Working in Paradise - Free Essay about Google Campus

Published: 2022-02-18
Working in Paradise - Free Essay about Google Campus
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Google Organizational culture
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 605 words
6 min read

'A day working at Google is like a day spent in an impeccable utopia', this is the words of an employee in the Google campus, this is what many of the employees at the company believe. Many of their staff members consider themselves to be given the right to be flexible, handled with trust, valued, taken care of and respected by their employers. Another belief is that every Google employee has the will to work there and they focus on the task at hand with no politics at play when choosing the person to work with. This must be the reason the 'Fortune Magazine' declared them as the best company to work for back in 2007. Having 11 gourmet restaurants in the office serving free food, a free gym with state of the art equipment, a barbershop, car wash, pool tables, swimming pools and volleyball courts available in the premises for employees (Love, 2011). This study will show how the Google company has a unique culture, by asking ourselves if the culture will last and also pointing out the not so positive side of the company plus looking at how they train their workers.

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The Google campus is found in Mountain View California, with Google receiving over 3000 applications daily. With all these amenities Google enjoys job loyalty from their employees and high productivity, by enjoying huge margins from record profits. Google founders, Larry Paige, and Sergey Brinn seem to be certain that hierarchy and big gigantic teams are bad trusting that small inventive groups that are highly elastic and inspired are the core features that make up their intimate culture. Various critics of the company have stated that the only challenge for the company's shareholders might be the rate at which its growing and the how the government might not be able to stop it in the future. Looking back at their humble beginnings, founders Larry and Sergey met in Stanford while working for their PhDs in computer science in 1995, there were initially running it from their dorm rooms. Until it became too big for their dormitory rooms and had to commercialize it, by asking for an investment from their professor David Cheriton who later gave them a 100000 dollars cheque. Starting out in someone's garage progressing to Pato Alto later moved to Mountain View where they now reside.

We have a lot from Google now let's look at the dark side of the company by looking at the indignities faced by the corporation. In 2010 a Bloomberg report transpired and showed Google together with other companies were using loopholes that were legal to avoid paying the 'U.S Treasury' income taxes that were billions of dollars. The report stated that Google saved three billion dollars for the past 3 years, with Google paying a 2.4 percent tax rate on overseas profits. Google has also been linked with privacy problems, where they have software that collects personal data from their users through cookies and store it in their hardware. It has been rumored that it has detailed dossiers from all customers. One former CIA agent stating that Google is working with the U.S government thus liaising with the CIA (Tene, 2008). With their motto, "Don't be evil" Google has outlined that in the coming years any information will be available to anybody and everybody. The company claims that their 'Wisdom Lessons' brings purpose, meaning, and wisdom to technology and social media corporations.


Love, L. F., & Singh, P. (2011). Workplace branding: Leveraging human resources management practices for competitive advantage through "Best Employer" surveys. Journal of Business and Psychology, 26(2), 175.

Tene, O. (2008). What Google knows: Privacy and internet search engines. Utah L. Rev., 1433.

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