Youth Mental Health: Strategic Management Challenges& Lack of Health Care Providers - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-11-30
Youth Mental Health: Strategic Management Challenges& Lack of Health Care Providers - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Health and Social Care Healthcare Mental health
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 727 words
7 min read


The youths are at a higher risk of struggling with mental illness since they are prone to using illegal drugs. It makes them experience psychological problems, and thus this results in admitting them in a health facility for them to be given medical care. However, the health facilities face some challenges that lead to the provision of low-quality health care to the youths.

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Strategic Management Challenges

Lack of Health Care Providers

Most of the youth facilities face challenges like a shortage of health care providers. Due to this challenge, it has resulted in many issues like delay in treatment, which has led to the youths in the mental facility receiving inadequate medical care and low patient satisfaction. When this challenge progresses, it leads to poor patient outcomes and increased costs (Dunne et al., 2017). With also the increasing number of youths getting admitted to health facilities because of mental health problems that may arise due to addiction, the number of health care providers providing health care services in the mental facility is not enough to take care of the increasing demand for health care provision.

Lack of Financial Resources

Most of the youths in the mental health facility may lack financial resources, and this prevents them from seeking aid. Also, others lack who are admitted to the health facility lack financial resources, and this leads to them seeking incomplete medical care and treatment (Dunne et al., 2017). With the lack of financial resources, health, which leads to an increase in debts, insurance, and financial assistance, cannot fully cover the patient's medical care. This is because the programs are costly; this includes regular therapies and intensive treatment programs.

Separation of Psychotherapy Notes

The youth mental facilities face challenges such as the psychologists and health care providers may face difficulty in separating notes that are undertaken during therapies (Kumm et al., 2019). For example, some facilities may combine both group and private therapy session notes for all clients and therefore makes it difficult for one to meet the billing requirements.

How One's Health Facility Has Addressed these Challenges

Psychotherapy Notes

One's health facility has implemented the use of separate and specific documentation that is tied to the patient's treatment plan, and this will make it easier for one to follow up the patient and provide holistic health care to the patient (Kumm et al., 2019). It will also make it easier for one to document and conduct the billing, thus preventing the health facility from incurring significant losses.


In order to manage the issue of finance, one's health facility has implemented on reducing the stay of patients in the facility after they have fully recovered. Also, the health facility would reduce the number of admissions on patients who can be easily managed in the outpatients (Mora Ringle et al., 2019). The termination of programs that do not aid the health facility would be terminated since they cause the piling of debts (Dunne et al., 2017). By terminating those programs, the company will use the balance to track individuals who are not well treated and that they require medical aid.

Health Care Providers

To manage the issue of shortage of health care providers in the mental facility (Kumm et al., 2019). The hospital will have to employ and increase the number of health care providers. It includes increasing the number of nurses, psychiatrists, and others.


Youths face challenges when they get admitted to hospital settings due to the low management strategies that have been reinforced. However, when strategic measures are put in place, such as increasing the number of health care providers, management of the hospital finance, and resources effectively together with separately documenting of the psychotherapy notes, will lead to ensuring that the hospital provides for the youths effectively.


Dunne, T., Bishop, L., Avery, S., & Darcy, S. (2017). A review of effective youth engagement strategies for mental health and substance use interventions. Journal of Adolescent Health, 60(5), 487-512.

Kumm, S., Maggin, D., Brown, C., & Talbott, E. (2019). A meta-analytic review of mental health interventions targeting youth with internalizing disorders in juvenile justice facilities. Residential Treatment for Children & Youth, 36(3), 235-256.

Mora Ringle, V. A., Scott Hickey, J., & Jensen-Doss, A. (2019). undefined. Children and Youth Services Review, 96, 194-203.

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Youth Mental Health: Strategic Management Challenges& Lack of Health Care Providers - Essay Sample. (2023, Nov 30). Retrieved from

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