promotes the disruption of boring daily routines, resets livelihood norms, and enhances new encounters. First, all age groups and sets travel for one reason or the other, but the essential element is that it boosts the immunity of the body; thus, a healthy body equals a healthy mind. Next, traveling exposes one to different cultural, economic, environmental, and political issues and setups. Their exposure enhances their ability to adapt and display open-mind in solving a different problem. Also, it assists them in becoming mentally stable. Finally, traveling helps in establishing a link between the human spirit and mind since it directs two entities in helping the person understand his/her purpose in life.

Works Cited

Larkin, N. 7 reasons why traveling is good for your body, mind, and soul. 3 June 2018. <http://havingtime.com/7-reasons-why-traveling-is-good-for-your-body-mind-and-soul/>. Accessed on 12 March 2019.

Nazish, N. Five reasons why travel is good for your mental health. 22 January 2018. <https://www.forbes.com/sites/nomanazish/2018/01/22/five-reasons-why-travel-is-good-for-your-mental-health/#3708a5055934>. Accessed on 12 March 2019.

Scuderi, Royale. How to take control of your life with better boundaries. 6 March 2019. <https://www.lifehack.org/articles/lifestyle/how-to-take-back-control-of-your-life.html>. Accessed on 12 March 2019.

Talan, K. Help your child or teen get back on track: What parents and professionals can do for childhood emotional and behavioral problems. Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2007.

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