Paper Example on Wireless Home Network Setup: Securing Your Connections

Published: 2023-11-30
Paper Example on Wireless Home Network Setup: Securing Your Connections
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Technology
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1102 words
10 min read

Wireless at home simply involves a number of network integration, which are managed by the use of designed software instead of using cables. The wireless network at home is whereby an individual sets an internet connection to each and every home-based system by connecting all devices to a familiar network source, which is normally a router. In most cases, the systems are fitted with tight and reliable security control systems such as motion detectors, robot systems of security, and burglar alarm in order to make sure that there is enough security within the house (Joshi et al., 2017).

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According to Maldonado (2017), the wireless system at home is used for detecting and monitoring the presence of other people within a room or a house. This objective is reached by installing an occupancy-aware kind of a system that serves in intensifying security ion in the room by making the user alert of any people’s presence along with their specific location within the house. The system helps the home users in easily identifying strangers or even thieves in the house, which enables them to take effective actions immediately. The users are able to receive the signals not only while in the house but also while outside their homes by the use of phones or computers. Maldonado (2017) added that the wireless network systems are also used in notifying a homeowner when any kind of disturbance occurs, the appearance of an intruder, in case of the smoke alarm going off, the children arriving at home or in the house from school, during an opening of a door and sending notifications in moments when the sensors of motion detect movements which are unusual. Indoor Positioning System is used in tracking individuals within the house, particularly in areas that are not monitored by other locating techniques or methods. Additionally, home automation is capable of being used in a system installation for catering to individuals with disabilities. Considering this kind of a factor when designing and installing a wireless network at home, then the system assists in offering security as well as comfort specifically for individuals with disabilities. It can also be essential in providing an environment that is more comfortable for old people.

A homeowner connecting a system of grid control along with a smart meter helps in ensuring additional reliable control of energy, as explained by Jebroni, Afonso, and Tidhaf (2020). In fact, an intelligent grid is used in increasing energy reliability within the house by basically establishing extra reliable as well as renewable sources of energy such as solar energy. However, connecting a home network system with the available smart appliances is used by the user in achieving electricity optimum usability. Jebroni, Afonso & Tidhaf (2020) added that the user also uses the intelligent meter in monitoring the consumption behavior of the occupants of the house. Smart meter usage within the house is used in making it possible for all the occupants in the house to get a very clear picture of the manner in which they consume the electricity, and therefore, it is used in maintaining an effective energy consumption.

Additionally, a number of wireless homes make use of smoke detectors in connection with a remote internet router (Khan, 2018). These kinds of smoke detectors are normally used in detecting any fire outbreak that may arise within the house in a proper time, which helps in alerting the house occupants to take necessary actions. Installation of automatic carbon dioxide machines or detectors and are used in detecting any unusual flow of carbon dioxide as well as carbon monoxide within the house and make alerts to the users on time. The act of the user learning of the unusual gases flow in a house makes it easy to track the source of the gases and taking mitigation actions in time.

Josh et al. (2017) argued that regardless of the effective and helpful wireless network at home are; many people have been linked to generally avoid the sensors and cameras installation due to the high expenses and high technological advancement, which are accompanied by their use. However, as a result, a proposal of making the at-home wireless network unlicensed as well as affordable to all the population has been of great consideration. Lowering the installation to an amount that can be afforded by both the low and middle-class individuals can be of great help to the entire population. Also, since the operation and usage of the wireless network systems at home uses advanced technology, it is important to propose effective training on safe or secure operation at home in order to avoid the occurrence of health hazards and other harmful damages or risks at home.

According to Elsayed and Erol-Kantarci (2019), the expected future of the project is that the newest Wi-Fi 6 version will be able to transform connectivity, which will be capable of touting faster speeds along with signal strength improvement, specifically in areas which are congested. The version is expected to aid in revolutionizing existing host and emerging usage cases. This kind of technology of wireless network utilizes electromagnetic waves like those of the radios and televisions. Therefore, any wireless router will be able to allow electronic devices such as mobile phones and laptops to connect wirelessly to a network that is in use of these kinds of magnetic waves. Therefore, in the future, the project is expected to hold the capacity of improving performance within dense as well as congested areas and thus being able to make networks within the crowded areas to be up to approximately four times faster. On the other hand, within the non-public venues holding little congestion like people utilizing a Wi-Fi router with only one device, the maximum potential level of speeds is expected to be up to 40% higher with this newest version as compared to the current Wi-Fi version as added by Elsayed, & Erol-Kantarci, (2019).


Joshi, S. A., Poojari, S., Chougale, T., Shetty, S., & Sandeep, M. K. (2017, October). Home automation system using wireless network. In 2017 2nd International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems (ICCES) (pp. 803-807). IEEE.

Maldonado, M. G. R. (2017, November). Wireless Sensor Network for Smart Home Services Using Optimal Communications. In 2017 International Conference on Information Systems and Computer Science (INCISCOS) (pp. 27-32). IEEE.

Jebroni, Z., Afonso, J., & Tidhaf, B. (2020). Smart Home Energy Management System based on a Hybrid Wireless Network Architecture. EAI Endorsed Transactions on Energy Web, 7(25).

Elsayed, M., & Erol-Kantarci, M. (2019). AI-enabled future wireless networks: Challenges, opportunities, and open issues. IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine, 14(3), 70-77.

Khan, R. A. (2018). A Survey on Wired and Wireless Network. LGURJCSIT, 2(3), 19-28.

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