Womens suffrage

Published: 2017-09-06
Womens suffrage
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Female History United States Feminism
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1478 words
13 min read

Womens suffrage

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Women suffrage is the right of womenfolk to vote (McCarthy, 2014). All over the world at different times in the past, women have undergone much oppression regarding voting. At times, they were barred from voting as they were taken to make poor decisions. Womens suffrage regarding the United States is an issue that can easily be deliberated as a black mark on its history (Frost-Knappman & Cullen-DuPont, 2005). The all-inclusive antiquity of the right of voting for women takes numerous turns and twists but finally turned out to be alright. The essay, therefore, will seek to illustrate these turns and twists along with specific major figures convoluted in the womenfolk suffrage movement.

People during these times, viewed womenfolk as citizens only to definite aspects of which, it did not comprise the right of women to vote (McConnaughy, 2013). Landowners are the ones who had the right to vote, or it was passed down political power. Women were taken to be inferior. Men were taken to be stronger and without them, the country would be nowhere. At those times, some people even suggested that males were automatically stronger than women only by the fact that they had a penis (McCarthy, 2014). Males who happened to be castrated would ultimately be weaker, and consequently, he would not have Virile qualities. As it is known, the reproductive organ of the male lacks in women and therefore women automatically were inferior ( Graham & Dolton, 2014).

On another part, people felt that the women already had their responsibilities. The responsibility of the womenfolk was to be by the side of her spouse and give birth to kids.The responsibilities that came with giving birth to offspring were to teach and nurse the kids and also make sure that the farmhouse is arranged for the head. With this, the women did not have time, therefore, to vote or think about the current issues. The voting idea about womens did not suit in the most commons minds (Frost-Knappman & Cullen-DuPont, 2005).

Different opinions regarding what the work of populaces in a country is have been offered by most people (Graham & Dolton, 2014). Some do view an individual as a citizen when they get involved within the community. Others view citizens as those people who are allowed to vote to make a difference within our community. Some do think that citizens must own a piece of land. In whichever way, the opinion is that persons require having a part within the community.

Smith (2013) showed a precisely constrained interpretation on womens nationality. Within his piece, the inferiority of womenfolk physically, morally and intellectually is brought out. He brings out his opinions that womenfolk have no motive whatsoever to be existent other than within the family and couple. He adds by saying that womenfolk should just stay around and not barricade into our societies. The utmost all-encompassing opinion of womens suffrage is brought out by Jeanne Derion. Within her opinion, she felt that time had come for ending the denial of the rights of women. She thought that the motives of locking womenfolk out of political issues and voting by our forefathers were over and through with (McConnaughy, 2013). The time had passed, and now the womenfolk ought to be permitted into nationality and be appreciated just as equivalent as men (American Woman Suffrage Association, 2009).

The Background of Womens Suffrage

The first documented instance in the history of America where a female demanded a right of voting was in the year 1647. A property proprietor in Maryland by the name Margret Brent sought a total of two votes within the newly formed regal assembly to epitomize her vote and by voting for Lord Baltimore with whom she apprehended power of attorney (Graham & Dolton, 2014). Her demands were eventually turned down by the governor. In New Jersey at 1790 at, the constitution allowed the female property possessors a right to poll through the ambiguity that indicated that all residents that qualified to meet the residence and property regulations could vote.

In 1807, the ambiguity was closed by the state representative that had nearly lost the poll due to the womenfolks voting bloc. Further than these isolated instances, the first systematized womenfolk suffrage crusade can be tracked back to the Seneca Falls resolution of the mid-1800s (American Woman Suffrage Association, 2009).

Key Members of the movement.

The systematized crusade started at new yolk Seneca Falls with a conference called by Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Candy Stanton (Risk, 2014). Both females received their fright in the womenfolks suffrage crusade by being dynamic within the abolitionist crusade. Mott and Stanton appeared at the global Ant-Slavery concord of 1840 at London where they were denied seats for the virtue of being female (Graham & Dolton, 2014). After this happening, the two females sighted a link amongst the predicament of a slave and the handling of womenfolk within the United States.

