Essay Example: Your Culture - Your Identity

Published: 2022-10-04
Essay Example: Your Culture - Your Identity
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Culture
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 551 words
5 min read

People perceive life differently. In society today, as it was in the past people, perceived life as an underdog expecting a lot from life which later turns against their expectations as it is brought out clearly in the book The Practice of Everyday Life by De Certeau. In the quest for self-satisfaction and much hope from living human beings have to interrelate and coexist with other people to realize their set goals. In so doing the strength of their relationships with others is most determined by their social behaviors such as self- accountability, determination and personal power. Therefore, the space of agency that needs to be filled by humans is most determined by their interaction with the rest of the world both to living and non- living environment. Culture is considered as the principal thing in as far as the behavior, and the social life of someone is concerned because it shapes one's morals and gives a sense of direction in life.

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Strong social practices and relationships are considered to be in between spaces of movement in that they open up areas of change that propel one towards achieving something. The area which is taken as a force that pulls people together to cooperate and work together is considered to be both ethical and rational and should, therefore, be surrounded by actions and deeds.A person with freedom an innovative mind and actions will therefore not fill the space around him because every chance for him /her is an opportunity to interact with new things and ideas and eventually come up with a result.Freedom, creations, and deeds give one a chance to explore the environment and interact with it in all dimensions without actually feeling the space, but instead one can position him/herself successfully in all environments

Plurality and togetherness enable people to bring together different ideas and share knowledge from various sources which at the same time allows them to access further information. The city offers a chance of interacting with both new and all from all spheres of life. Therefore, it's the ideal place where one can acquire information and knowledge about various things in society. Every chance of interacting with the people offers a possibility of getting and adding extra value to one's mind when one walks and interact with the people he/she gets knowledge in different styles. The residences of the people are paradoxically compared with the places where people do not exist while the deserted places have been compared to slums in that many people do not have any positive impact whatsoever in their environments to an extent that the desolate places are better because they have not been ruined or polluted by the so non- value-adding people.

Generally, most cultures shape the way of life of their people, and even though they have some myths, they are essential as they determine the identity of someone in that community. People have to make hard choices to decide on which culture to take follow and the eventual benefits they will gain from the same at the end. Your lifestyle is what identifies you.

Work Cited

Alvermann, Donna E., et al. Popular culture in the classroom: Teaching and researching critical media literacy. Routledge, 2018.

Riddell, Sheila, and Nick Watson. Disability, culture, and identity. Routledge, 2014.

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