Essay Sample on Women and Work

Published: 2023-03-18
Essay Sample on Women and Work
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Women World War 2 Discrimination
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 848 words
8 min read

Regardless of the place of work, ladies have been seen to be engaged in work frequently, with them dominating nearly half of the positions in the workforce. Despite numerous changes from the previous decades to the present times, there are still additional issues in which ladies face while working (Beaton, 88). This paper there seeks to discuss women's workforce over the period from world war, and the challenges met periodically.

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Women's Workforce after World War 2

The military industry during the war increased, leading to an increase in the absorption of men in the military. Many unavailable jobs to women, which included jobs in places such as metal factories, aircraft plants, processing companies, were now available. These jobs were highly paid as compared to the traditional jobs referred to as 'women work' or the pink-collar jobs, which included household chores, domestic services, and teaching. Married ladies did not have opportunities to work outside their homes to decrease the competition in job opportunities.

Following the U.S involvement in the war, their government encouraged wives to get involved in the work force patriotically. In 5 years, the count of employed women increased from 26 to 36 percent, which was an increase of 5 million (Duxbury, Linda, and Christopher, 181). Women's Bureau of the Department of Labor encouraged women on their plans. After the war in consecutive years, the workforce in women rapidly grew with a huge increase in the employment of married women. In 1964 after the civil rights act was passed, women groups joined hand to push for the need to include discrimination against them based on sex; hence would result in employment increase (Glenn, 94).

Challenges Women Face in the Workforce

The Second Shift, otherwise called the Double Burden alludes to, "the outstanding task at hand of individuals who work to gain cash, and however who are likewise answerable for critical measures of unpaid residential work." This unpaid local work, to a great extent, falls upon the shoulders of ladies who work extended periods outside of the home and are additionally expected to do most of the family unit work.

Motherhood: Bosses can't separate, or make an antagonistic move against a lady based on her pregnancy. In any case, a business doesn't need to give paid maternity leave or paid leave for youngster care later on. A lady's nonappearance from work to deal with a youngster is probably going to influence her upward versatility in the working environment (Elmuti, Dean, Heather, and Henry, 174).

Equal pay act: Ladies still earn not as much as men on an average basis. Ladies are procured into low-level situations at lower pay rates, and the compensation gap gets greater the higher up ladies go. A business should direct a compensation review to decide whether a compensation gap exists. If no gaps exist, the business ought to consider unveiling that data to the workforce and the employers (Ortiz, Susan, and Vincent, 344)

Fewer Leadership Opportunities: Top degrees of the executives are as yet male overwhelmed in numerous associations. Frequently it is because of the way that the high deceivability, strategic undertakings that are profession venturing stones are allocated to men. This propensity could reflect bias-ism among leaders in the association even though women are educated nowadays and also fit the high and top positions in the managerial workforce which are well illustrated through the glass ceiling initiative

Sexual Harassment: harassment is as yet an issue in the work environment. Most cases reported by ladies are seen to involve harassment from their bosses and senior managers

In conclusion, the job of ladies of color in forming our nation's monetary and political atmosphere is getting progressively critical as national statistic patterns keep on moving toward ladies of color, turning into the larger part among all ladies. With the progressive diversity in racism with time reduction in racism and gender class in women, the workforce has greatly increased employment within a large scope of jobs

Works Cited

Beaton, Lynn. "The Importance of Women's Paid Labour: Women at Work in World War II." Worth Her Salt: Women at Work in Australia (1982): 87-91. Retrieved from

Duxbury, Linda, and Christopher Higgins. "Work-life challenges professional women face in pursuing careers." Supporting women's career advancement (2005): 174-209. Retrieved from

Elmuti, Dean, Heather Jia, and Henry H. Davis. "Challenges women face in leadership positions and organizational effectiveness: An investigation." Journal of leadership education 8.2 (2009): 167-187. Retrieved from

Glenn, Evelyn Nakano. "Racial ethnic women's labor: The intersection of race, gender, and class oppression." Review of radical political economics 17.3 (1985): 86-108. Retrieved from

Ortiz, Susan Y., and Vincent J. Roscigno. "Discrimination, women, and work: Processes and variations by race and class." The Sociological Quarterly 50.2 (2009): 336-359. Retrieved from

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