The womenfolks crusade took a back bench to the servitude movement at the American civic war as the womenfolk spun their devotion to toiling through the war (Fulkerson, 2013). After the warfare was over, however, the womenfolks movement thought that they were in a better position to winning some important battles due to the work they did in the war and also due to the attention paid at the time of equality between male and female. It was not to be the case as the Republicans in authority alleged that womenfolks suffrage would be indignant their likelihoods to push the privileges of unfettered slaves onwards due to the ubiquitous unpopularity of womenfolks rights (McCarthy, 2014).

The aftermath of the warfare was that the womenfolks movement fragmented into two competing groups with Susan Anthony and Stanton founding the NWSA (National Womans Suffrage Association) and Julia Howe Ward and Lucy Stone founding the AWSA (American Womans Suffrage Association)( Graham & Dolton, 2014). NWSA never supported the passing of the 15th amendment as it never supported the giving of equality to womenfolk and also the blacks but otherwise fought against its passing as the upshot. AWSA buttressed the amendment and furthermore sought to battle for the womenfolks rights within the states discretely (Smith, 2013). The two actions eventually reunited in 1890 and became NAWSA (National American Woman Suffrage Association) with the leader being Susan Anthony (Fulkerson, 2013). It was in 1900 when Catt Chapman Carrie took over (McConnaughy, 2013). Carrie was central in the stratagem to drudgery for womenfolks suffrage on in cooperation with the state and federal level after her re-election to the presidency in 1915. NAWSA steered to another offshoot split amongst the group controlled by Paul Alice, who alleged the foremost impetus of the match desired to be engrossed at the national level and the NAWSA group (The Fight for Women's Suffrage in Great Britain and the United States, 2011).

Equal Rights Plus their effects on culture.

At the summer of 1920, the womenfolks movement finally paid off with the endorsement of the19th amendment (Frost-Knappman & Cullen-DuPont, 2005). The Congress in 1915 first procured the issue but was lost in voting and was deferred for nearly three years (American Woman Suffrage Association, 2009).

At the time of voting, President Wilson prepared an extensively broadcasted plea for the passage of the bill, it was mealy approved with the needed majority of two-thirds. The bill was unsuccessful in the Senate even after the plea from Wilson. It was voted miserably twice but came to pass immediately before the slated presidential election for 1920. It was on the 4 of June 1919 when the Senate voted for the passage of the bill thereby securing womenfolks rights (McConnaughy, 2013). The 19th amendment effects can be realized ubiquitously throughout the US. More females are now holding public offices and as at now even, a woman is running for the presidential nomination within the Democrats.

Women are now balloting amazingly knowing that at one point, men controlled their aptitude to vote (Frost-Knappman & Cullen-DuPont, 2005). As at now, people are admiring the valiantly of the womenfolk who brawled for change and what was lawfully theirs and also for the valiantly of the males who did the right thing through permitting the females to have equal rights.


American Woman Suffrage Association. (2009).

Florey, K. (2013). Women's Suffrage Memorabilia : An Illustrated Historical Study. Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers.

Frost-Knappman, E., & Cullen-DuPont, K. (2005). Women's Suffrage in America. New York: Facts on File, Inc.

Fulkerson, D. (2013). O'Dea, Suzanne. From Suffrage to the Senate: America's Political Women; An Encyclopedia of Leaders, Causes & Issues. Library Journal, (11). 112.

Graham, A., & Dolton, P. F. (2014). Women's Suffrage Movement. Reference & User Services Quarterly, 54(2), 31-36.

McCarthy, T. M. (2014). Woman Suffrage and Irish Nationalism: ethnic appeals and alliances in America. Women's History Review, 23(2), 188.

McConnaughy, C. M. (2013). The Woman Suffrage Movement in America : A Reassessment. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Risk, S. M. (2014). The Woman Suffrage Movement in America: A Reassessment. Political Science Quarterly, (4), 731.

Smith, B. (2013). From Suffrage to the Senate; America's Political Women: An Encyclopedia of Leaders, Causes, & Issues. 3rd ed. Booklist, (1). 59.

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