Organic Foods Stores Essay Sample

Published: 2018-03-18
Organic Foods Stores Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Food
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 749 words
7 min read

What is organic food

Considering the consumers and employees views in Europe Organic Markets at various stages of maturity, this study was conducted. The rationale of this study was to compare the markets in Europe Organic Markets concerning the relative stability of the demand decrease concerning organic food products at various household and aggregate levels. Dimara (2005) outlines the dynamic underlying current and past customer demand conditions, the demand only provides one side of the picture while seeking to formulate and assess scenarios, a task of which in this preliminary reports is for identification for many ranges of factors which according to Best Customers (2015), may influence the market progression in various ways.

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A method of analyzing the actual patterns of the consumer demand decrease for the organic foods is based on qualitative data collected from consumers and employees in the company’s stores located in Denmark, UK and Italy. This assessment is a significant development of the Organic Food Market in the European countries which was undertaken by a scenario analysis which as marketing directors I have outlined data in reference to the Quality Low Input Food (QLIF) inclusive of other external experts.

Qualitative Data

Conduction of a household and personal food practices in a long time have been explored deeply through a means of recording some personal interviews with stores employees of 54 households which is implemented in every case through participants involvement of shopping trips who are followed for further interviews. Considering these views to cross validation and triangulation of information, interviews were undertaken involving close store customers; the shopping trips were recorded using an inconspicuous device.

The interview were focused on the formulation of conceptions, practices and preference regarding the organic cooking and narrative accounts considering the character of schedules or people who were influenced in decisions to influence the purchase of products leading to decrease of customer demand (Best Customers, 2015). Changes in mind takes place over sometime considering a conceptual framework of a particular designated manner of an interview schedule, thematic analysis and coding guidance was observed (An Analysis of Business Framework in identifying Customer Driven Demand Discovery, 2015). An inclusion criteria of recruiting potential subjected of customers aged 25-69 years, which is exclusive or shared responsibility of household shopping, involvement in the quality of foods which is a measure of the cut-off points on the standardized involvement scale.

A quota sampling method was formulated considering the participants on residence, gender, households, shopping venue and the frequency of shopping at the stores. Half of the subjects in every European country were from the capital city and half from the average town center which was explained regarding the national geographical data plan. Men accumulated an approximate of a third of the selected subjects in the national sample whereby every case considered at least 4 of the types below; young adults, single persons, adults with children and older couples of 55 years and above. The percentage of these subjects was actually shopped in supermarkets than our stores which were weighted to reflect the accepted shopping patterns in every country. However the percentages were high in Denmark and Italy with 85% and 50% respectively.

The samples comprised of 3 groups as follows;

I. Regular users (N=8) which purchased the organic product in one or more of the organic products in the stores in every week.

II. Occasional users (N=6) who purchased one or more of the products less often than a week and never bought the products in every week.

III. Non-users (N=4) never bought the organic products in the stores.

Report of Findings

A report to the executive leadership team was influenced by the qualitative data collection method where a scenario analysis was issued. This is used to identify and delineate a couple of possible futures where each is plausible but not assured to a purpose of being visualized, evaluate or described. A standard managerial approach was conducted and adopted in the present circumstance whereby it focuses the analysis on subjective judgments and assessments. There reference of the starting point of the analysis was the current status of decrease of the customer demand in the organic stores.


An Analysis of Business Framework in identifying Customer Driven Demand Discovery. (2015). International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), 4(12), pp.959-963.

Best Customers. (2015). Amityville: New Strategist Press, LLC.

Dimara, E. and Skuras, D. (2005). Consumer demand for informative labeling of quality food and drink products: a European Union case study. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 22(2), pp.90-100.

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Organic Foods Stores Essay Sample. (2018, Mar 18). Retrieved from

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