Windowing Strategy Essay Sample

Published: 2022-05-06
Windowing Strategy Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Media
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1249 words
11 min read

Markets should consider a windowing strategy that offers exclusive, stirring content to the viewers who are ready to pay for an ad-free format or a subscription model. One of the highly dynamic parts of media distribution includes changes in media content windowing. Windowing refers to the management of the discharge order for content to maximize on the profits from the intellectual property rights. It involves the release of novel products on a staggered plan, distinguished by medium or territory. Windowing builds tests the markets and permits differential pricing. Windowing is changing as a result of the transformations in the distribution and consumption of the television. Fabricators and distributors employ windowing tactics to exploit their products (Havens & Lotz, 2016). The platform and territory influences the global audiences and television material roll out across local and worldwide markets through a chain of progressive release 'windows'. There is a close management of the timing, and the other conditions that influence the content become availed to different groups to control shortage and create demand for products.

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Changes in the TV Industry Distribution Windows over the Past Ten Years

Television programmes comprise a bundle of fundamental rights casing different facets of the fabrication comprising of the writing, any music used, as well as other innovative ideas which the creator pre-clears to enable possession and future use of the completed programme. The TV industry is experiencing changing customer demand, skewed old business models, converged rivalry and growing IP services. Companies in the TV industry sit on the cliff of an impending turmoil that assures to be no less intense than that encountered by the music industry. At a period of exquisite transformation in demand and supply, an abrupt action is a requirement in the industry.

At this step, a windowing tactic can be operational. From the 1990s, technologies for distribution of the content have changed. Audiences are becoming more amenable to accepting new techniques to watch the TV shows, thus live viewers for newscast and cable programs diminishing sharply. The major change of recent years is the growth of the internet. The evolution of the internet has aided the growth of online television or over-the-top (OTT) content distribution services. Online dissemination triggers a blossoming of video-on-demand (VOD) services common with viewers together with the catch-up services from newscasters, and advertising-supported services (AVODs) like YouTube, the transactional video-on-demand (TVODs) for example, iTunes and of fast-developing importance the subscription video-on-demand services (SVODs) like Amazon Prime and Netflix. The development of the HBO is changing the future of the television business (Havens & Lotz, 2016). Television dealers are employing windowing to engineer scarceness as well as build domestic demand to push the productions to the international geographical audience. It is really fascinating how the physical limits or lack thereof of the medium affects how people watch and the making of the shows. The television history has remained comparatively stagnant until around 15 years ago.

The last decade has been mind-boggling as a result of technology. Contrary to whatever the headlines frequently advocate, the internet or rather the broadband distribution has not originated to kill the television, but instead, it is drastically improving it. The internet television distributors provide a much-needed new returns stream to traditional networks through paying them much cash to use the shows. It disseminates high-quality content of television needed to the woo viewers and is slowly re-acculturating expectations of how to experience the TV: that you need not watch at a particular time and interrupted with commercials.

Technological and Economic Factors That Have Driven Changes in Windowing

The worldwide television business is in the middle of a digital revolution. The online videos are spreading like wildfire, allowing customers to watch all they want at any time, at times leaving the television out of the equation entirely. Networks, with a long legacy of linear programming, are fighting to remain relevant. Content fabricators are scrambling to make hit shows possible to support networks and the digital aggregators to differentiate themselves as well as capitalise on changing consumer preferences. The television business has an extensive history of incremental advancement: black-and-white to color, large boxes reduced into flat screens, three channels ballooned into 300 channels, networks prepared the room for satellite and cable, and currently, all three are creating an opportunity for mobile and online platforms.

The technological revolution is a constant characteristic in media industries and businesses have adapted tactics to deal with convergence (the usage, right across media industries and in all phases of production together with the distribution of content of interactive digital technologies) and the evolution of the internet. Such technologies have impelled on the growth of varying forms of material, for example, joining video with text, and including interactivity as well as multiple layers, and the growth of converged devices such as media players and mobile phone. Approval of common digital technologies impacts on content and delivery as well as the operational and business tactics of media and distribution organisations (Havens & Lotz, 2016). Television is transforming in such a way it is difficult to think of linear broadcasting as separate from other methods of distribution like the internet and mobile. A much higher emphasis in the TV industry is on multi-platform audience engagement. Increased risk of digital piracy was also a significant force in the change.

Of the significant defining characteristics of newscast content in economics is 'public good' quality, the point that intake by a single person does not lessen its distribution to others, thus the drive to accept a 360-degree tactic to production and distribution of content makes economic logic. Multi-platform supply exploits the public good features of media material and allows considerably greater commercial utilisation of the intellectual property assets through added distribution channels at reasonably low marginal cost. The economies of scale are driving the television industry to adopt the multi-platforms of distribution.

Potential Risks and Rewards of Changes in Windowing

The obvious rewards from varying distribution through numerous channels are better economies of scale and scope. Windowing is helping businesses to connect with customers better. However, piracy is a constant risk. Piracy has reduced the optimum inter-release interval periods.

The Future of the Windowing of the Television Content

Television entertainment, specifically old broadcast TV, is transforming because of the big as well as fast-growing internet and the over-the-top (OTT) film platforms. The OTT unlocks three transformational changes: time shifting, place shifting, and space shifting. Shortly, the new patterns of customer behavior supported by new technology will shape the world. Universal PVR practice, broadband VoD, iPods together with other storage gadgets will lead to near instant supply windows for content through numerous territories and media, providing consumers flexible access to favorite programmes. The big television shows will progressively take part in exhibition chains (Havens & Lotz, 2016). The norm will be streaming, leading to constant shrinking release windows, mainly for non-blockbusters.


The world of entertainment has gone through an incredible change over the last decade because seismic shifts in technology that allowed many disruptors to get into the market. Some customers are cancelling television subscriptions, but many use online and mobile facilities together with their existing television service. In reaction to the development of online and mobile services and consumers' inclinations for nonlinear and video streaming, incumbents are increasingly developing new ways to compete. Businesses such as Netflix, Apple, Amazon, and are making big Hollywood studios, television networks and the traditional media channels rethink how to approach success.


Havens, T., & Lotz, A. D. (2016). Understanding media industries. Oxford University Press, Incorporated.

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